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[Nsl-development] and fall away in p

From: Tarallo
Subject: [Nsl-development] and fall away in p
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 12:35:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)

only spoke the truth. She had completely subdued my will by her
fascinations, and though I hated and, in private, ridiculed all
supernatural dealings, I was prepared to try the wildest experiments at
her bidding. The trial of my obedience arrived sooner than I
anticipated. Immediately after luncheon next day Irene made a sign to me
to follow her into the garden. "All is ready!" she exclaimed, with great
excitement. "To-night will see us successful or for ever lost!" "What do
you mean?" I inquired, dubiously; for it did not sound a very cheery
prospect. "I mean that all things point to a hasty solution of the great
problem. To-night the planets are propitious, and with your help the
chain of communication will be at last complete. Oh, my Beloved! my toil
and waiting has not been all in vain!" "Well, what do you want me to
do?" I said, rather sulkily. "Mind, it mustn't be this evening, because
Mrs. Maitland has a lot of people coming to dinner, and we can't
possibly leave the drawing-room." "The crisis will be at midnight in the
ruined chapel," observed Irene, as if she were stating the most ordinary
fact; "but you must meet me an hour before to make all sure."
"Preposterous!" I exclaimed; "it's quite out of the question. Wander
about the garden at midnight indeed! What would people say if they saw
us?" "Do you imagine that I allow myself to be influenc

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