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[Nuxeo-widgets] airy snipe

From: Sara Doyle
Subject: [Nuxeo-widgets] airy snipe
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:17:41 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Listen for the rattling call of a Belted Kingfisher as it flies out over the water, looking for a fish.
Others dive under the water, using their feet and occasionally their wings for propulsion.
Its skillful hunting is enhanced by exceptional sight and acute hearing.
Loss of habitat, plus competition by non-native birds, caused their drastic decline.
The Yellow-rumped Warbler, probably mid-way through its fall migration, is unafraid.
Sitting about three feet tall, this majestic bird has a wingspan of more than six feet.
Ravens often travel in pairs, while crows are seen in larger groups.
By July, many young robins have left the nest, or fledged. This astute aerial predator stands a little more than six and a half inches tall, from its sharp-clawed feet to its stubby, ear-like tufts. Should it go down headfirst or tailfirst?
At this time of year, young birds are leaving their nests.
The female incubates the eggs, while the male brings food to her. Like most birds, these sparrows enjoy a daily bath.
Learning to forage takes practice. By July, many young robins have left the nest, or fledged. And that day is arriving earlier each year. A close look at this Red Crossbill reveals a curious adaptation. Remember when you were a young Saturday morning birdwatcher, learning the intricate lessons of predator-prey relationships?
When they first leave the nest, young birds are especially vulnerable to cats.
Crows are ferocious and fearless parents.
Loss of habitat, plus competition by non-native birds, caused their drastic decline. Because cell towers stretch high above surrounding trees and buildings, they sometimes offer perfect nesting sites for Ospreys, large brown and white birds of prey.
This is the only North American raptor to feed exclusively on fish. Although these swallows often nest as single pairs in cavities or nesting boxes, both adults and juveniles now gather on electrical wires by the dozens, socializing before they migrate.
Although these swallows often nest as single pairs in cavities or nesting boxes, both adults and juveniles now gather on electrical wires by the dozens, socializing before they migrate.
Pudgy, social, chatty, and ubiquitous, the House Sparrow has adapted to living in cities, suburbs, and rural areas.

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