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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] Is nss-mysql still being developed?

From: Guillaume Morin
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] Is nss-mysql still being developed?
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 02:14:06 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Dans un message du 14 déc à 10:41, Ian Millsom écrivait :
> Yes. I have even enabled the debug to output to /tmp.
> The output of this is as follows:
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_is_bracketed: EXIT (FALSE)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_is_bracketed: ENTER
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_is_bracketed: EXIT (FALSE)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_get_section: EXIT (NSS_NOTFOUND)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_load_config_file: EXIT (NSS_SUCCESS)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_validate_servers: ENTER
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_validate_servers: EXIT (FALSE)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_load_config: EXIT (NSS_UNAVAIL)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_lookup: EXIT (NSS_UNAVAIL)
> [31838]: _nss_mysql_initgroups_dyn: EXIT (NSS_UNAVAIL)

You're not using the NSS module I wrote. If you want to use it, download
it from http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/nss-mysql

Guillaume Morin <address@hidden>

                              I wish you were here

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