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Re: [Nmh-workers] m_getfld

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] m_getfld
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:06:33 -0600

Paul V. wrote:

> i'm taking that as approval by people who will variously do the work of:
> 1. getting all non-rfc822-reading callers of m_getfld() to call
> something else;

That shouldn't be a blocker, see next point.

> 2. removing any m_getfld code that was just for those callers, even if
> it means removing arguments from all other calls to m_getfld;

I don't believe that there is any such code.

> 3. teaching m_getfld to never try to go behind the veil of stdio's api;
> 4. teaching m_getfld to stop optimizing for the vax pcc.

Would it make sense to toss it all and use mmap()?
Conceptually, it doesn't seem like a difficult problem to
parse header fields and maybe a body and just hand back a
pair of pointers and the state indication.


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