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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] Little problem

From: Guillaume Morin
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] Little problem
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 14:53:25 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i


Dans un message du 24 mar à 14:34, Dragiša Duri? écrivait :
> Mar 24 14:29:00 lara nss-mysql[4581]: (root) CMD (su -c
> "/usr/local/share/sqwebmail/cleancache.pl" bin)
> Mar 24 14:30:01 lara nss-mysql[4604]: (root) CMD (su -c
> "/usr/local/share/sqwebmail/cleancache.pl" bin)
> Mar 24 14:30:01 lara nss-mysql[4606]: (root) CMD (/root/watchdog-BL.sh)
> Mar 24 14:30:01 lara nss-mysql[4608]: (root) CMD (/root/watchdog-BC.sh)
> Mar 24 14:30:01 lara nss-mysql[4610]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/mrtg
> /etc/mrtg/mrtg-zvornik.cfg)
> What is causing these and can it be fixed somehow?

Actually, these messagesa re not generated by nss-mysql itself but
likely by cron. You seee the "nss-mysal" prefix because nss-mysql has
printed a message in the past and cron has not reset its syslog prefix.
You should just dig in the log for the first nss-mysql entry and fix the

Restarting cron should remove nss-mysql prefix.


Guillaume Morin <address@hidden>

         If you want the answers, you'd better get ready for the fire
                               (System of a Down)

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