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RFC: pruning some syntaxes

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: RFC: pruning some syntaxes
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 12:07:33 +0200
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Hi all,

Currently nano ships with 44 syntax files, that all get installed by default
into /usr/share/nano.  But some of these syntaxes are not generally useful,
in my opinion.

So, I propose to add a subdirectory "extra/" to the syntax directory, and move
some of the syntaxes there.

1) debian.nanorc, gentoo.nanorc, and spec.nanorc -- these syntax files are
specific to certain distros and it makes no sense to install them by default
on other distros.  The package maintainers of the relevant distros will have
to add a rule to their build script to copy the distro-specific syntax from

2) pov.nanorc -- very few people will be using povray files, and when comparing
the syntax file to what midnight commander has, it appears far from complete.

Further I propose to remove mgp.nanorc altogether as it hardly contains 
and to rename mutt.nanorc to email.nanorc (and rename the syntax to "email" too,
and add some rules for coloring "From:" and "Date" and "Subject:" lines).


Also, having an extra/ subdir allows us to ship some more syntaxes in the 
without burdening the default install with them.  For which languages should 
ship a syntax file?

As nano is a simple text editor, I think it should have a syntax for Markdown
files.  Who uses Markdown and can contribute a syntax for it?


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