Desired behavior: When given a command line argument (perhaps -] or -m?) or a nanorc option (perhaps "brackets" or "matchbrackets"), do "live" bracket matching. That is, immediately when the user types a close bracket (maybe an open brackets, too?), we try to find its matching open bracket. If it is found and on screen, highlight the bracket (ideally, briefly, meaning one second or when the next character is typed, whichever is faster). If it is found off screen, output a status bar message with the line that matched. If it is not found, output the "No matching bracket" message. Implementation: Add winio.c: void highlight_char(filestruct *fileptr, int y, int x) which highlights the character at x, y if it is on screen. wechochar(WINDOW *win, chtype ch) is what to use instead of waddch/wrefresh. Add search.c: void do_flash_bracket(void) which duplicates a bunch of the code from do_find_bracket() to find the matching bracket, if any, but instead of going there, just flashes it (or displays the match or lack thereof in the status bar). Details: displayed match should always include the matching paren (we should try to truncate the displayed line appropriately if this wouldn't happen). Add global flag to enable this behavior, and recognize the command line argument or nanorc option to turn the flag on.