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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] nss-mysql on debian stable

From: Mario Ohnewald
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] nss-mysql on debian stable
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 15:21:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

Jason Clifford wrote:

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Mario Ohnewald wrote:

I dont know what i did, but it started to talk to auth.log now :)
I get this error:
nss-mysql[24100]: setent(1): mysql_query failed: Access denied for user: 'address@hidden' to database 'nss_mysql'

i ran tcpdump port 3306 on interface lo and eth0, but there is no mysql traffic. I am wondering where it tries to connect to.

I'd expect it to connect via the local socket interface rather than a network interface.

Check that you have authorised the nss user in mysql to connect from localhost.

The mysql database is running on a diffrent box, orgininally.
It works with a local DB.

Thankd for your support, Mario

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