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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] lil' choke in nss_mysql 0.43

From: Guillaume Morin
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] lil' choke in nss_mysql 0.43
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 10:53:07 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hi Frédéric,

Dans un message du 10 May à 19:29, Frédéric Trudeau écrivait :
> I have made a mistake adding two users with the same UID in the user
> table.  Here is what I get in the logs.
> May 10 20:31:25 mobius nss-mysql[18940]: Warning: lookup returned
> 134544120 rows, I was expecting just 1.
> 134544120  rows ? Wonder why, since I only got 9 records so far =)

Oops, you're right. I fixed that in the CVS.


Guillaume Morin <address@hidden>

 I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds.
                                (Philip K. Dick)

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