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[myexperiment-hackers] [2924] branches: creating branch for recent API c

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2924] branches: creating branch for recent API changes
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 06:28:39 -0500 (EST)

2012-02-03 06:28:38 -0500 (Fri, 03 Feb 2012)

Log Message

creating branch for recent API changes

Modified Paths

Added Paths

Removed Paths


Modified: branches/api/Rakefile (2921 => 2924)

--- trunk/Rakefile	2012-01-26 13:24:17 UTC (rev 2921)
+++ branches/api/Rakefile	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -176,3 +176,16 @@
+desc 'Dump REST spreadsheet to yaml'
+task "myexp:api:yaml" do
+  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'
+  tables = TABLES.clone
+  tables.keys.each do |key|
+    tables[key] = tables[key][:data]
+  end
+  puts tables.to_yaml

Deleted: branches/api/app/controllers/api_controller.rb (2921 => 2924)

--- trunk/app/controllers/api_controller.rb	2012-01-26 13:24:17 UTC (rev 2921)
+++ branches/api/app/controllers/api_controller.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# myExperiment: app/controllers/api.rb
-# Copyright (c) 2007 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
-# See license.txt for details.
-require 'rexml/document'
-require 'base64'
-require 'lib/rest'
-class ApiController < ApplicationController
-  def process_request
-    # all responses from the API are in XML
-    response.content_type = "application/xml"
-    user = current_user
-    auth = request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]
-    if auth and auth.starts_with?("Basic ")
-      credentials = Base64.decode64(auth.sub(/^Basic /, '')).split(':')
-      user = User.authenticate(credentials[0], credentials[1])
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Failed to authenticate") if user.nil?
-    end
-    method = request.method.to_s.upcase
-    uri    = params[:uri]
-    # "current token: #{current_token.inspect}"
-    # "current user: #{}"
-    # "method: #{method}"
-    # "uri: #{uri}"
-    return rest_response(400) if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri].nil? 
-    return rest_response(400) if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method].nil?
-    rules = TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]
-    # validate id and version query options
-    case rules['Allow id']
-      when 'required'
-        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Must specify an id") if request.query_parameters['id'].nil?
-      when 'no'
-        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot specify an id") if request.query_parameters['id']
-    end
-    case rules['Allow version']
-      when 'required'
-        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Must specify a version") if request.query_parameters['version'].nil?
-      when 'no'
-        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot specify a version") if request.query_parameters['version']
-    end
-    # key check - if an oauth access token is in use, this means that we must
-    # only allow requests where explicit permission has been given
-    if current_token
-      requested_permission = "#{method} #{uri}"
-      permission_found     = false
-      current_token.client_application.permissions.each do |permission|
-        permission_found = true if permission.for == requested_permission
-      end
-      return rest_response(403, :reason => "OAuth token does not grant sufficient permission for this action") if permission_found == false
-    end  
-    case rules['Type']
-      when 'index'; doc = rest_index_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
-      when 'crud';  doc = rest_crud_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
-      when 'call';  doc = rest_call_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
-      else;         return rest_response(500, :reason => "Unknown REST table type")
-    end
-  end

Copied: branches/api/app/controllers/api_controller.rb (from rev 2923, trunk/app/controllers/api_controller.rb) (0 => 2924)

--- branches/api/app/controllers/api_controller.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/api/app/controllers/api_controller.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# myExperiment: app/controllers/api.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2007 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
+# See license.txt for details.
+require 'base64'
+require 'lib/rest'
+class ApiController < ApplicationController
+  def process_request
+    rest_response = process_request_aux
+    case params[:format]
+    when "xml"
+      response.content_type = "application/xml"
+      render(:xml => rest_response[:xml].to_s, :status => rest_response[:status])
+    when "json"
+      response.content_type = "application/json"
+      render(:text => produce_json(rest_response[:xml]))
+    end
+  end
+  def produce_json(doc)
+    def aux(element)
+      result = {}
+      debugger
+        element.
+      result
+    end
+    aux(doc.root).to_json
+  end
+  def process_request_aux
+    user = current_user
+    auth = request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]
+    if auth and auth.starts_with?("Basic ")
+      credentials = Base64.decode64(auth.sub(/^Basic /, '')).split(':')
+      user = User.authenticate(credentials[0], credentials[1])
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Failed to authenticate") if user.nil?
+    end
+    method = request.method.to_s.upcase
+    uri    = params[:uri]
+    # "current token: #{current_token.inspect}"
+    # "current user: #{}"
+    # "method: #{method}"
+    # "uri: #{uri}"
+    return rest_response(400) if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri].nil? 
+    return rest_response(400) if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method].nil?
+    rules = TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]
+    # validate id and version query options
+    case rules['Allow id']
+      when 'required'
+        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Must specify an id") if request.query_parameters['id'].nil?
+      when 'no'
+        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot specify an id") if request.query_parameters['id']
+    end
+    case rules['Allow version']
+      when 'required'
+        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Must specify a version") if request.query_parameters['version'].nil?
+      when 'no'
+        return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot specify a version") if request.query_parameters['version']
+    end
+    # key check - if an oauth access token is in use, this means that we must
+    # only allow requests where explicit permission has been given
+    if current_token
+      requested_permission = "#{method} #{uri}"
+      permission_found     = false
+      current_token.client_application.permissions.each do |permission|
+        permission_found = true if permission.for == requested_permission
+      end
+      return rest_response(403, :reason => "OAuth token does not grant sufficient permission for this action") if permission_found == false
+    end  
+    case rules['Type']
+      when 'index'; rest_index_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
+      when 'crud';  rest_crud_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
+      when 'call';  rest_call_request(params[:uri], params[:format], rules, user, request.query_parameters)
+      else;         rest_response(500, :reason => "Unknown REST table type")
+    end
+  end

Deleted: branches/api/app/models/curation_event.rb (2921 => 2924)

--- trunk/app/models/curation_event.rb	2012-01-26 13:24:17 UTC (rev 2921)
+++ branches/api/app/models/curation_event.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# myExperiment: app/models/curation_event.rb
-# Copyright (c) 2009 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
-# See license.txt for details.
-class CurationEvent < ActiveRecord::Base
-  belongs_to :user
-  belongs_to :object, :polymorphic => true
-  format_attribute :details
-  validates_presence_of :user, :category
-  def self.curation_score(events)
-    score = 0
-    events.each do|event|
-      case event.category
-        when 'example'
-          score += 40
-        when 'test'
-          score += 0
-        when 'component'
-          score += 45
-        when 'whole solution'
-          score += 50
-        when 'tutorial'
-          score += 30
-        when 'obsolete'
-          score += 20
-        when 'incomplete'
-          score += 10
-        when 'junk'
-          score -= 50
-      end
-    end
-    score
-  end

Copied: branches/api/app/models/curation_event.rb (from rev 2922, trunk/app/models/curation_event.rb) (0 => 2924)

--- branches/api/app/models/curation_event.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/api/app/models/curation_event.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# myExperiment: app/models/curation_event.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2009 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
+# See license.txt for details.
+class CurationEvent < ActiveRecord::Base
+  belongs_to :user
+  belongs_to :object, :polymorphic => true
+  format_attribute :details
+  validates_presence_of :user, :category
+  def label
+    category
+  end
+  def self.curation_score(events)
+    score = 0
+    events.each do|event|
+      case event.category
+        when 'example'
+          score += 40
+        when 'test'
+          score += 0
+        when 'component'
+          score += 45
+        when 'whole solution'
+          score += 50
+        when 'tutorial'
+          score += 30
+        when 'obsolete'
+          score += 20
+        when 'incomplete'
+          score += 10
+        when 'junk'
+          score -= 50
+      end
+    end
+    score
+  end

Modified: branches/api/config/tables.xml

(Binary files differ)

Deleted: branches/api/lib/rest.rb (2921 => 2924)

--- trunk/lib/rest.rb	2012-01-26 13:24:17 UTC (rev 2921)
+++ branches/api/lib/rest.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -1,2146 +0,0 @@
-# myExperiment: lib/rest.rb
-# Copyright (c) 2007 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
-# See license.txt for details.
-require 'lib/conf'
-require 'lib/excel_xml'
-require 'xml/libxml'
-require 'uri'
-include LibXML
-API_VERSION = "0.1"
-TABLES = parse_excel_2003_xml('config/tables.xml'),
-  { 'Model' => { :indices => [ 'REST Entity' ],
-                 :lists   => [ 'REST Attribute', 'Encoding', 'Accessor',
-                               'Create', 'Read', 'Update', 'Read by default',
-                               'List Element Name', 'List Element Accessor',
-                               'Example', 'Versioned', 'Key type',
-                               'Limited to user', 'Permission', 'Index filter' ] },
-    'REST'  => { :indices => [ 'URI', 'Method' ] }
-  } )
-# Temporary removals
-def rest_routes(map)
-  TABLES['REST'][:data].keys.each do |uri|
-    TABLES['REST'][:data][uri].keys.each do |method|
-      formats = []
-      formats << "xml" if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]["XML"]
-      formats << "rdf" if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]["RDF"]
-      formats.each do |format|
-        map.connect "#{uri}.#{format}", :controller => 'api', :action ="" 'process_request', :uri => uri, :format => format
-      end
-    end
-  end
-def rest_response(code, args = {})
-  if code == 401
-    response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = "Basic realm=\"#{Conf.sitename} REST API\""
-  end
-  if code == 307
-    response.headers['Location'] = args[:location]
-  end
-  message = "Unknown Error"
-  case code
-    when 200: message = "OK"
-    when 307: message = "Temporary Redirect"
-    when 400: message = "Bad Request"
-    when 401: message = "Unauthorized"
-    when 403: message = "Forbidden"
-    when 404: message = "Not Found"
-    when 500: message = "Internal Server Error"
-  end
-  if (code >= 300) && (code < 400)
-    doc = ""
-  else 
-    error ='error')
-    error["code"   ] = code.to_s
-    error["message"] = message
-    doc =
-    doc.root = error
-    if args[:object]
-      args[:object].errors.full_messages.each do |message|
-        reason ='reason')
-        reason << message
-        doc.root << reason
-      end
-    end
-    if args[:reason]
-      reason ='reason')
-      reason << args[:reason]
-      doc.root << reason
-    end
-  end
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s, :status => "#{code} #{message}")
-def resource_preview_url(ob, type)
-  url = ""
-  url.path << "/versions/#{ob.current_version}" if ob.respond_to?('current_version')
-  url.path << "/previews/#{type}"
-  url.to_s
-def model_entity_to_rest_entity(model_entity)
-  TABLES['Model'][:data].each do |k,v|
-    return k if v['Model Entity'] == model_entity
-  end
-  nil
-def rest_get_element(ob, user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
-  # puts "rest_get_element: #{rest_entity} / #{rest_attribute}"
-  model_data = TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]
-  i = model_data['REST Attribute'].index(rest_attribute)
-  # is this attributed limited to a particular user?
-  limited_to_user = model_data['Limited to user'][i]
-  if not limited_to_user.nil?
-    if limited_to_user == 'self'
-      limited_ob = ob
-    else
-      limited_ob = eval("ob.#{limited_to_user}")
-    end
-    return nil if limited_ob != user
-  end
-  permission = model_data['Permission'][i]
-  if permission
-    return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, ob, user)
-  end
-  unless query['all_elements'] == 'yes'
-    return nil if elements and not elements.index(model_data['REST Attribute'][i])
-    return nil if not elements and model_data['Read by default'][i] == 'no'
-  end
-  if (model_data['Read'][i] == 'yes')
-    accessor = model_data['Accessor'][i]
-    text  = ''
-    attrs = {}
-    case model_data['Encoding'][i]
-      when 'list', 'item as list'
-        list_element =['REST Attribute'][i])
-        attrs.each do |key,value|
-          list_element[key] = value
-        end
-        collection = eval("ob.#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}")
-        collection = [collection] if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'item as list'
-        # filter out things that the user cannot see
-        collection = do |c|
-          not c.respond_to?('contribution') or Authorization.is_authorized?("view", nil, c, user)
-        end
-        collection.each do |item|
-          item_attrs = { }
-          next if item.nil?
-          item_uri = rest_resource_uri(item)
-          item_attrs['resource'] = item_uri if item_uri
-          item_attrs['uri'] = rest_access_uri(item)
-          list_element_accessor = model_data['List Element Accessor'][i]
-          list_element_text     = list_element_accessor ? eval("item.#{model_data['List Element Accessor'][i]}") : item
-          if list_element_text
-            if list_element_text.instance_of?(String)
-              el =['List Element Name'][i])
-              item_attrs.each do |key,value|
-                el[key] = value
-              end
-              el << list_element_text.to_s if list_element_text
-              list_element << el
-            else
-              list_element << rest_reference(list_element_text, query)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        list_element
-      when 'xml'
-        if query['version'] and model_data['Versioned'][i] == 'yes'
-          text = eval("ob.find_version(#{query['version']}).#{accessor}")
-        else
-          text = eval("ob.#{accessor}")
-        end
-        text
-      when 'url'
-        element =['REST Attribute'][i])
-        element << eval("#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}(ob)")
-        element
-      when 'call'
-        eval("#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}(ob, user, query)")
-      when 'item'
-        el =['REST Attribute'][i])
-        item = eval("ob.#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}")
-        if item != nil
-          resource_uri = rest_resource_uri(item)
-          el['resource'] = resource_uri if resource_uri
-          el['uri'] = rest_access_uri(item)
-          el << item.label if item.respond_to?(:label) && item.label
-        end
-        el
-      else 
-        if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'preview'
-          text = resource_preview_url(ob, model_data['Accessor'][i])
-        else
-          text = ""
-          if accessor
-            if query['version'] and model_data['Versioned'][i] == 'yes'
-              text = eval("ob.find_version(#{query['version']}).#{accessor}").to_s
-            else
-              val = eval("ob.#{accessor}")
-              if val.class == ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
-                text = val.time().to_s
-              else
-                text = val.to_s
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'base64'
-            text = Base64.encode64(text)
-            attrs = { 'type' => 'binary', 'encoding' => 'base64' }
-          end
-        end
-        # puts "ATTRIBUTE = #{model_data['REST Attribute'][i]}, ATTRS = #{attrs.inspect}, text = #{text.inspect}"
-        el =['REST Attribute'][i])
-        attrs.each do |key,value|
-          el[key] = value if value
-        end
-        el << text
-        el
-    end
-  end
-def rest_get_request(ob, req_uri, user, uri, entity_name, query)
-  if query['version']
-    return rest_response(400, :reason => "Object does not support versioning") unless ob.respond_to?('versions')
-    return rest_response(404, :reason => "Specified version does not exist") if query['version'].to_i < 1
-  end
-  elements = query['elements'] ? query['elements'].split(',') : nil
-  doc  =
-  root =
-  doc.root = root
-  root['uri'        ] = rest_access_uri(ob)
-  root['resource'   ] = uri if uri
-  root['api-version'] = API_VERSION if query['api_version'] == 'yes'
-  if ob.respond_to?('versions')
-    if query['version']
-      root['version'] = query['version']
-    else
-      root['version'] = ob.current_version.to_s
-    end
-  end
-  data = ""
-  rest_entity = data['REST Entity']
-  TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]['REST Attribute'].each do |rest_attribute|
-    data = "" user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
-    root << data unless data.nil?
-  end
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def rest_crud_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
-  rest_name  = rules['REST Entity']
-  model_name = rules['Model Entity']
-  ob = eval(model_name.camelize).find_by_id(params[:id].to_i)
-  return rest_response(404, :reason => "Object not found") if ob.nil?
-  perm_ob = ob
-  perm_ob = ob.send(rules['Permission object']) if rules['Permission object']
-  case rules['Permission']
-    when 'public'; # do nothing
-    when 'view';  return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised") if not Authorization.is_authorized?("show", nil, perm_ob, user)
-    when 'owner'; return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised") if logged_in?.nil? or object_owner(perm_ob) != user
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, params[:uri], user, eval("rest_resource_uri(ob)"), rest_name, query)
-def find_paginated_auth(args, num, page, filters, user, &blk)
-  def aux(args, num, page, filters, user)
-    results = yield(args, num, page)
-    return nil if results.nil?
-    failures = 0
- do |result|
-      selected = Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, result, user)
-      if selected
-        filters.each do |attribute, bits|
-          lhs = eval("result.#{bits[:accessor]}")
-          rhs = bits[:value]
-          lhs = lhs.downcase if lhs.class == String
-          rhs = rhs.downcase if rhs.class == String
-          selected = false unless lhs == rhs
-        end
-      end
-      selected
-    end
-  end
-  # 'upto' is the number of results needed to fulfil the request
-  upto = num * page
-  results = []
-  current_page = 1
-  # if this isn't the first page, do a single request to fetch all the pages
-  # up to possibly fulfil the request
-  if (page > 1)
-    results = aux(args, upto, 1, filters, user, &blk)
-    current_page = page + 1
-  end
-  while (results.length < upto)
-    results_page = aux(args, num, current_page, filters, user, &blk)
-    if results_page.nil?
-      break
-    else
-      results += results_page
-      current_page += 1
-    end
-  end
-  range = results[num * (page - 1)..(num * page) - 1]
-  range = [] if range.nil?
-  range
-def rest_index_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
-  rest_name  = rules['REST Entity']
-  model_name = rules['Model Entity']
-  default_limit = 25
-  default_page  = 1
-  max_limit     = 100
-  min_limit     = 1
-  limit = query['num']  ? query['num'].to_i  : default_limit
-  page  = query['page'] ? query['page'].to_i : default_page
-  limit = min_limit if limit < min_limit
-  limit = max_limit if limit > max_limit
-  page = 1 if page < 1
-  model = TABLES["Model"][:data][TABLES["REST"][:data][req_uri]["GET"]["REST Entity"]]
-  # detect filters
-  filters = {}
-  (0..model["REST Attribute"].length - 1).each do |i|
-    if model["Index filter"][i]
-      attribute   = model["REST Attribute"][i]
-      filter_name = attribute.gsub("-", "_")
-      if query[filter_name]
-        filter = { :accessor => model["Accessor"][i] }
-        if model["Encoding"][i] == 'item' || model["Encoding"][i] == 'item as list'
-          filter[:value] = get_resource_from_uri(query[filter_name], user)
-        else
-          filter[:value] = query[filter_name]
-        end
-        filters[attribute] = filter
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if query['tag']
-    tag = Tag.find_by_name(query['tag'])
-    if tag
-      obs = ( do |t| t.taggable_type == model_name.camelize end).map do |t| t.taggable end
-    else
-      obs = []
-    end
-  else
-    sort       = 'id'
-    order      = 'ASC'
-    conditions = model_index_conditions(model_name)
-    case query['sort']
-      when 'created'; sort = 'created_at' if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('created_at')
-      when 'updated'; sort = 'updated_at' if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('updated_at')
-      when 'title';   sort = 'title'      if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('title')
-      when 'name';    sort = 'name'       if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('name')
-    end
-    order = 'DESC' if query['order'] == 'reverse'
-    find_args = { :order => "#{sort} #{order}" }
-    find_args[:conditions] = conditions if conditions
-    obs = find_paginated_auth( { :model => model_name.camelize, :find_args => find_args }, limit, page, filters, user) { |args, size, page|
-      find_args = args[:find_args].clone
-      find_args[:page] = { :size => size, :current => page }
-      results = eval(args[:model]).find(:all, find_args)
-      results unless > results.page_count
-    }
-  end
-  produce_rest_list(req_uri, rules, query, obs, rest_name.pluralize, [], user)
-def produce_rest_list(req_uri, rules, query, obs, tag, attributes, user)
-  root =
-  root['api-version'] = API_VERSION if query['api_version'] == 'yes'
-  attributes.each do |k,v|
-    root[k] = v
-  end
-  elements = query['elements'] ? query['elements'].split(',') : nil
-  obs.each do |ob|
-    el = rest_reference(ob, query, !elements.nil?)
-    if elements
-      rest_entity = model_entity_to_rest_entity(
-      TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]['REST Attribute'].each do |rest_attribute|
-        data = "" user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
-        el << data unless data.nil?
-      end
-    end
-    root << el
-  end
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def object_owner(ob)
-  return User.find( if ob.class == Message
-  return ob.user  if ob.respond_to?("user")
-  return ob.owner if ob.respond_to?("owner")
-def model_index_conditions(model_name)
-  case model_name
-    when 'user'; return 'users.activated_at IS NOT NULL'
-  end
-def rest_resource_uri(ob)
-  case
-    when 'Workflow';               return workflow_url(ob)
-    when 'Blob';                   return blob_url(ob)
-    when 'Network';                return network_url(ob)
-    when 'User';                   return user_url(ob)
-    when 'Review';                 return workflow_review_url(ob.reviewable, ob)
-    when 'Comment';                return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.commentable)}/comments/#{}"
-    when 'Bookmark';               return nil
-    when 'Blog';                   return blog_url(ob)
-    when 'BlogPost';               return blog_blog_post_url(, ob)
-    when 'Rating';                 return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.rateable)}/ratings/#{}"
-    when 'Tag';                    return tag_url(ob)
-    when 'Picture';                return user_picture_url(ob.owner, ob)
-    when 'Message';                return message_url(ob)
-    when 'Citation';               return workflow_citation_url(ob.workflow, ob)
-    when 'Announcement';           return announcement_url(ob)
-    when 'Pack';                   return pack_url(ob)
-    when 'Experiment';             return experiment_url(ob)
-    when 'TavernaEnactor';         return runner_url(ob)
-    when 'Job';                    return experiment_job_url(ob.experiment, ob)
-    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return ob.contributable ? rest_resource_uri(ob.contributable) : nil
-    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return ob.uri
-    when 'ContentType';            return content_type_url(ob)
-    when 'License';                return license_url(ob)
-    when 'CurationEvent';          return nil
-    when 'Ontology';               return ontology_url(ob)
-    when 'Predicate';              return predicate_url(ob)
-    when 'Relationship';           return nil
-    when 'Creditation';     return nil
-    when 'Attribution';     return nil
-    when 'Tagging';         return nil
-    when 'Workflow::Version'; return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.workflow)}?version=#{ob.version}"
-  end
-  raise "Class not processed in rest_resource_uri: #{ob.class.to_s}"
-def rest_access_uri(ob)
-  base = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"
-  case
-    when 'Workflow';               return "#{base}/workflow.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Blob';                   return "#{base}/file.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Network';                return "#{base}/group.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'User';                   return "#{base}/user.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Review';                 return "#{base}/review.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Comment';                return "#{base}/comment.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Bookmark';               return "#{base}/favourite.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Blog';                   return "#{base}/blog.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'BlogPost';               return "#{base}/blog-post.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Rating';                 return "#{base}/rating.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Tag';                    return "#{base}/tag.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Picture';                return "#{base}/picture.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Message';                return "#{base}/message.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Citation';               return "#{base}/citation.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Announcement';           return "#{base}/announcement.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Pack';                   return "#{base}/pack.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Experiment';             return "#{base}/experiment.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'TavernaEnactor';         return "#{base}/runner.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Job';                    return "#{base}/job.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Download';               return "#{base}/download.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return "#{base}/internal-pack-item.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return "#{base}/external-pack-item.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Tagging';                return "#{base}/tagging.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'ContentType';            return "#{base}/type.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'License';                return "#{base}/license.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'CurationEvent';          return "#{base}/curation-event.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Ontology';               return "#{base}/ontology.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Predicate';              return "#{base}/predicate.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Relationship';           return "#{base}/relationship.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Creditation';     return "#{base}/credit.xml?id=#{}"
-    when 'Attribution';     return nil
-    when 'Workflow::Version'; return "#{base}/workflow.xml?id=#{}&version=#{ob.version}"
-  end
-  raise "Class not processed in rest_access_uri: #{ob.class.to_s}"
-def rest_object_tag_text(ob)
-  case
-    when 'User';                   return 'user'
-    when 'Workflow';               return 'workflow'
-    when 'Blob';                   return 'file'
-    when 'Network';                return 'group'
-    when 'Rating';                 return 'rating'
-    when 'Creditation';            return 'credit'
-    when 'Citation';               return 'citation'
-    when 'Announcement';           return 'announcement'
-    when 'Tag';                    return 'tag'
-    when 'Tagging';                return 'tagging'
-    when 'Pack';                   return 'pack'
-    when 'Experiment';             return 'experiment'
-    when 'Download';               return 'download'
-    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return rest_object_tag_text(ob.contributable)
-    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return 'external'
-    when 'Workflow::Version';      return 'workflow'
-    when 'Comment';                return 'comment'
-    when 'Bookmark';               return 'favourite'
-    when 'ContentType';            return 'type'
-    when 'License';                return 'license'
-    when 'CurationEvent';          return 'curation-event'
-    when 'Ontology';               return 'ontology'
-    when 'Predicate';              return 'predicate'
-    when 'Relationship';           return 'relationship'
-  end
-  return 'object'
-def rest_object_label_text(ob)
-  case
-    when 'User';                   return
-    when 'Workflow';               return ob.title
-    when 'Blob';                   return ob.title
-    when 'Network';                return ob.title
-    when 'Rating';                 return ob.rating.to_s
-    when 'Creditation';            return ''
-    when 'Citation';               return ob.title
-    when 'Announcement';           return ob.title
-    when 'Tag';                    return
-    when 'Tagging';                return
-    when 'Pack';                   return ob.title
-    when 'Experiment';             return ob.title
-    when 'Download';               return ''
-    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return rest_object_label_text(ob.contributable)
-    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return ob.title     
-    when 'Workflow::Version';      return ob.title
-    when 'ContentType';            return ob.title
-    when 'License';                return ob.title
-    when 'CurationEvent';          return ob.category
-    when 'Ontology';               return ob.title
-    when 'Predicate';              return ob.title
-    when 'Relationship';           return ''
-  end
-  return ''
-def rest_reference(ob, query, skip_text = false)
-  el =
-  resource_uri = rest_resource_uri(ob)
-  el['resource'] = resource_uri if resource_uri
-  el['uri'     ] = rest_access_uri(ob)
-  el['version' ] = ob.current_version.to_s if ob.respond_to?('current_version')
-  el << rest_object_label_text(ob) if !skip_text
-  el
-def parse_resource_uri(str)
-  base_uri = URI.parse("#{Conf.base_uri}/")
-  uri      = base_uri.merge(str)
-  is_local = == and base_uri.port == uri.port
-  return [Workflow, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/workflows\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Blob, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/files\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Network, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/groups\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [User, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/users\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Review, $1, is_local]         if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/reviews\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Comment, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/comments\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Blog, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/blogs\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [BlogPost, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/blogs\/[\d]+\/blog_posts\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Tag, $1, is_local]            if uri.path =~ /^\/tags\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Picture, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/users\/[\d]+\/pictures\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Message, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/messages\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Citation, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/citations\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Announcement, $1, is_local]   if uri.path =~ /^\/announcements\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Pack, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/packs\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Experiment, $1, is_local]     if uri.path =~ /^\/experiments\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [TavernaEnactor, $1, is_local] if uri.path =~ /^\/runners\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Job, $1, is_local]            if uri.path =~ /^\/jobs\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Download, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/downloads\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Ontology, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/ontologies\/([\d]+)$/
-  return [Predicate, $1, is_local]      if uri.path =~ /^\/predicates\/([\d]+)$/
-  nil
-def get_resource_from_uri(uri, user)
-  cl, id, local = parse_resource_uri(uri)
-  return nil if cl.nil? || local == false
-  resource = cl.find_by_id(id)
-  return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, resource, user)
-  resource
-def resolve_resource_node(resource_node, user = nil, permission = nil)
-  return nil if resource_node.nil?
-  attr = resource_node.find_first('@resource')
-  return nil if attr.nil?
-  resource_uri = attr.value
-  resource_bits = parse_resource_uri(resource_uri)
-  return nil if resource_bits.nil?
-  resource = resource_bits[0].find_by_id(resource_bits[1].to_i)
-  return nil if resource.nil?
-  if permission
-    return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, resource, user)
-  end
-  resource
-def obtain_rest_resource(type, id, version, user, permission = nil)
-  resource = eval(type).find_by_id(id)
-  if resource.nil?
-    rest_response(404, :reason => "Couldn't find a #{type} with id #{id}")
-    return nil
-  end
-  if version
-    if resource.versions.last.version != version.to_i
-      resource = resource.find_version(version)
-    end
-  end
-  if resource.nil?
-    rest_response(404, :reason => "#{type} #{id} does not have a version #{version}")
-    return nil
-  end
-  if permission
-    if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, resource, user)
-      rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for #{type} #{id}")
-      return nil
-    end
-  end
-  resource
-def rest_access_redirect(opts = {})
-  return rest_response(400, :reason => "Resource was not specified") if opts[:query]['resource'].nil?
-  bits = parse_resource_uri(opts[:query]['resource'])
-  return rest_response(404, :reason => "Didn't understand the format of the specified resource") if bits.nil?
-  ob = bits[0].find_by_id(bits[1])
-  return rest_response(404, :reason => "The specified resource does not exist") if ob.nil?
-  return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") if !Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, ob, opts[:user])
-  rest_response(307, :location => rest_access_uri(ob))
-def create_default_policy(user)
- => user, :name => 'auto', :share_mode => 7, :update_mode => 6)
-def update_permissions(ob, permissions)
-  share_mode  = 7
-  update_mode = 6
-  # clear out any permission records for this contributable
-  ob.contribution.policy.permissions.each do |p|
-    p.destroy
-  end
-  # process permission elements
-  if permissions
-    permissions.find('permission').each do |permission|
-      # handle public privileges
-      if permission.find_first('category/text()').to_s == 'public'
-        privileges = {}
-        permission.find('privilege').each do |el|
-          privileges[el['type']] = true
-        end
-        if privileges["view"] && privileges["download"]
-          share_mode = 0
-        elsif privileges["view"]
-          share_mode = 2
-        else
-          share_mode = 7
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  ob.contribution.policy.update_attributes(:share_mode => share_mode,
-      :update_mode => update_mode)
-def workflow_aux(action, opts = {})
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a workflow") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Workflow', opts[:user], nil)
-      if opts[:query]['id']
-        ob = obtain_rest_resource('Workflow', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-      else
-        ob = => opts[:user])
-      end
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Workflow', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot delete individual versions") if opts[:query]['version']
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    title            = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/title')
-    description      = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/description')
-    license_type     = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/license-type')
-    type             = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/type')
-    content_type     = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/content-type')
-    content          = parse_element(data, :binary, '/workflow/content')
-    preview          = parse_element(data, :binary, '/workflow/preview')
-    svg              = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/svg')
-    revision_comment = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/revision-comment')
-    permissions  = data.find_first('/workflow/permissions')
-    # build the contributable
-    ob.title   = title        if title
-    ob.body    = description  if description
-    if license_type 
-      if license_type == ""
-        ob.license = nil
-      else
-        ob.license = License.find_by_unique_name(license_type)
-        if ob.license.nil?
-          ob.errors.add("License type")
-          return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    # handle workflow type
-    if type
-      ob.content_type = ContentType.find_by_title(type)
-      if ob.content_type.nil?
-        ob.errors.add("Type")
-        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-      end
-    elsif content_type
-      content_types = ContentType.find_all_by_mime_type(content_type)
-      if content_types.length == 1
-        ob.content_type = content_types.first
-      else
-        if content_types.empty?
-          ob.errors.add("Content type")
-        else
-          ob.errors.add("Content type", "matches more than one registered content type")
-        end
-        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-      end
-    end
-    ob.content_blob_id = ContentBlob.create(:data ="" content).id if content
-    # Handle the preview and svg images.  If there's a preview supplied, use
-    # it.  Otherwise auto-generate one if we can.
-    begin
-      if preview.nil? and content
-        metadata = Workflow.extract_metadata(:type => ob.content_type.title, :data ="" content)
-        preview = metadata["image"].read if metadata["image"]
-      end
-      if preview
-        ob.image = preview
-      end
-      if svg.nil? and content
-        metadata = Workflow.extract_metadata(:type => ob.content_type.title, :data ="" content)
-        svg = metadata["image"].read if metadata["image"]
-      end
-      if svg
-        ob.svg = svg
-      end
-    rescue
-      return rest_response(500, :reason => "Unable to extract metadata")
-    end
-    success = if (action == 'create' and opts[:query]['id'])
-      ob.save_as_new_version(revision_comment)
-    else
-    end
-    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless success
-    # Elements to update if we're not dealing with a workflow version
-    if opts[:query]['version'].nil?
-      if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
-        ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
-      end
-      update_permissions(ob, permissions)
-    end
-  end
-  ob = ob.versioned_resource if ob.respond_to?("versioned_resource")
-  rest_get_request(ob, "workflow", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "workflow", { "id" => })
-def post_workflow(opts)
-  workflow_aux('create', opts)
-def put_workflow(opts)
-  workflow_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_workflow(opts)
-  workflow_aux('destroy', opts)
-# file handling
-def file_aux(action, opts = {})
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a file") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Blob', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Blob', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    title        = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/title')
-    description  = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/description')
-    license_type = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/license-type')
-    type         = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/type')
-    content_type = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/content-type')
-    content      = parse_element(data, :binary, '/file/content')
-    permissions  = data.find_first('/file/permissions')
-    # build the contributable
-    ob.title        = title        if title
-    ob.body         = description  if description
-    if license_type 
-      if license_type == ""
-        ob.license = nil
-      else
-        ob.license = License.find_by_unique_name(license_type)
-        if ob.license.nil?
-          ob.errors.add("License type")
-          return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    # handle type
-    if type
-      ob.content_type = ContentType.find_by_title(type)
-      if ob.content_type.nil?
-        ob.errors.add("Type")
-        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-      end
-    elsif content_type
-      content_types = ContentType.find_all_by_mime_type(content_type)
-      if content_types.length == 1
-        ob.content_type = content_types.first
-      else
-        if content_types.empty?
-          ob.errors.add("Content type")
-        else
-          ob.errors.add("Content type", "matches more than one registered content type")
-        end
-        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-      end
-    end
-    ob.content_blob = ="" content) if content
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-    if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
-      ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
-    end
-    update_permissions(ob, permissions)
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "file", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "file", { "id" => })
-def post_file(opts)
-  file_aux('create', opts)
-def put_file(opts)
-  file_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_file(opts)
-  file_aux('destroy', opts)
-# pack handling
-def pack_aux(action, opts = {})
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Pack', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Pack', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    title        = parse_element(data, :text,   '/pack/title')
-    description  = parse_element(data, :text,   '/pack/description')
-    permissions  = data.find_first('/pack/permissions')
-    # build the contributable
-    ob.title       = title        if title
-    ob.description = description  if description
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-    if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
-      ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
-    end
-    update_permissions(ob, permissions)
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "pack", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "pack", { "id" => })
-def post_pack(opts)
-  pack_aux('create', opts)
-def put_pack(opts)
-  pack_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_pack(opts)
-  pack_aux('destroy', opts)
-def external_pack_item_aux(action, opts = {})
-  unless action == 'destroy'
-    data = ""
-    pack          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/external-pack-item/pack')
-    title         = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/title')
-    uri           = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/uri')
-    alternate_uri = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/alternate-uri')
-    comment       = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/comment')
-  end
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an external pack item") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'PackRemoteEntry', opts[:user], pack)
-      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Pack not found") if pack.nil?
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, pack, opts[:user])
-      ob = => opts[:user],
-          :pack          => pack,
-          :title         => title,
-          :uri           => uri,
-          :alternate_uri => alternate_uri,
-          :comment       => comment)
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('PackRemoteEntry', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-      if ob
-        return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, ob.pack, opts[:user])
-      end
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    ob.title         = title         if title
-    ob.uri           = uri           if uri
-    ob.alternate_uri = alternate_uri if alternate_uri
-    ob.comment       = comment       if comment
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "external-pack-item", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "external-pack-item", { "id" => })
-def post_external_pack_item(opts)
-  external_pack_item_aux('create', opts)
-def put_external_pack_item(opts)
-  external_pack_item_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_external_pack_item(opts)
-  external_pack_item_aux('destroy', opts)
-def internal_pack_item_aux(action, opts = {})
-  unless action == 'destroy'
-    data = ""
-    pack          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/internal-pack-item/pack')
-    item          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/internal-pack-item/item')
-    comment       = parse_element(data, :text,     '/internal-pack-item/comment')
-  end
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an internal pack item") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'PackContributableEntry', opts[:user], pack)
-      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Pack not found") if pack.nil?
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, pack, opts[:user])
-      ob = => opts[:user],
-          :pack          => pack,
-          :contributable => item,
-          :comment       => comment)
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('PackContributableEntry', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-      if ob
-        return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, ob.pack, opts[:user])
-      end
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    ob.comment = comment if comment
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "internal-pack-item", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "internal-pack-item", { "id" => })
-def post_internal_pack_item(opts)
-  internal_pack_item_aux('create', opts)
-def put_internal_pack_item(opts)
-  internal_pack_item_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_internal_pack_item(opts)
-  internal_pack_item_aux('destroy', opts)
-# def post_job(opts)
-#   title       = params["job"]["title"]
-#   description = params["job"]["description"]
-#   experiment_bits = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["experiment"])
-#   runner_bits     = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["runner"])
-#   runnable_bits   = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["runnable"])
-#   return rest_response(400) if title.nil?
-#   return rest_response(400) if description.nil?
-#   return rest_response(400) if experiment_bits.nil? or experiment_bits[0] != 'Experiment'
-#   return rest_response(400) if runner_bits.nil?     or runner_bits[0]     != 'TavernaEnactor'
-#   return rest_response(400) if runnable_bits.nil?   or runnable_bits[0]   != 'Workflow'
-#   experiment = Experiment.find_by_id(experiment_bits[1].to_i)
-#   runner     = TavernaEnactor.find_by_id(runner_bits[1].to_i)
-#   runnable   = Workflow.find_by_id(runnable_bits[1].to_i)
-#   return rest_response(400) if experiment.nil? or not Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, experiment, opts[:user])
-#   return rest_response(400) if runner.nil?     or not Authorization.is_authorized?('download', nil, runner, opts[:user])
-#   return rest_response(400) if runnable.nil?   or not Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, runnable, opts[:user])
-#   puts "#{params[:job]}"
-#   job = => title, :description => description, :runnable => runnable, 
-#       :experiment => experiment, :runner => runner, :user => opts[:user],
-#       :runnable_version => runnable.current_version)
-#   inputs = { "Tags" => "aa,bb,aa,cc,aa" }
-#   job.inputs_data = inputs
-#   success = job.submit_and_run!
-#   return rest_response(500) if not success
-#   return "<yes/>"
-# end
-def paginated_search_index(query, models, num, page, user)
-  return [] if not Conf.solr_enable or query.nil? or query == ""
-  find_paginated_auth( { :query => query, :models => models }, num, page, [], user) { |args, size, page|
-    q      = args[:query]
-    models = args[:models]
-    search_result = models[0].multi_solr_search(q, :limit => size, :offset => size * (page - 1), :models => models)
-    search_result.results unless < (size * (page - 1))
-  }
-def search(opts)
-  search_query = opts[:query]['query']
-  # Start of curation hack
-  if search_query[0..1].downcase == 'c:' && opts[:user] &&
-      Conf.curators.include?(opts[:user].username)
-    bits = search_query.match("^c:([a-z]*) ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$")
-    if bits.length == 4
-      case bits[1]
-        when 'workflows': model = Workflow
-        when 'files': model = Blob
-        when 'packs': model = Pack
-        else return rest_response(400, :reason => "Unknown category '#{bits[1]}'")
-      end
-      obs = model.find(:all, :conditions => ['id >= ? AND id <= ?', bits[2], bits[3]])
-      obs = ( do |c| c.respond_to?('contribution') == false or Authorization.is_authorized?("view", nil, c, opts[:user]) end)
-      return produce_rest_list(opts[:req_uri], opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'search', {}, opts[:user])
-    end
-  end
-  # End of curation hack
-  models = [User, Workflow, Blob, Network, Pack]
-  # parse type option
-  if opts[:query]['type']
-    models = []
-    opts[:query]['type'].split(',').each do |type|
-      case type
-        when 'user';     models.push(User)
-        when 'workflow'; models.push(Workflow)
-        when 'file';     models.push(Blob)
-        when 'group';    models.push(Network)
-        when 'pack';     models.push(Pack)
-        else return rest_response(400, :reason => "Unknown search type '#{type}'")
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  num = 25
-  if opts[:query]['num']
-    num = opts[:query]['num'].to_i
-  end
-  num = 25  if num < 0
-  num = 100 if num > 100
-  page  = opts[:query]['page'] ? opts[:query]['page'].to_i : 1
-  page = 1 if page < 1
-  attributes = {}
-  attributes['query'] = search_query
-  attributes['type'] = opts[:query]['type'] if models.length == 1
-  begin
-    obs = paginated_search_index(search_query, models, num, page, opts[:user])
-    produce_rest_list(opts[:req_uri], opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'search', attributes, opts[:user])
-  rescue
-    rest_response(400, :reason => "Invalid search query")
-  end
-def user_count(opts)
-  users = User.find(:all).select do |user| user.activated? end
-  root ='user-count')
-  root << users.length.to_s
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def group_count(opts)
-  root ='group-count')
-  root << Network.count.to_s
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def workflow_count(opts)
-  workflows = Workflow.find(:all).select do |w|
-    Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, w, opts[:user])
-  end
-  root ='workflow-count')
-  root << workflows.length.to_s
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def pack_count(opts)
-  packs = Pack.find(:all).select do |p|
-    Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, p, opts[:user])
-  end
-  root ='pack-count')
-  root << packs.length.to_s
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def content_type_count(opts)
-  root ='type-count')
-  root << ContentType.count.to_s
-  doc =
-  doc.root = root
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def get_tagged(opts)
-  return rest_response(400, :reason => "Did not specify a tag") if opts[:query]['tag'].nil?
-  tag = Tag.find_by_name(opts[:query]['tag'])
-  obs = tag ? tag.tagged : []
-  # filter out ones they are not allowed to get
-  obs = ( do |c| c.respond_to?('contribution') == false or Authorization.is_authorized?("index", nil, c, opts[:user]) end)
-  produce_rest_list("tagged", opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'tagged', [], opts[:user])
-def tag_cloud(opts)
-  num  = 25
-  type = nil
-  if opts[:query]['num']
-    if opts[:query]['num'] == 'all'
-      num = nil
-    else
-      num = opts[:query]['num'].to_i
-    end
-  end
-  if opts[:query]['type'] and opts[:query]['type'] != 'all'
-    type = opts[:query]['type'].camelize
-    type = 'Network' if type == 'Group'
-    type = 'Blob'    if type == 'File'
-  end
-  tags = Tag.find_by_tag_count(num, type)
-  doc =
-  root ='tag-cloud')
-  doc.root = root
-  root['type'] = opts[:query]['type'] ? opts[:query]['type'] : 'all'
-  tags.each do |tag|
-    tag_node = rest_reference(tag, opts[:query])
-    tag_node['count'] = tag.taggings_count.to_s
-    root << tag_node
-  end
-  render(:xml => doc.to_s)
-def whoami_redirect(opts)
-  if opts[:user].class == User
-    case opts[:format]
-      when "xml": rest_response(307, :location => rest_access_uri(opts[:user]))
-      when "rdf": rest_response(307, :location => formatted_user_url(:id => opts[:user].id, :format => 'rdf'))
-    end
-  else
-    rest_response(401, :reason => "Not logged in")
-  end
-def parse_element(doc, kind, query)
-  case kind
-    when :text
-      if doc.find_first(query)
-        enc  = doc.find_first(query)['encoding']
-        el   = doc.find_first("#{query}")
-        text = doc.find_first("#{query}/text()")
-        if el
-          if enc == 'base64'
-            return Base64::decode64(text.to_s)
-          else
-            return text.to_s
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    when :binary
-      el   = doc.find_first("#{query}")
-      text = doc.find_first("#{query}/text()")
-      return Base64::decode64(text.to_s) if el
-    when :resource
-      return resolve_resource_node(doc.find_first(query))
-  end
-# Avatar handling (to show default avatar when none present)
-def effective_avatar(ob, user, query)
-  picture = ob.profile.picture
-  if picture
-    result = rest_reference(picture, query, true)
- = "avatar"
-    result
-  else
-    result ='avatar')
-    result['resource'] = Conf.base_uri + '/images/avatar.png'
-    result
-  end
-# Privileges
-def effective_privileges(ob, user, query)
-  privileges ='privileges')
-  ['view', 'download', 'edit'].each do |type|
-    if Authorization.is_authorized?(type, nil, ob, user) 
-      privilege ='privilege')
-      privilege['type'] = type
-      privileges << privilege
-    end
-  end
-  privileges
-# Comments
-def comment_aux(action, opts)
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a comment") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Comment', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Comment', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    comment = parse_element(data, :text,     '/comment/comment')
-    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/comment/subject')
-    ob.comment = comment if comment
-    if subject
-      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource does not support comments") unless [Blob, Network, Pack, Workflow].include?(subject.class)
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to add a comment to the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Comment', opts[:user], subject)
-      ob.commentable = subject
-    end
-    # Start of curation hack
-    def match_tag_name(name)
-      name.sub!(/^c:/, '')
-      matches = []
-      Conf.curation_types.each do |type|
-        matches.push type if type.starts_with?(name)
-      end
-      return matches[0] if matches.length == 1
-    end
-    if comment[0..1].downcase == 'c:' && opts[:user] && subject &&
-        Conf.curators.include?(opts[:user].username)
-      comment = comment[2..-1].strip
-      lines  = comment.split("\n")
-      events = []
-      failed = false
-      lines.each do |line|
-        line.strip!
-        bits = line.split(";")
-        if bits.length > 1
-          details = bits[1..-1].join(";")
-        else
-          details = nil
-        end
-        if bits.length > 0
-          bits[0].split(",").each do |bit|
-            bit.downcase!
-            bit.strip!
-            curation_type = match_tag_name(bit)
-            if curation_type
-              events.push( => curation_type,
-                    :object => subject, :user => opts[:user], :details => details))
-            else
-              failed = true
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      if failed
-        return rest_response(400, :reason => 'Unrecognised curation term')
-      end
-      events.each do |event|
-      end
-      subject.solr_save
-      return rest_get_request(ob, "comment", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob),
-        "comment", { "id" => })
-    end
-    # End of curation hack
-    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "comment", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "comment", { "id" => })
-def post_comment(opts)
-  comment_aux('create', opts)
-def put_comment(opts)
-  comment_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_comment(opts)
-  comment_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Favourites
-def favourite_aux(action, opts)
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a favourite") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Bookmark', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Bookmark', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    target = parse_element(data, :resource, '/favourite/object')
-    if target
-      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource is not a valid favourite target") unless [Blob, Pack, Workflow].include?(target.class)
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create the favourite") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Bookmark', opts[:user], target)
-      ob.bookmarkable = target
-    end
-    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "favourite", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "favourite", { "id" => })
-def post_favourite(opts)
-  favourite_aux('create', opts)
-def put_favourite(opts)
-  favourite_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_favourite(opts)
-  favourite_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Ratings
-def rating_aux(action, opts)
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a rating") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Rating', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Rating', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    rating  = parse_element(data, :text,     '/rating/rating')
-    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/rating/subject')
-    ob.rating = rating if rating
-    if subject
-      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource does not support ratings") unless [Blob, Network, Pack, Workflow].include?(subject.class)
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Rating', opts[:user], subject)
-      ob.rateable = subject
-    end
-    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "rating", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "rating", { "id" => })
-def post_rating(opts)
-  rating_aux('create', opts)
-def put_rating(opts)
-  rating_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_rating(opts)
-  rating_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Taggings
-def tagging_aux(action, opts)
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a tagging") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Tagging', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Tagging', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/tagging/subject')
-    label   = parse_element(data, :text,     '/tagging/label')
-    tag     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/tagging/tag')
-    ob.label    = label   if label
-    ob.tag      = tag     if tag
-    if subject
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Rating', opts[:user], subject)
-      ob.taggable = subject
-    end
-    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "tagging", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "tagging", { "id" => })
-def post_tagging(opts)
-  tagging_aux('create', opts)
-def delete_tagging(opts)
-  tagging_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Ontologies
-def ontology_aux(action, opts)
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an ontology") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Ontology', opts[:user], nil)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Ontology', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    data = ""
-    title        = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/title')
-    description  = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/description')
-    uri          = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/uri')
-    prefix       = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/prefix')
-    # build the contributable
-    ob.title       = title       if title
-    ob.description = description if description
-    ob.uri         = uri         if uri
-    ob.prefix      = prefix      if prefix
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "ontology", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "ontology", { "id" => })
-def post_ontology(opts)
-  ontology_aux('create', opts)
-def put_ontology(opts)
-  ontology_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_ontology(opts)
-  ontology_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Predicates
-def predicate_aux(action, opts)
-  if action != "destroy"
-    data = ""
-    title         = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/title')
-     :resource, '/predicate/ontology')
-    description   = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/description')
-    phrase        = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/phrase')
-    equivalent_to = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/equivalent-to')
-  end
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a predicate") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Predicate', opts[:user], ontology)
-      ob =
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Predicate', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    # build it
-    ob.title         = title         if title
-    ob.description   = description   if description
-    ob.phrase        = phrase        if phrase
-    ob.equivalent_to = equivalent_to if equivalent_to
-    ob.      if ontology
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "predicate", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "predicate", { "id" => })
-def post_predicate(opts)
-  predicate_aux('create', opts)
-def put_predicate(opts)
-  predicate_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_predicate(opts)
-  predicate_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Relationships
-def relationship_aux(action, opts)
-  if action != "destroy"
-    data = ""
-    subject     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/subject')
-    predicate   = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/predicate')
-    objekt      = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/object')
-    context     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/context')
-  end
-  # Obtain object
-  case action
-    when 'create':
-      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a relationship") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Relationship', opts[:user], context)
-      ob = => opts[:user])
-    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
-      ob = obtain_rest_resource('Relationship', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
-    else
-      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
-  end
-  return if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
-  if action == "destroy"
-    ob.destroy
-  else
-    # build it
-    ob.subject   = subject   if subject
-    ob.predicate = predicate if predicate
-    ob.objekt    = objekt    if objekt
-    ob.context   = context   if context
-    if not
-      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
-    end
-  end
-  rest_get_request(ob, "relationship", opts[:user],
-      rest_resource_uri(ob), "relationship", { "id" => })
-def post_relationship(opts)
-  relationship_aux('create', opts)
-def put_relationship(opts)
-  relationship_aux('update', opts)
-def delete_relationship(opts)
-  relationship_aux('destroy', opts)
-# Call dispatcher
-def rest_call_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
-  begin
-    eval("#{rules['Function']}(:req_uri => req_uri, :format => format, :rules => rules, :user => user, :query => query)")
-  rescue
-    return rest_response(500)
-  end

Copied: branches/api/lib/rest.rb (from rev 2923, trunk/lib/rest.rb) (0 => 2924)

--- branches/api/lib/rest.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/api/lib/rest.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -0,0 +1,2144 @@
+# myExperiment: lib/rest.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2007 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
+# See license.txt for details.
+require 'lib/conf'
+require 'lib/excel_xml'
+require 'xml/libxml'
+require 'uri'
+include LibXML
+API_VERSION = "0.1"
+TABLES = parse_excel_2003_xml('config/tables.xml'),
+  { 'Model' => { :indices => [ 'REST Entity' ],
+                 :lists   => [ 'REST Attribute', 'Encoding', 'Accessor',
+                               'Create', 'Read', 'Update', 'Read by default',
+                               'List Element Name', 'List Element Accessor',
+                               'Example', 'Versioned', 'Key type',
+                               'Limited to user', 'Permission', 'Index filter' ] },
+    'REST'  => { :indices => [ 'URI', 'Method' ] }
+  } )
+# Temporary removals
+def rest_routes(map)
+  TABLES['REST'][:data].keys.each do |uri|
+    TABLES['REST'][:data][uri].keys.each do |method|
+      formats = []
+      formats << "xml"  if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]["XML"]
+      formats << "json" if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]["JSON"]
+      formats << "rdf"  if TABLES['REST'][:data][uri][method]["RDF"]
+      formats.each do |format|
+        map.connect "#{uri}.#{format}", :controller => 'api', :action ="" 'process_request', :uri => uri, :format => format
+      end
+    end
+  end
+def rest_response(code, args = {})
+  if code == 401
+    response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = "Basic realm=\"#{Conf.sitename} REST API\""
+  end
+  if code == 307
+    response.headers['Location'] = args[:location]
+  end
+  message = "Unknown Error"
+  case code
+    when 200: message = "OK"
+    when 307: message = "Temporary Redirect"
+    when 400: message = "Bad Request"
+    when 401: message = "Unauthorized"
+    when 403: message = "Forbidden"
+    when 404: message = "Not Found"
+    when 500: message = "Internal Server Error"
+  end
+  if (code >= 300) && (code < 400)
+    doc = ""
+  else 
+    error ='error')
+    error["code"   ] = code.to_s
+    error["message"] = message
+    doc =
+    doc.root = error
+    if args[:object]
+      args[:object].errors.full_messages.each do |message|
+        reason ='reason')
+        reason << message
+        doc.root << reason
+      end
+    end
+    if args[:reason]
+      reason ='reason')
+      reason << args[:reason]
+      doc.root << reason
+    end
+  end
+  { :xml => doc.to_s, :status => "#{code} #{message}" }
+def resource_preview_url(ob, type)
+  url = ""
+  url.path << "/versions/#{ob.current_version}" if ob.respond_to?('current_version')
+  url.path << "/previews/#{type}"
+  url.to_s
+def model_entity_to_rest_entity(model_entity)
+  TABLES['Model'][:data].each do |k,v|
+    return k if v['Model Entity'] == model_entity
+  end
+  nil
+def rest_get_element(ob, user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
+  # puts "rest_get_element: #{rest_entity} / #{rest_attribute}"
+  model_data = TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]
+  i = model_data['REST Attribute'].index(rest_attribute)
+  # is this attributed limited to a particular user?
+  limited_to_user = model_data['Limited to user'][i]
+  if not limited_to_user.nil?
+    if limited_to_user == 'self'
+      limited_ob = ob
+    else
+      limited_ob = eval("ob.#{limited_to_user}")
+    end
+    return nil if limited_ob != user
+  end
+  permission = model_data['Permission'][i]
+  if permission
+    return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, ob, user)
+  end
+  unless query['all_elements'] == 'yes'
+    return nil if elements and not elements.index(model_data['REST Attribute'][i])
+    return nil if not elements and model_data['Read by default'][i] == 'no'
+  end
+  if (model_data['Read'][i] == 'yes')
+    accessor = model_data['Accessor'][i]
+    text  = ''
+    attrs = {}
+    case model_data['Encoding'][i]
+      when 'list', 'item as list'
+        list_element =['REST Attribute'][i])
+        attrs.each do |key,value|
+          list_element[key] = value
+        end
+        collection = eval("ob.#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}")
+        collection = [collection] if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'item as list'
+        # filter out things that the user cannot see
+        collection = do |c|
+          not c.respond_to?('contribution') or Authorization.is_authorized?("view", nil, c, user)
+        end
+        collection.each do |item|
+          item_attrs = { }
+          next if item.nil?
+          item_uri = rest_resource_uri(item)
+          item_attrs['resource'] = item_uri if item_uri
+          item_attrs['uri'] = rest_access_uri(item)
+          list_element_accessor = model_data['List Element Accessor'][i]
+          list_element_text     = list_element_accessor ? eval("item.#{model_data['List Element Accessor'][i]}") : item
+          if list_element_text
+            if list_element_text.instance_of?(String)
+              el =['List Element Name'][i])
+              item_attrs.each do |key,value|
+                el[key] = value
+              end
+              el << list_element_text.to_s if list_element_text
+              list_element << el
+            else
+              list_element << rest_reference(list_element_text, query)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        list_element
+      when 'xml'
+        if query['version'] and model_data['Versioned'][i] == 'yes'
+          text = eval("ob.find_version(#{query['version']}).#{accessor}")
+        else
+          text = eval("ob.#{accessor}")
+        end
+        text
+      when 'url'
+        element =['REST Attribute'][i])
+        element << eval("#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}(ob)")
+        element
+      when 'call'
+        eval("#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}(ob, user, query)")
+      when 'item'
+        el =['REST Attribute'][i])
+        item = eval("ob.#{model_data['Accessor'][i]}")
+        if item != nil
+          resource_uri = rest_resource_uri(item)
+          el['resource'] = resource_uri if resource_uri
+          el['uri'] = rest_access_uri(item)
+          el << item.label if item.respond_to?(:label) && item.label
+        end
+        el
+      else 
+        if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'preview'
+          text = resource_preview_url(ob, model_data['Accessor'][i])
+        else
+          text = ""
+          if accessor
+            if query['version'] and model_data['Versioned'][i] == 'yes'
+              text = eval("ob.find_version(#{query['version']}).#{accessor}").to_s
+            else
+              val = eval("ob.#{accessor}")
+              if val.class == ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
+                text = val.time().to_s
+              else
+                text = val.to_s
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          if model_data['Encoding'][i] == 'base64'
+            text = Base64.encode64(text)
+            attrs = { 'type' => 'binary', 'encoding' => 'base64' }
+          end
+        end
+        # puts "ATTRIBUTE = #{model_data['REST Attribute'][i]}, ATTRS = #{attrs.inspect}, text = #{text.inspect}"
+        el =['REST Attribute'][i])
+        attrs.each do |key,value|
+          el[key] = value if value
+        end
+        el << text
+        el
+    end
+  end
+def rest_get_request(ob, req_uri, user, uri, entity_name, query)
+  if query['version']
+    return rest_response(400, :reason => "Object does not support versioning") unless ob.respond_to?('versions')
+    return rest_response(404, :reason => "Specified version does not exist") if query['version'].to_i < 1
+  end
+  elements = query['elements'] ? query['elements'].split(',') : nil
+  doc  =
+  root =
+  doc.root = root
+  root['uri'        ] = rest_access_uri(ob)
+  root['resource'   ] = uri if uri
+  root['api-version'] = API_VERSION if query['api_version'] == 'yes'
+  if ob.respond_to?('versions')
+    if query['version']
+      root['version'] = query['version']
+    else
+      root['version'] = ob.current_version.to_s
+    end
+  end
+  data = ""
+  rest_entity = data['REST Entity']
+  TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]['REST Attribute'].each do |rest_attribute|
+    data = "" user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
+    root << data unless data.nil?
+  end
+  { :xml => doc }
+def rest_crud_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
+  rest_name  = rules['REST Entity']
+  model_name = rules['Model Entity']
+  ob = eval(model_name.camelize).find_by_id(params[:id].to_i)
+  return rest_response(404, :reason => "Object not found") if ob.nil?
+  perm_ob = ob
+  perm_ob = ob.send(rules['Permission object']) if rules['Permission object']
+  case rules['Permission']
+    when 'public'; # do nothing
+    when 'view';  return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised") if not Authorization.is_authorized?("show", nil, perm_ob, user)
+    when 'owner'; return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised") if logged_in?.nil? or object_owner(perm_ob) != user
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, params[:uri], user, eval("rest_resource_uri(ob)"), rest_name, query)
+def find_paginated_auth(args, num, page, filters, user, &blk)
+  def aux(args, num, page, filters, user)
+    results = yield(args, num, page)
+    return nil if results.nil?
+    failures = 0
+ do |result|
+      selected = Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, result, user)
+      if selected
+        filters.each do |attribute, bits|
+          lhs = eval("result.#{bits[:accessor]}")
+          rhs = bits[:value]
+          lhs = lhs.downcase if lhs.class == String
+          rhs = rhs.downcase if rhs.class == String
+          selected = false unless lhs == rhs
+        end
+      end
+      selected
+    end
+  end
+  # 'upto' is the number of results needed to fulfil the request
+  upto = num * page
+  results = []
+  current_page = 1
+  # if this isn't the first page, do a single request to fetch all the pages
+  # up to possibly fulfil the request
+  if (page > 1)
+    results = aux(args, upto, 1, filters, user, &blk)
+    current_page = page + 1
+  end
+  while (results.length < upto)
+    results_page = aux(args, num, current_page, filters, user, &blk)
+    if results_page.nil?
+      break
+    else
+      results += results_page
+      current_page += 1
+    end
+  end
+  range = results[num * (page - 1)..(num * page) - 1]
+  range = [] if range.nil?
+  range
+def rest_index_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
+  rest_name  = rules['REST Entity']
+  model_name = rules['Model Entity']
+  default_limit = 25
+  default_page  = 1
+  max_limit     = 100
+  min_limit     = 1
+  limit = query['num']  ? query['num'].to_i  : default_limit
+  page  = query['page'] ? query['page'].to_i : default_page
+  limit = min_limit if limit < min_limit
+  limit = max_limit if limit > max_limit
+  page = 1 if page < 1
+  model = TABLES["Model"][:data][TABLES["REST"][:data][req_uri]["GET"]["REST Entity"]]
+  # detect filters
+  filters = {}
+  (0..model["REST Attribute"].length - 1).each do |i|
+    if model["Index filter"][i]
+      attribute   = model["REST Attribute"][i]
+      filter_name = attribute.gsub("-", "_")
+      if query[filter_name]
+        filter = { :accessor => model["Accessor"][i] }
+        if model["Encoding"][i] == 'item' || model["Encoding"][i] == 'item as list'
+          filter[:value] = get_resource_from_uri(query[filter_name], user)
+        else
+          filter[:value] = query[filter_name]
+        end
+        filters[attribute] = filter
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if query['tag']
+    tag = Tag.find_by_name(query['tag'])
+    if tag
+      obs = ( do |t| t.taggable_type == model_name.camelize end).map do |t| t.taggable end
+    else
+      obs = []
+    end
+  else
+    sort       = 'id'
+    order      = 'ASC'
+    conditions = model_index_conditions(model_name)
+    case query['sort']
+      when 'created'; sort = 'created_at' if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('created_at')
+      when 'updated'; sort = 'updated_at' if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('updated_at')
+      when 'title';   sort = 'title'      if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('title')
+      when 'name';    sort = 'name'       if eval(model_name.camelize).new.respond_to?('name')
+    end
+    order = 'DESC' if query['order'] == 'reverse'
+    find_args = { :order => "#{sort} #{order}" }
+    find_args[:conditions] = conditions if conditions
+    obs = find_paginated_auth( { :model => model_name.camelize, :find_args => find_args }, limit, page, filters, user) { |args, size, page|
+      find_args = args[:find_args].clone
+      find_args[:page] = { :size => size, :current => page }
+      results = eval(args[:model]).find(:all, find_args)
+      results unless > results.page_count
+    }
+  end
+  produce_rest_list(req_uri, rules, query, obs, rest_name.pluralize, [], user)
+def produce_rest_list(req_uri, rules, query, obs, tag, attributes, user)
+  root =
+  root['api-version'] = API_VERSION if query['api_version'] == 'yes'
+  attributes.each do |k,v|
+    root[k] = v
+  end
+  elements = query['elements'] ? query['elements'].split(',') : nil
+  obs.each do |ob|
+    el = rest_reference(ob, query, !elements.nil?)
+    if elements
+      rest_entity = model_entity_to_rest_entity(
+      TABLES['Model'][:data][rest_entity]['REST Attribute'].each do |rest_attribute|
+        data = "" user, rest_entity, rest_attribute, query, elements)
+        el << data unless data.nil?
+      end
+    end
+    root << el
+  end
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def object_owner(ob)
+  return User.find( if ob.class == Message
+  return ob.user  if ob.respond_to?("user")
+  return ob.owner if ob.respond_to?("owner")
+def model_index_conditions(model_name)
+  case model_name
+    when 'user'; return 'users.activated_at IS NOT NULL'
+  end
+def rest_resource_uri(ob)
+  case
+    when 'Workflow';               return workflow_url(ob)
+    when 'Blob';                   return blob_url(ob)
+    when 'Network';                return network_url(ob)
+    when 'User';                   return user_url(ob)
+    when 'Review';                 return workflow_review_url(ob.reviewable, ob)
+    when 'Comment';                return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.commentable)}/comments/#{}"
+    when 'Bookmark';               return nil
+    when 'Blog';                   return blog_url(ob)
+    when 'BlogPost';               return blog_blog_post_url(, ob)
+    when 'Rating';                 return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.rateable)}/ratings/#{}"
+    when 'Tag';                    return tag_url(ob)
+    when 'Picture';                return user_picture_url(ob.owner, ob)
+    when 'Message';                return message_url(ob)
+    when 'Citation';               return workflow_citation_url(ob.workflow, ob)
+    when 'Announcement';           return announcement_url(ob)
+    when 'Pack';                   return pack_url(ob)
+    when 'Experiment';             return experiment_url(ob)
+    when 'TavernaEnactor';         return runner_url(ob)
+    when 'Job';                    return experiment_job_url(ob.experiment, ob)
+    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return ob.contributable ? rest_resource_uri(ob.contributable) : nil
+    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return ob.uri
+    when 'ContentType';            return content_type_url(ob)
+    when 'License';                return license_url(ob)
+    when 'CurationEvent';          return nil
+    when 'Ontology';               return ontology_url(ob)
+    when 'Predicate';              return predicate_url(ob)
+    when 'Relationship';           return nil
+    when 'Creditation';     return nil
+    when 'Attribution';     return nil
+    when 'Tagging';         return nil
+    when 'Workflow::Version'; return "#{rest_resource_uri(ob.workflow)}?version=#{ob.version}"
+  end
+  raise "Class not processed in rest_resource_uri: #{ob.class.to_s}"
+def rest_access_uri(ob)
+  base = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"
+  case
+    when 'Workflow';               return "#{base}/workflow.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Blob';                   return "#{base}/file.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Network';                return "#{base}/group.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'User';                   return "#{base}/user.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Review';                 return "#{base}/review.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Comment';                return "#{base}/comment.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Bookmark';               return "#{base}/favourite.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Blog';                   return "#{base}/blog.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'BlogPost';               return "#{base}/blog-post.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Rating';                 return "#{base}/rating.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Tag';                    return "#{base}/tag.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Picture';                return "#{base}/picture.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Message';                return "#{base}/message.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Citation';               return "#{base}/citation.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Announcement';           return "#{base}/announcement.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Pack';                   return "#{base}/pack.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Experiment';             return "#{base}/experiment.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'TavernaEnactor';         return "#{base}/runner.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Job';                    return "#{base}/job.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Download';               return "#{base}/download.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return "#{base}/internal-pack-item.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return "#{base}/external-pack-item.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Tagging';                return "#{base}/tagging.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'ContentType';            return "#{base}/type.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'License';                return "#{base}/license.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'CurationEvent';          return "#{base}/curation-event.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Ontology';               return "#{base}/ontology.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Predicate';              return "#{base}/predicate.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Relationship';           return "#{base}/relationship.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Creditation';     return "#{base}/credit.xml?id=#{}"
+    when 'Attribution';     return nil
+    when 'Workflow::Version'; return "#{base}/workflow.xml?id=#{}&version=#{ob.version}"
+  end
+  raise "Class not processed in rest_access_uri: #{ob.class.to_s}"
+def rest_object_tag_text(ob)
+  case
+    when 'User';                   return 'user'
+    when 'Workflow';               return 'workflow'
+    when 'Blob';                   return 'file'
+    when 'Network';                return 'group'
+    when 'Rating';                 return 'rating'
+    when 'Creditation';            return 'credit'
+    when 'Citation';               return 'citation'
+    when 'Announcement';           return 'announcement'
+    when 'Tag';                    return 'tag'
+    when 'Tagging';                return 'tagging'
+    when 'Pack';                   return 'pack'
+    when 'Experiment';             return 'experiment'
+    when 'Download';               return 'download'
+    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return rest_object_tag_text(ob.contributable)
+    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return 'external'
+    when 'Workflow::Version';      return 'workflow'
+    when 'Comment';                return 'comment'
+    when 'Bookmark';               return 'favourite'
+    when 'ContentType';            return 'type'
+    when 'License';                return 'license'
+    when 'CurationEvent';          return 'curation-event'
+    when 'Ontology';               return 'ontology'
+    when 'Predicate';              return 'predicate'
+    when 'Relationship';           return 'relationship'
+  end
+  return 'object'
+def rest_object_label_text(ob)
+  case
+    when 'User';                   return
+    when 'Workflow';               return ob.title
+    when 'Blob';                   return ob.title
+    when 'Network';                return ob.title
+    when 'Rating';                 return ob.rating.to_s
+    when 'Creditation';            return ''
+    when 'Citation';               return ob.title
+    when 'Announcement';           return ob.title
+    when 'Tag';                    return
+    when 'Tagging';                return
+    when 'Pack';                   return ob.title
+    when 'Experiment';             return ob.title
+    when 'Download';               return ''
+    when 'PackContributableEntry'; return rest_object_label_text(ob.contributable)
+    when 'PackRemoteEntry';        return ob.title     
+    when 'Workflow::Version';      return ob.title
+    when 'ContentType';            return ob.title
+    when 'License';                return ob.title
+    when 'CurationEvent';          return ob.category
+    when 'Ontology';               return ob.title
+    when 'Predicate';              return ob.title
+    when 'Relationship';           return ''
+  end
+  return ''
+def rest_reference(ob, query, skip_text = false)
+  el =
+  resource_uri = rest_resource_uri(ob)
+  el['resource'] = resource_uri if resource_uri
+  el['uri'     ] = rest_access_uri(ob)
+  el['version' ] = ob.current_version.to_s if ob.respond_to?('current_version')
+  el << rest_object_label_text(ob) if !skip_text
+  el
+def parse_resource_uri(str)
+  base_uri = URI.parse("#{Conf.base_uri}/")
+  uri      = base_uri.merge(str)
+  is_local = == and base_uri.port == uri.port
+  return [Workflow, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/workflows\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Blob, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/files\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Network, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/groups\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [User, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/users\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Review, $1, is_local]         if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/reviews\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Comment, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/comments\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Blog, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/blogs\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [BlogPost, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/blogs\/[\d]+\/blog_posts\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Tag, $1, is_local]            if uri.path =~ /^\/tags\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Picture, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/users\/[\d]+\/pictures\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Message, $1, is_local]        if uri.path =~ /^\/messages\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Citation, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/[^\/]+\/[\d]+\/citations\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Announcement, $1, is_local]   if uri.path =~ /^\/announcements\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Pack, $1, is_local]           if uri.path =~ /^\/packs\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Experiment, $1, is_local]     if uri.path =~ /^\/experiments\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [TavernaEnactor, $1, is_local] if uri.path =~ /^\/runners\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Job, $1, is_local]            if uri.path =~ /^\/jobs\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Download, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/downloads\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Ontology, $1, is_local]       if uri.path =~ /^\/ontologies\/([\d]+)$/
+  return [Predicate, $1, is_local]      if uri.path =~ /^\/predicates\/([\d]+)$/
+  nil
+def get_resource_from_uri(uri, user)
+  cl, id, local = parse_resource_uri(uri)
+  return nil if cl.nil? || local == false
+  resource = cl.find_by_id(id)
+  return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, resource, user)
+  resource
+def resolve_resource_node(resource_node, user = nil, permission = nil)
+  return nil if resource_node.nil?
+  attr = resource_node.find_first('@resource')
+  return nil if attr.nil?
+  resource_uri = attr.value
+  resource_bits = parse_resource_uri(resource_uri)
+  return nil if resource_bits.nil?
+  resource = resource_bits[0].find_by_id(resource_bits[1].to_i)
+  return nil if resource.nil?
+  if permission
+    return nil if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, resource, user)
+  end
+  resource
+def obtain_rest_resource(type, id, version, user, permission = nil)
+  resource = eval(type).find_by_id(id)
+  if resource.nil?
+    return [nil, rest_response(404, :reason => "Couldn't find a #{type} with id #{id}")]
+  end
+  if version
+    if resource.versions.last.version != version.to_i
+      resource = resource.find_version(version)
+    end
+  end
+  if resource.nil?
+    return [nil, rest_response(404, :reason => "#{type} #{id} does not have a version #{version}")]
+  end
+  if permission
+    if !Authorization.is_authorized?(permission, nil, resource, user)
+      return [nil, rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for #{type} #{id}")]
+    end
+  end
+  [resource, nil]
+def rest_access_redirect(opts = {})
+  return rest_response(400, :reason => "Resource was not specified") if opts[:query]['resource'].nil?
+  bits = parse_resource_uri(opts[:query]['resource'])
+  return rest_response(404, :reason => "Didn't understand the format of the specified resource") if bits.nil?
+  ob = bits[0].find_by_id(bits[1])
+  return rest_response(404, :reason => "The specified resource does not exist") if ob.nil?
+  return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") if !Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, ob, opts[:user])
+  rest_response(307, :location => rest_access_uri(ob))
+def create_default_policy(user)
+ => user, :name => 'auto', :share_mode => 7, :update_mode => 6)
+def update_permissions(ob, permissions)
+  share_mode  = 7
+  update_mode = 6
+  # clear out any permission records for this contributable
+  ob.contribution.policy.permissions.each do |p|
+    p.destroy
+  end
+  # process permission elements
+  if permissions
+    permissions.find('permission').each do |permission|
+      # handle public privileges
+      if permission.find_first('category/text()').to_s == 'public'
+        privileges = {}
+        permission.find('privilege').each do |el|
+          privileges[el['type']] = true
+        end
+        if privileges["view"] && privileges["download"]
+          share_mode = 0
+        elsif privileges["view"]
+          share_mode = 2
+        else
+          share_mode = 7
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ob.contribution.policy.update_attributes(:share_mode => share_mode,
+      :update_mode => update_mode)
+def workflow_aux(action, opts = {})
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a workflow") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Workflow', opts[:user], nil)
+      if opts[:query]['id']
+        ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Workflow', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+      else
+        ob = => opts[:user])
+      end
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Workflow', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    return rest_response(400, :reason => "Cannot delete individual versions") if opts[:query]['version']
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    title            = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/title')
+    description      = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/description')
+    license_type     = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/license-type')
+    type             = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/type')
+    content_type     = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/content-type')
+    content          = parse_element(data, :binary, '/workflow/content')
+    preview          = parse_element(data, :binary, '/workflow/preview')
+    svg              = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/svg')
+    revision_comment = parse_element(data, :text,   '/workflow/revision-comment')
+    permissions  = data.find_first('/workflow/permissions')
+    # build the contributable
+    ob.title   = title        if title
+    ob.body    = description  if description
+    if license_type 
+      if license_type == ""
+        ob.license = nil
+      else
+        ob.license = License.find_by_unique_name(license_type)
+        if ob.license.nil?
+          ob.errors.add("License type")
+          return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # handle workflow type
+    if type
+      ob.content_type = ContentType.find_by_title(type)
+      if ob.content_type.nil?
+        ob.errors.add("Type")
+        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+      end
+    elsif content_type
+      content_types = ContentType.find_all_by_mime_type(content_type)
+      if content_types.length == 1
+        ob.content_type = content_types.first
+      else
+        if content_types.empty?
+          ob.errors.add("Content type")
+        else
+          ob.errors.add("Content type", "matches more than one registered content type")
+        end
+        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+      end
+    end
+    ob.content_blob_id = ContentBlob.create(:data ="" content).id if content
+    # Handle the preview and svg images.  If there's a preview supplied, use
+    # it.  Otherwise auto-generate one if we can.
+    begin
+      if preview.nil? and content
+        metadata = Workflow.extract_metadata(:type => ob.content_type.title, :data ="" content)
+        preview = metadata["image"].read if metadata["image"]
+      end
+      if preview
+        ob.image = preview
+      end
+      if svg.nil? and content
+        metadata = Workflow.extract_metadata(:type => ob.content_type.title, :data ="" content)
+        svg = metadata["image"].read if metadata["image"]
+      end
+      if svg
+        ob.svg = svg
+      end
+    rescue
+      return rest_response(500, :reason => "Unable to extract metadata")
+    end
+    success = if (action == 'create' and opts[:query]['id'])
+      ob.save_as_new_version(revision_comment)
+    else
+    end
+    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless success
+    # Elements to update if we're not dealing with a workflow version
+    if opts[:query]['version'].nil?
+      if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
+        ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
+      end
+      update_permissions(ob, permissions)
+    end
+  end
+  ob = ob.versioned_resource if ob.respond_to?("versioned_resource")
+  rest_get_request(ob, "workflow", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "workflow", { "id" => })
+def post_workflow(opts)
+  workflow_aux('create', opts)
+def put_workflow(opts)
+  workflow_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_workflow(opts)
+  workflow_aux('destroy', opts)
+# file handling
+def file_aux(action, opts = {})
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a file") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Blob', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Blob', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    title        = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/title')
+    description  = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/description')
+    license_type = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/license-type')
+    type         = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/type')
+    content_type = parse_element(data, :text,   '/file/content-type')
+    content      = parse_element(data, :binary, '/file/content')
+    permissions  = data.find_first('/file/permissions')
+    # build the contributable
+    ob.title        = title        if title
+    ob.body         = description  if description
+    if license_type 
+      if license_type == ""
+        ob.license = nil
+      else
+        ob.license = License.find_by_unique_name(license_type)
+        if ob.license.nil?
+          ob.errors.add("License type")
+          return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # handle type
+    if type
+      ob.content_type = ContentType.find_by_title(type)
+      if ob.content_type.nil?
+        ob.errors.add("Type")
+        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+      end
+    elsif content_type
+      content_types = ContentType.find_all_by_mime_type(content_type)
+      if content_types.length == 1
+        ob.content_type = content_types.first
+      else
+        if content_types.empty?
+          ob.errors.add("Content type")
+        else
+          ob.errors.add("Content type", "matches more than one registered content type")
+        end
+        return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+      end
+    end
+    ob.content_blob = ="" content) if content
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+    if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
+      ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
+    end
+    update_permissions(ob, permissions)
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "file", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "file", { "id" => })
+def post_file(opts)
+  file_aux('create', opts)
+def put_file(opts)
+  file_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_file(opts)
+  file_aux('destroy', opts)
+# pack handling
+def pack_aux(action, opts = {})
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Pack', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Pack', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    title        = parse_element(data, :text,   '/pack/title')
+    description  = parse_element(data, :text,   '/pack/description')
+    permissions  = data.find_first('/pack/permissions')
+    # build the contributable
+    ob.title       = title        if title
+    ob.description = description  if description
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+    if ob.contribution.policy.nil?
+      ob.contribution.policy = create_default_policy(opts[:user])
+    end
+    update_permissions(ob, permissions)
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "pack", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "pack", { "id" => })
+def post_pack(opts)
+  pack_aux('create', opts)
+def put_pack(opts)
+  pack_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_pack(opts)
+  pack_aux('destroy', opts)
+def external_pack_item_aux(action, opts = {})
+  unless action == 'destroy'
+    data = ""
+    pack          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/external-pack-item/pack')
+    title         = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/title')
+    uri           = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/uri')
+    alternate_uri = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/alternate-uri')
+    comment       = parse_element(data, :text,     '/external-pack-item/comment')
+  end
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an external pack item") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'PackRemoteEntry', opts[:user], pack)
+      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Pack not found") if pack.nil?
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, pack, opts[:user])
+      ob = => opts[:user],
+          :pack          => pack,
+          :title         => title,
+          :uri           => uri,
+          :alternate_uri => alternate_uri,
+          :comment       => comment)
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('PackRemoteEntry', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+      if ob
+        return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, ob.pack, opts[:user])
+      end
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    ob.title         = title         if title
+    ob.uri           = uri           if uri
+    ob.alternate_uri = alternate_uri if alternate_uri
+    ob.comment       = comment       if comment
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "external-pack-item", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "external-pack-item", { "id" => })
+def post_external_pack_item(opts)
+  external_pack_item_aux('create', opts)
+def put_external_pack_item(opts)
+  external_pack_item_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_external_pack_item(opts)
+  external_pack_item_aux('destroy', opts)
+def internal_pack_item_aux(action, opts = {})
+  unless action == 'destroy'
+    data = ""
+    pack          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/internal-pack-item/pack')
+    item          = parse_element(data, :resource, '/internal-pack-item/item')
+    comment       = parse_element(data, :text,     '/internal-pack-item/comment')
+  end
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an internal pack item") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'PackContributableEntry', opts[:user], pack)
+      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Pack not found") if pack.nil?
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, pack, opts[:user])
+      ob = => opts[:user],
+          :pack          => pack,
+          :contributable => item,
+          :comment       => comment)
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('PackContributableEntry', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+      if ob
+        return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to change the specified pack") unless Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, ob.pack, opts[:user])
+      end
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    ob.comment = comment if comment
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "internal-pack-item", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "internal-pack-item", { "id" => })
+def post_internal_pack_item(opts)
+  internal_pack_item_aux('create', opts)
+def put_internal_pack_item(opts)
+  internal_pack_item_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_internal_pack_item(opts)
+  internal_pack_item_aux('destroy', opts)
+# def post_job(opts)
+#   title       = params["job"]["title"]
+#   description = params["job"]["description"]
+#   experiment_bits = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["experiment"])
+#   runner_bits     = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["runner"])
+#   runnable_bits   = parse_resource_uri(params["job"]["runnable"])
+#   return rest_response(400) if title.nil?
+#   return rest_response(400) if description.nil?
+#   return rest_response(400) if experiment_bits.nil? or experiment_bits[0] != 'Experiment'
+#   return rest_response(400) if runner_bits.nil?     or runner_bits[0]     != 'TavernaEnactor'
+#   return rest_response(400) if runnable_bits.nil?   or runnable_bits[0]   != 'Workflow'
+#   experiment = Experiment.find_by_id(experiment_bits[1].to_i)
+#   runner     = TavernaEnactor.find_by_id(runner_bits[1].to_i)
+#   runnable   = Workflow.find_by_id(runnable_bits[1].to_i)
+#   return rest_response(400) if experiment.nil? or not Authorization.is_authorized?('edit', nil, experiment, opts[:user])
+#   return rest_response(400) if runner.nil?     or not Authorization.is_authorized?('download', nil, runner, opts[:user])
+#   return rest_response(400) if runnable.nil?   or not Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, runnable, opts[:user])
+#   puts "#{params[:job]}"
+#   job = => title, :description => description, :runnable => runnable, 
+#       :experiment => experiment, :runner => runner, :user => opts[:user],
+#       :runnable_version => runnable.current_version)
+#   inputs = { "Tags" => "aa,bb,aa,cc,aa" }
+#   job.inputs_data = inputs
+#   success = job.submit_and_run!
+#   return rest_response(500) if not success
+#   return "<yes/>"
+# end
+def paginated_search_index(query, models, num, page, user)
+  return [] if not Conf.solr_enable or query.nil? or query == ""
+  find_paginated_auth( { :query => query, :models => models }, num, page, [], user) { |args, size, page|
+    q      = args[:query]
+    models = args[:models]
+    search_result = models[0].multi_solr_search(q, :limit => size, :offset => size * (page - 1), :models => models)
+    search_result.results unless < (size * (page - 1))
+  }
+def search(opts)
+  search_query = opts[:query]['query']
+  # Start of curation hack
+  if search_query[0..1].downcase == 'c:' && opts[:user] &&
+      Conf.curators.include?(opts[:user].username)
+    bits = search_query.match("^c:([a-z]*) ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$")
+    if bits.length == 4
+      case bits[1]
+        when 'workflows': model = Workflow
+        when 'files': model = Blob
+        when 'packs': model = Pack
+        else return rest_response(400, :reason => "Unknown category '#{bits[1]}'")
+      end
+      obs = model.find(:all, :conditions => ['id >= ? AND id <= ?', bits[2], bits[3]])
+      obs = ( do |c| c.respond_to?('contribution') == false or Authorization.is_authorized?("view", nil, c, opts[:user]) end)
+      return produce_rest_list(opts[:req_uri], opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'search', {}, opts[:user])
+    end
+  end
+  # End of curation hack
+  models = [User, Workflow, Blob, Network, Pack]
+  # parse type option
+  if opts[:query]['type']
+    models = []
+    opts[:query]['type'].split(',').each do |type|
+      case type
+        when 'user';     models.push(User)
+        when 'workflow'; models.push(Workflow)
+        when 'file';     models.push(Blob)
+        when 'group';    models.push(Network)
+        when 'pack';     models.push(Pack)
+        else return rest_response(400, :reason => "Unknown search type '#{type}'")
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  num = 25
+  if opts[:query]['num']
+    num = opts[:query]['num'].to_i
+  end
+  num = 25  if num < 0
+  num = 100 if num > 100
+  page  = opts[:query]['page'] ? opts[:query]['page'].to_i : 1
+  page = 1 if page < 1
+  attributes = {}
+  attributes['query'] = search_query
+  attributes['type'] = opts[:query]['type'] if models.length == 1
+  begin
+    obs = paginated_search_index(search_query, models, num, page, opts[:user])
+    produce_rest_list(opts[:req_uri], opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'search', attributes, opts[:user])
+  rescue
+    rest_response(400, :reason => "Invalid search query")
+  end
+def user_count(opts)
+  users = User.find(:all).select do |user| user.activated? end
+  root ='user-count')
+  root << users.length.to_s
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def group_count(opts)
+  root ='group-count')
+  root << Network.count.to_s
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def workflow_count(opts)
+  workflows = Workflow.find(:all).select do |w|
+    Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, w, opts[:user])
+  end
+  root ='workflow-count')
+  root << workflows.length.to_s
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def pack_count(opts)
+  packs = Pack.find(:all).select do |p|
+    Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, p, opts[:user])
+  end
+  root ='pack-count')
+  root << packs.length.to_s
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def content_type_count(opts)
+  root ='type-count')
+  root << ContentType.count.to_s
+  doc =
+  doc.root = root
+  { :xml => doc }
+def get_tagged(opts)
+  return rest_response(400, :reason => "Did not specify a tag") if opts[:query]['tag'].nil?
+  tag = Tag.find_by_name(opts[:query]['tag'])
+  obs = tag ? tag.tagged : []
+  # filter out ones they are not allowed to get
+  obs = ( do |c| c.respond_to?('contribution') == false or Authorization.is_authorized?("index", nil, c, opts[:user]) end)
+  produce_rest_list("tagged", opts[:rules], opts[:query], obs, 'tagged', [], opts[:user])
+def tag_cloud(opts)
+  num  = 25
+  type = nil
+  if opts[:query]['num']
+    if opts[:query]['num'] == 'all'
+      num = nil
+    else
+      num = opts[:query]['num'].to_i
+    end
+  end
+  if opts[:query]['type'] and opts[:query]['type'] != 'all'
+    type = opts[:query]['type'].camelize
+    type = 'Network' if type == 'Group'
+    type = 'Blob'    if type == 'File'
+  end
+  tags = Tag.find_by_tag_count(num, type)
+  doc =
+  root ='tag-cloud')
+  doc.root = root
+  root['type'] = opts[:query]['type'] ? opts[:query]['type'] : 'all'
+  tags.each do |tag|
+    tag_node = rest_reference(tag, opts[:query])
+    tag_node['count'] = tag.taggings_count.to_s
+    root << tag_node
+  end
+  { :xml => doc }
+def whoami_redirect(opts)
+  if opts[:user].class == User
+    case opts[:format]
+      when "xml": rest_response(307, :location => rest_access_uri(opts[:user]))
+      when "rdf": rest_response(307, :location => formatted_user_url(:id => opts[:user].id, :format => 'rdf'))
+    end
+  else
+    rest_response(401, :reason => "Not logged in")
+  end
+def parse_element(doc, kind, query)
+  case kind
+    when :text
+      if doc.find_first(query)
+        enc  = doc.find_first(query)['encoding']
+        el   = doc.find_first("#{query}")
+        text = doc.find_first("#{query}/text()")
+        if el
+          if enc == 'base64'
+            return Base64::decode64(text.to_s)
+          else
+            return text.to_s
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    when :binary
+      el   = doc.find_first("#{query}")
+      text = doc.find_first("#{query}/text()")
+      return Base64::decode64(text.to_s) if el
+    when :resource
+      return resolve_resource_node(doc.find_first(query))
+  end
+# Avatar handling (to show default avatar when none present)
+def effective_avatar(ob, user, query)
+  picture = ob.profile.picture
+  if picture
+    result = rest_reference(picture, query, true)
+ = "avatar"
+    result
+  else
+    result ='avatar')
+    result['resource'] = Conf.base_uri + '/images/avatar.png'
+    result
+  end
+# Privileges
+def effective_privileges(ob, user, query)
+  privileges ='privileges')
+  ['view', 'download', 'edit'].each do |type|
+    if Authorization.is_authorized?(type, nil, ob, user) 
+      privilege ='privilege')
+      privilege['type'] = type
+      privileges << privilege
+    end
+  end
+  privileges
+# Comments
+def comment_aux(action, opts)
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a comment") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Comment', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Comment', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    comment = parse_element(data, :text,     '/comment/comment')
+    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/comment/subject')
+    ob.comment = comment if comment
+    if subject
+      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource does not support comments") unless [Blob, Network, Pack, Workflow].include?(subject.class)
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to add a comment to the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Comment', opts[:user], subject)
+      ob.commentable = subject
+    end
+    # Start of curation hack
+    def match_tag_name(name)
+      name.sub!(/^c:/, '')
+      matches = []
+      Conf.curation_types.each do |type|
+        matches.push type if type.starts_with?(name)
+      end
+      return matches[0] if matches.length == 1
+    end
+    if comment[0..1].downcase == 'c:' && opts[:user] && subject &&
+        Conf.curators.include?(opts[:user].username)
+      comment = comment[2..-1].strip
+      lines  = comment.split("\n")
+      events = []
+      failed = false
+      lines.each do |line|
+        line.strip!
+        bits = line.split(";")
+        if bits.length > 1
+          details = bits[1..-1].join(";")
+        else
+          details = nil
+        end
+        if bits.length > 0
+          bits[0].split(",").each do |bit|
+            bit.downcase!
+            bit.strip!
+            curation_type = match_tag_name(bit)
+            if curation_type
+              events.push( => curation_type,
+                    :object => subject, :user => opts[:user], :details => details))
+            else
+              failed = true
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      if failed
+        return rest_response(400, :reason => 'Unrecognised curation term')
+      end
+      events.each do |event|
+      end
+      subject.solr_save
+      return rest_get_request(ob, "comment", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob),
+        "comment", { "id" => })
+    end
+    # End of curation hack
+    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "comment", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "comment", { "id" => })
+def post_comment(opts)
+  comment_aux('create', opts)
+def put_comment(opts)
+  comment_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_comment(opts)
+  comment_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Favourites
+def favourite_aux(action, opts)
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a favourite") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Bookmark', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Bookmark', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    target = parse_element(data, :resource, '/favourite/object')
+    if target
+      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource is not a valid favourite target") unless [Blob, Pack, Workflow].include?(target.class)
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create the favourite") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Bookmark', opts[:user], target)
+      ob.bookmarkable = target
+    end
+    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "favourite", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "favourite", { "id" => })
+def post_favourite(opts)
+  favourite_aux('create', opts)
+def put_favourite(opts)
+  favourite_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_favourite(opts)
+  favourite_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Ratings
+def rating_aux(action, opts)
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a rating") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Rating', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Rating', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    rating  = parse_element(data, :text,     '/rating/rating')
+    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/rating/subject')
+    ob.rating = rating if rating
+    if subject
+      return rest_response(400, :reason => "Specified resource does not support ratings") unless [Blob, Network, Pack, Workflow].include?(subject.class)
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Rating', opts[:user], subject)
+      ob.rateable = subject
+    end
+    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "rating", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "rating", { "id" => })
+def post_rating(opts)
+  rating_aux('create', opts)
+def put_rating(opts)
+  rating_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_rating(opts)
+  rating_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Taggings
+def tagging_aux(action, opts)
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a tagging") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Tagging', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Tagging', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    subject = parse_element(data, :resource, '/tagging/subject')
+    label   = parse_element(data, :text,     '/tagging/label')
+    tag     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/tagging/tag')
+    ob.label    = label   if label
+    ob.tag      = tag     if tag
+    if subject
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised for the specified resource") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, 'Rating', opts[:user], subject)
+      ob.taggable = subject
+    end
+    return rest_response(400, :object => ob) unless
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "tagging", opts[:user], rest_resource_uri(ob), "tagging", { "id" => })
+def post_tagging(opts)
+  tagging_aux('create', opts)
+def delete_tagging(opts)
+  tagging_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Ontologies
+def ontology_aux(action, opts)
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create an ontology") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Ontology', opts[:user], nil)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Ontology', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    data = ""
+    title        = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/title')
+    description  = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/description')
+    uri          = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/uri')
+    prefix       = parse_element(data, :text, '/ontology/prefix')
+    # build the contributable
+    ob.title       = title       if title
+    ob.description = description if description
+    ob.uri         = uri         if uri
+    ob.prefix      = prefix      if prefix
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "ontology", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "ontology", { "id" => })
+def post_ontology(opts)
+  ontology_aux('create', opts)
+def put_ontology(opts)
+  ontology_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_ontology(opts)
+  ontology_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Predicates
+def predicate_aux(action, opts)
+  if action != "destroy"
+    data = ""
+    title         = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/title')
+     :resource, '/predicate/ontology')
+    description   = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/description')
+    phrase        = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/phrase')
+    equivalent_to = parse_element(data, :text,     '/predicate/equivalent-to')
+  end
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a predicate") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Predicate', opts[:user], ontology)
+      ob =
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Predicate', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    # build it
+    ob.title         = title         if title
+    ob.description   = description   if description
+    ob.phrase        = phrase        if phrase
+    ob.equivalent_to = equivalent_to if equivalent_to
+    ob.      if ontology
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "predicate", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "predicate", { "id" => })
+def post_predicate(opts)
+  predicate_aux('create', opts)
+def put_predicate(opts)
+  predicate_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_predicate(opts)
+  predicate_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Relationships
+def relationship_aux(action, opts)
+  if action != "destroy"
+    data = ""
+    subject     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/subject')
+    predicate   = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/predicate')
+    objekt      = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/object')
+    context     = parse_element(data, :resource, '/relationship/context')
+  end
+  # Obtain object
+  case action
+    when 'create':
+      return rest_response(401, :reason => "Not authorised to create a relationship") unless Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?('create', 'Relationship', opts[:user], context)
+      ob = => opts[:user])
+    when 'read', 'update', 'destroy':
+      ob, error = obtain_rest_resource('Relationship', opts[:query]['id'], opts[:query]['version'], opts[:user], action)
+    else
+      raise "Invalid action '#{action}'"
+  end
+  return error if ob.nil? # appropriate rest response already given
+  if action == "destroy"
+    ob.destroy
+  else
+    # build it
+    ob.subject   = subject   if subject
+    ob.predicate = predicate if predicate
+    ob.objekt    = objekt    if objekt
+    ob.context   = context   if context
+    if not
+      return rest_response(400, :object => ob)
+    end
+  end
+  rest_get_request(ob, "relationship", opts[:user],
+      rest_resource_uri(ob), "relationship", { "id" => })
+def post_relationship(opts)
+  relationship_aux('create', opts)
+def put_relationship(opts)
+  relationship_aux('update', opts)
+def delete_relationship(opts)
+  relationship_aux('destroy', opts)
+# Call dispatcher
+def rest_call_request(req_uri, format, rules, user, query)
+  begin
+    eval("#{rules['Function']}(:req_uri => req_uri, :format => format, :rules => rules, :user => user, :query => query)")
+  rescue
+    return rest_response(500)
+  end

Deleted: branches/api/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb (2921 => 2924)

--- trunk/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb	2012-01-26 13:24:17 UTC (rev 2921)
+++ branches/api/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -1,945 +0,0 @@
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
-require 'api_controller'
-require 'xml/libxml'
-require 'lib/rest'
-include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
-include ActionController::UrlWriter
-class ApiControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
-  def setup
-    @controller =
-    @request    =
-    @response   =
-  end
-  fixtures :workflows, :users, :content_types, :licenses, :ontologies, :predicates, :packs
-  def test_workflows
-    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    title        = "Unique tags"
-    title2       = "Unique tags again"
-    license_type = "by-sa"
-    content_type = "application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml"
-    description  = "A workflow description."
-    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
-    # post a workflow
-    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <description>#{description}</description>
-        <license-type>#{license_type}</license-type>
-        <content-type>#{content_type}</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </workflow>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
-    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
-    @workflow_id =
-    # get the workflow
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id,
-        "elements" => "title,description,license-type,content-type,content")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/workflow/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/workflow/description').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(license_type, response.find_first('/workflow/license-type').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(content_type, response.find_first('/workflow/content-type').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(content,      response.find_first('/workflow/content').inner_xml)
-    # it's private default, so make sure that another user can't get the
-    # workflow
-    setup
-    login_as(:jane)
-    rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
-    assert_response(:unauthorized)
-    # update the workflow
-    setup
-    login_as(:john)
-    rest_request(:put, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>#{title2}</title>
-      </workflow>", "id" => @workflow_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated workflow
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/workflow/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/workflow/description').inner_xml)
-    # delete the workflow
-    rest_request(:delete, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted workflow
-    rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_files
-    existing_files = Blob.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    title        = "Test file title"
-    title2       = "Updated test file title"
-    license_type = "by-sa"
-    content_type = "text/plain"
-    description  = "A description of the test file."
-    content = Base64.encode64("This is the content of this test file.")
-    # post a file
-    rest_request(:post, 'file', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <file>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <description>#{description}</description>
-        <license-type>#{license_type}</license-type>
-        <content-type>#{content_type}</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </file>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_files = Blob.find(:all) - existing_files
-    assert_equal(extra_files.length, 1)
-    file = extra_files.first
-    # get the file
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description,license-type,content-type,content")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/file/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/file/description').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(license_type, response.find_first('/file/license-type').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(content_type, response.find_first('/file/content-type').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(content,      response.find_first('/file/content').inner_xml)
-    # it's private default, so make sure that another user can't get the
-    # file
-    setup
-    login_as(:jane)
-    rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:unauthorized)
-    # update the file
-    setup
-    login_as(:john)
-    rest_request(:put, 'file', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <file>
-        <title>#{title2}</title>
-      </file>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated file
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/file/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/file/description').inner_xml)
-    # delete the file
-    rest_request(:delete, 'file', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted file
-    rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_packs
-    existing_packs = Pack.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    title        = "A pack"
-    title2       = "An updated pack"
-    description  = "A pack description."
-    # post a pack
-    rest_request(:post, 'pack', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <pack>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <description>#{description}</description>
-        <permissions>
-          <permission>
-            <category>public</category>
-            <privilege type='view'/>
-            <privilege type='download'/>
-          </permission>
-        </permissions>
-      </pack>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_packs = Pack.find(:all) - existing_packs
-    assert_equal(extra_packs.length, 1)
-    @pack_id =
-    # get the pack
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/pack/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/pack/description').inner_xml)
-    # make sure that another user can get the pack, since it's supposed to be
-    # public
-    setup;
-    login_as(:jane)
-    rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # update the pack
-    setup
-    login_as(:john)
-    rest_request(:put, 'pack', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <pack>
-        <title>#{title2}</title>
-      </pack>", "id" => @pack_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated pack
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/pack/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/pack/description').inner_xml)
-    # add an internal pack item
-    existing_internal_pack_items = PackContributableEntry.find(:all)
-    pack_uri     = rest_resource_uri(Pack.find(@pack_id))
-    workflow_uri = rest_resource_uri(Workflow.find(1))
-    comment1     = "It's an internal pack item."
-    comment2     = "It's an updated internal pack item."
-    rest_request(:post, 'internal-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <internal-pack-item>
-        <pack resource='#{pack_uri}'/>
-        <item resource='#{workflow_uri}'/>
-        <comment>#{comment1}</comment>
-      </internal-pack-item>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_internal_pack_items = PackContributableEntry.find(:all) - existing_internal_pack_items
-    assert_equal(extra_internal_pack_items.length, 1)
-    @internal_pack_item_id =
-    # get the internal pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(pack_uri,     response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/pack/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(workflow_uri, response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/item/*/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(comment1,     response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
-    # update the internal pack item
-    rest_request(:put, 'internal-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <internal-pack-item>
-        <comment>#{comment2}</comment>
-      </internal-pack-item>", "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated internal pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(comment2, response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
-    # delete the internal pack item
-    rest_request(:delete, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted internal pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-    # add an external pack item
-    existing_external_pack_items = PackRemoteEntry.find(:all)
-    external_uri  = ""
-    alternate_uri = ""
-    comment3      = "It's an external pack item."
-    comment4      = "It's an updated external pack item."
-    title         = "Title for the external pack item."
-    rest_request(:post, 'external-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <external-pack-item>
-        <pack resource='#{pack_uri}'/>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <uri>#{external_uri}</uri>
-        <alternate-uri>#{alternate_uri}</alternate-uri>
-        <comment>#{comment3}</comment>
-      </external-pack-item>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_external_pack_items = PackRemoteEntry.find(:all) - existing_external_pack_items
-    assert_equal(extra_external_pack_items.length, 1)
-    @external_pack_item_id =
-    # get the external pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id,
-      "elements" => "pack,title,uri,alternate-uri,comment")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(pack_uri,      response.find_first('/external-pack-item/pack/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(external_uri,  response.find_first('/external-pack-item/uri').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(alternate_uri, response.find_first('/external-pack-item/alternate-uri').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(comment3,      response.find_first('/external-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
-    # update the external pack item
-    rest_request(:put, 'external-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <external-pack-item>
-        <comment>#{comment4}</comment>
-      </external-pack-item>", "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated external pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(comment4, response.find_first('/external-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
-    # delete the external pack item
-    rest_request(:delete, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted external pack item
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-    # delete the pack
-    rest_request(:delete, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted pack
-    rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_comments
-    login_as(:john)
-    # post a workflow to test with
-    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
-    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>Unique tags</title>
-        <description>A workflow description.</description>
-        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
-        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </workflow>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
-    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
-    workflow = extra_workflows.first
-    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
-    # post a comment
-    comment_text  = "a test comment"
-    comment_text2 = "an updated test comment"
-    existing_comments = Comment.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'comment', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <comment>
-        <comment>#{comment_text}</comment>
-        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
-      </comment>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_comments = Comment.find(:all) - existing_comments 
-    assert_equal(extra_comments.length, 1)
-    comment = extra_comments.first
-    # update the comment (which should fail)
-    rest_request(:put, 'comment', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <comment>
-        <comment>#{comment_text2}</comment>
-      </comment>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(:unauthorized)
-    # delete the comment
-    rest_request(:delete, 'comment', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted comment
-    rest_request(:get, 'comment', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_ratings
-    login_as(:john)
-    # post a workflow to test with
-    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
-    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>Unique tags</title>
-        <description>A workflow description.</description>
-        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
-        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </workflow>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
-    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
-    workflow = extra_workflows.first
-    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
-    # post a rating
-    existing_ratings = Rating.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'rating', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <rating>
-        <rating>4</rating>
-        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
-      </rating>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_ratings = Rating.find(:all) - existing_ratings 
-    assert_equal(extra_ratings.length, 1)
-    rating = extra_ratings.first
-    assert_equal(rating.user, users(:john));
-    assert_equal(rating.rateable, workflow);
-    assert_equal(rating.rating, 4);
-    # update the rating (which should fail)
-    rest_request(:put, 'rating', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <rating>
-        <rating>3</rating>
-      </rating>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    rating.reload
-    assert_equal(rating.rating, 3);
-    # delete the rating
-    rest_request(:delete, 'rating', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted rating
-    rest_request(:get, 'rating', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_favourites
-    login_as(:john)
-    # post a workflow to test with
-    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
-    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>Unique tags</title>
-        <description>A workflow description.</description>
-        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
-        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </workflow>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
-    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
-    workflow = extra_workflows.first
-    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
-    # post a favourite
-    existing_favourites = Bookmark.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'favourite', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <favourite>
-        <object resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
-      </favourite>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_favourites = Bookmark.find(:all) - existing_favourites 
-    assert_equal(extra_favourites.length, 1)
-    favourite = extra_favourites.first
-    # delete the favourite
-    rest_request(:delete, 'favourite', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted favourite
-    rest_request(:get, 'favourite', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_taggings
-    login_as(:john)
-    # post a workflow to test with
-    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
-    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <workflow>
-        <title>Unique tags</title>
-        <description>A workflow description.</description>
-        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
-        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
-        <content>#{content}</content>
-      </workflow>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
-    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
-    workflow = extra_workflows.first
-    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
-    # post a tagging
-    existing_taggings = Tagging.find(:all)
-    rest_request(:post, 'tagging', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <tagging>
-        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
-        <label>my test tag</label>
-      </tagging>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_taggings = Tagging.find(:all) - existing_taggings 
-    assert_equal(extra_taggings.length, 1)
-    tagging = extra_taggings.first
-    assert_equal(tagging.user, users(:john));
-    assert_equal(tagging.taggable, workflow);
-    assert_equal(tagging.label, 'my test tag');
-    # update the tagging (which should fail)
-    rest_request(:put, 'tagging', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <tagging>
-        <label>fail</label>
-      </tagging>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(400)
-    # delete the tagging
-    rest_request(:delete, 'tagging', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted tagging
-    rest_request(:get, 'tagging', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_ontologies
-    existing_ontologies = Ontology.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    title       = "Test ontology title"
-    title2      = "Updated test ontology title"
-    uri         = ""
-    prefix      = "test prefix"
-    description = "A description of the ontology."
-    # post an ontology
-    rest_request(:post, 'ontology', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <ontology>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <description>#{description}</description>
-        <uri>#{uri}</uri>
-        <prefix>#{prefix}</prefix>
-      </ontology>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_ontologies = Ontology.find(:all) - existing_ontologies
-    assert_equal(extra_ontologies.length, 1)
-    # get the ontology
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description,uri,prefix")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title,       response.find_first('/ontology/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/ontology/description').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(uri,         response.find_first('/ontology/uri').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(prefix,      response.find_first('/ontology/prefix').inner_xml)
-    # update the ontology
-    rest_request(:put, 'ontology', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <ontology>
-        <title>#{title2}</title>
-      </ontology>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated ontology
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/ontology/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/ontology/description').inner_xml)
-    # delete the ontology
-    rest_request(:delete, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted ontology
-    rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_predicates
-    existing_predicates = Predicate.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    title            = "Test predicate title"
-    title2           = "Updated test predicate title"
-    phrase           = "test phrase"
-    description      = "A description of the predicate."
-    description_html = "<p>A description of the predicate.</p>"
-    equivalent_to    = "test equivalent_to"
-    # post a predicate
-    rest_request(:post, 'predicate', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <predicate>
-        <title>#{title}</title>
-        <ontology resource='#{ontology_url}'/>
-        <phrase>#{phrase}</phrase>
-        <description>#{description}</description>
-        <equivalent-to>#{equivalent_to}</equivalent-to>
-      </predicate>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_predicates = Predicate.find(:all) - existing_predicates
-    assert_equal(extra_predicates.length, 1)
-    predicate = extra_predicates.first
-    # get the predicate
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description,phrase,equivalent-to")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title,         response.find_first('/predicate/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description,   response.find_first('/predicate/description').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(phrase,        response.find_first('/predicate/phrase').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(equivalent_to, response.find_first('/predicate/equivalent-to').inner_xml)
-    # update the predicate
-    rest_request(:put, 'predicate', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <predicate>
-        <title>#{title2}</title>
-      </predicate>", "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # get the updated predicate
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "title,description")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/predicate/title').inner_xml)
-    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/predicate/description').inner_xml)
-    # delete the predicate
-    rest_request(:delete, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted predicate
-    rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  def test_relationships
-    existing_relationships = Relationship.find(:all)
-    login_as(:john)
-    subject_url   = rest_resource_uri(workflows(:workflow_branch_choice))
-    predicate_url = rest_resource_uri(predicates(:test_predicate_1))
-    objekt_url    = rest_resource_uri(workflows(:workflow_dilbert))
-    context_url   = rest_resource_uri(packs(:pack_1))
-    # post a relationship
-    rest_request(:post, 'relationship', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
-      <relationship>
-        <subject resource='#{subject_url}'/>
-        <predicate resource='#{predicate_url}'/>
-        <object resource='#{objekt_url}'/>
-        <context resource='#{context_url}'/>
-      </relationship>")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    extra_relationships = Relationship.find(:all) - existing_relationships
-    assert_equal(extra_relationships.length, 1)
-    relationship = extra_relationships.first
-    # get the relationship
-    response = rest_request(:get, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>,
-        "elements" => "user,subject,predicate,object,context")
-    assert_response(:success)
-    assert_equal(subject_url,   response.find_first('/relationship/subject/*/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(predicate_url, response.find_first('/relationship/predicate/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(objekt_url,    response.find_first('/relationship/object/*/@resource').value)
-    assert_equal(context_url,   response.find_first('/relationship/context/*/@resource').value)
-    # delete the relationship
-    rest_request(:delete, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:success)
-    # try to get the deleted relationship
-    rest_request(:get, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>
-    assert_response(:not_found)
-  end
-  private
-  def rest_request(method, uri, data = "" query = {})
-    @request.query_parameters!(query) if query
-    @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = data if data
-    # puts "Sending: #{data.inspect}"
-    case method
-      when :get;    get(:process_request,     { :uri => uri } )
-      when :post;   post(:process_request,    { :uri => uri } )
-      when :put;    put(:process_request,     { :uri => uri } )
-      when :delete; delete(:process_request,  { :uri => uri } )
-    end
-    # puts "Response: #{LibXML::XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse.root.to_s}"
-    LibXML::XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
-  end
-# Custom version of the TestRequest, so that I can set the query parameters of
-# a request.
-class TestRequestWithQuery < ActionController::TestRequest
-  def query_parameters!(hash)
-    @custom_query_parameters = hash
-  end
-  def recycle!
-    super
-    if @custom_query_parameters
-      self.query_parameters = @custom_query_parameters
-      @custom_query_parameters = nil
-    end
-  end

Copied: branches/api/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb (from rev 2923, trunk/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb) (0 => 2924)

--- branches/api/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/api/test/functional/api_controller_test.rb	2012-02-03 11:28:38 UTC (rev 2924)
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
+require 'api_controller'
+require 'xml/libxml'
+require 'lib/rest'
+include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
+include ActionController::UrlWriter
+class ApiControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @controller =
+    @request    =
+    @response   =
+  end
+  fixtures :workflows, :users, :content_types, :licenses, :ontologies, :predicates, :packs
+  def test_workflows
+    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    title        = "Unique tags"
+    title2       = "Unique tags again"
+    license_type = "by-sa"
+    content_type = "application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml"
+    description  = "A workflow description."
+    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
+    # post a workflow
+    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <description>#{description}</description>
+        <license-type>#{license_type}</license-type>
+        <content-type>#{content_type}</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </workflow>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
+    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
+    @workflow_id =
+    # get the workflow
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id,
+        "elements" => "title,description,license-type,content-type,content")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/workflow/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/workflow/description').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(license_type, response.find_first('/workflow/license-type').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(content_type, response.find_first('/workflow/content-type').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(content,      response.find_first('/workflow/content').inner_xml)
+    # it's private default, so make sure that another user can't get the
+    # workflow
+    setup
+    login_as(:jane)
+    rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
+    assert_response(:unauthorized)
+    # update the workflow
+    setup
+    login_as(:john)
+    rest_request(:put, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>#{title2}</title>
+      </workflow>", "id" => @workflow_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated workflow
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/workflow/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/workflow/description').inner_xml)
+    # delete the workflow
+    rest_request(:delete, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted workflow
+    rest_request(:get, 'workflow', nil, "id" => @workflow_id)
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_files
+    existing_files = Blob.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    title        = "Test file title"
+    title2       = "Updated test file title"
+    license_type = "by-sa"
+    content_type = "text/plain"
+    description  = "A description of the test file."
+    content = Base64.encode64("This is the content of this test file.")
+    # post a file
+    rest_request(:post, 'file', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <file>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <description>#{description}</description>
+        <license-type>#{license_type}</license-type>
+        <content-type>#{content_type}</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </file>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_files = Blob.find(:all) - existing_files
+    assert_equal(extra_files.length, 1)
+    file = extra_files.first
+    # get the file
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description,license-type,content-type,content")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/file/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/file/description').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(license_type, response.find_first('/file/license-type').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(content_type, response.find_first('/file/content-type').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(content,      response.find_first('/file/content').inner_xml)
+    # it's private default, so make sure that another user can't get the
+    # file
+    setup
+    login_as(:jane)
+    rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:unauthorized)
+    # update the file
+    setup
+    login_as(:john)
+    rest_request(:put, 'file', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <file>
+        <title>#{title2}</title>
+      </file>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated file
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/file/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/file/description').inner_xml)
+    # delete the file
+    rest_request(:delete, 'file', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted file
+    rest_request(:get, 'file', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_packs
+    existing_packs = Pack.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    title        = "A pack"
+    title2       = "An updated pack"
+    description  = "A pack description."
+    # post a pack
+    rest_request(:post, 'pack', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <pack>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <description>#{description}</description>
+        <permissions>
+          <permission>
+            <category>public</category>
+            <privilege type='view'/>
+            <privilege type='download'/>
+          </permission>
+        </permissions>
+      </pack>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_packs = Pack.find(:all) - existing_packs
+    assert_equal(extra_packs.length, 1)
+    @pack_id =
+    # get the pack
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title,        response.find_first('/pack/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description,  response.find_first('/pack/description').inner_xml)
+    # make sure that another user can get the pack, since it's supposed to be
+    # public
+    setup;
+    login_as(:jane)
+    rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # update the pack
+    setup
+    login_as(:john)
+    rest_request(:put, 'pack', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <pack>
+        <title>#{title2}</title>
+      </pack>", "id" => @pack_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated pack
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/pack/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/pack/description').inner_xml)
+    # add an internal pack item
+    existing_internal_pack_items = PackContributableEntry.find(:all)
+    pack_uri     = rest_resource_uri(Pack.find(@pack_id))
+    workflow_uri = rest_resource_uri(Workflow.find(1))
+    comment1     = "It's an internal pack item."
+    comment2     = "It's an updated internal pack item."
+    rest_request(:post, 'internal-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <internal-pack-item>
+        <pack resource='#{pack_uri}'/>
+        <item resource='#{workflow_uri}'/>
+        <comment>#{comment1}</comment>
+      </internal-pack-item>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_internal_pack_items = PackContributableEntry.find(:all) - existing_internal_pack_items
+    assert_equal(extra_internal_pack_items.length, 1)
+    @internal_pack_item_id =
+    # get the internal pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(pack_uri,     response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/pack/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(workflow_uri, response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/item/*/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(comment1,     response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
+    # update the internal pack item
+    rest_request(:put, 'internal-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <internal-pack-item>
+        <comment>#{comment2}</comment>
+      </internal-pack-item>", "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated internal pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(comment2, response.find_first('/internal-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
+    # delete the internal pack item
+    rest_request(:delete, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted internal pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'internal-pack-item', nil, "id" => @internal_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+    # add an external pack item
+    existing_external_pack_items = PackRemoteEntry.find(:all)
+    external_uri  = ""
+    alternate_uri = ""
+    comment3      = "It's an external pack item."
+    comment4      = "It's an updated external pack item."
+    title         = "Title for the external pack item."
+    rest_request(:post, 'external-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <external-pack-item>
+        <pack resource='#{pack_uri}'/>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <uri>#{external_uri}</uri>
+        <alternate-uri>#{alternate_uri}</alternate-uri>
+        <comment>#{comment3}</comment>
+      </external-pack-item>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_external_pack_items = PackRemoteEntry.find(:all) - existing_external_pack_items
+    assert_equal(extra_external_pack_items.length, 1)
+    @external_pack_item_id =
+    # get the external pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id,
+      "elements" => "pack,title,uri,alternate-uri,comment")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(pack_uri,      response.find_first('/external-pack-item/pack/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(external_uri,  response.find_first('/external-pack-item/uri').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(alternate_uri, response.find_first('/external-pack-item/alternate-uri').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(comment3,      response.find_first('/external-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
+    # update the external pack item
+    rest_request(:put, 'external-pack-item', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <external-pack-item>
+        <comment>#{comment4}</comment>
+      </external-pack-item>", "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated external pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(comment4, response.find_first('/external-pack-item/comment').inner_xml)
+    # delete the external pack item
+    rest_request(:delete, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted external pack item
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'external-pack-item', nil, "id" => @external_pack_item_id)
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+    # delete the pack
+    rest_request(:delete, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted pack
+    rest_request(:get, 'pack', nil, "id" => @pack_id)
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_comments
+    login_as(:john)
+    # post a workflow to test with
+    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
+    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>Unique tags</title>
+        <description>A workflow description.</description>
+        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
+        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </workflow>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
+    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
+    workflow = extra_workflows.first
+    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
+    # post a comment
+    comment_text  = "a test comment"
+    comment_text2 = "an updated test comment"
+    existing_comments = Comment.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'comment', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <comment>
+        <comment>#{comment_text}</comment>
+        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
+      </comment>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_comments = Comment.find(:all) - existing_comments 
+    assert_equal(extra_comments.length, 1)
+    comment = extra_comments.first
+    # update the comment (which should fail)
+    rest_request(:put, 'comment', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <comment>
+        <comment>#{comment_text2}</comment>
+      </comment>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(:unauthorized)
+    # delete the comment
+    rest_request(:delete, 'comment', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted comment
+    rest_request(:get, 'comment', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_ratings
+    login_as(:john)
+    # post a workflow to test with
+    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
+    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>Unique tags</title>
+        <description>A workflow description.</description>
+        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
+        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </workflow>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
+    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
+    workflow = extra_workflows.first
+    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
+    # post a rating
+    existing_ratings = Rating.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'rating', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <rating>
+        <rating>4</rating>
+        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
+      </rating>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_ratings = Rating.find(:all) - existing_ratings 
+    assert_equal(extra_ratings.length, 1)
+    rating = extra_ratings.first
+    assert_equal(rating.user, users(:john));
+    assert_equal(rating.rateable, workflow);
+    assert_equal(rating.rating, 4);
+    # update the rating (which should fail)
+    rest_request(:put, 'rating', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <rating>
+        <rating>3</rating>
+      </rating>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    rating.reload
+    assert_equal(rating.rating, 3);
+    # delete the rating
+    rest_request(:delete, 'rating', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted rating
+    rest_request(:get, 'rating', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_favourites
+    login_as(:john)
+    # post a workflow to test with
+    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
+    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>Unique tags</title>
+        <description>A workflow description.</description>
+        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
+        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </workflow>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
+    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
+    workflow = extra_workflows.first
+    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
+    # post a favourite
+    existing_favourites = Bookmark.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'favourite', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <favourite>
+        <object resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
+      </favourite>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_favourites = Bookmark.find(:all) - existing_favourites 
+    assert_equal(extra_favourites.length, 1)
+    favourite = extra_favourites.first
+    # delete the favourite
+    rest_request(:delete, 'favourite', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted favourite
+    rest_request(:get, 'favourite', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_taggings
+    login_as(:john)
+    # post a workflow to test with
+    content = Base64.encode64('test/fixtures/files/workflow_dilbert.xml'))
+    existing_workflows = Workflow.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'workflow', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <workflow>
+        <title>Unique tags</title>
+        <description>A workflow description.</description>
+        <license-type>by-sa</license-type>
+        <content-type>application/vnd.taverna.scufl+xml</content-type>
+        <content>#{content}</content>
+      </workflow>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_workflows = Workflow.find(:all) - existing_workflows
+    assert_equal(extra_workflows.length, 1)
+    workflow = extra_workflows.first
+    workflow_url = rest_resource_uri(workflow)
+    # post a tagging
+    existing_taggings = Tagging.find(:all)
+    rest_request(:post, 'tagging', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <tagging>
+        <subject resource='#{workflow_url}'/>
+        <label>my test tag</label>
+      </tagging>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_taggings = Tagging.find(:all) - existing_taggings 
+    assert_equal(extra_taggings.length, 1)
+    tagging = extra_taggings.first
+    assert_equal(tagging.user, users(:john));
+    assert_equal(tagging.taggable, workflow);
+    assert_equal(tagging.label, 'my test tag');
+    # update the tagging (which should fail)
+    rest_request(:put, 'tagging', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <tagging>
+        <label>fail</label>
+      </tagging>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(400)
+    # delete the tagging
+    rest_request(:delete, 'tagging', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted tagging
+    rest_request(:get, 'tagging', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_ontologies
+    existing_ontologies = Ontology.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    title       = "Test ontology title"
+    title2      = "Updated test ontology title"
+    uri         = ""
+    prefix      = "test prefix"
+    description = "A description of the ontology."
+    # post an ontology
+    rest_request(:post, 'ontology', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <ontology>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <description>#{description}</description>
+        <uri>#{uri}</uri>
+        <prefix>#{prefix}</prefix>
+      </ontology>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_ontologies = Ontology.find(:all) - existing_ontologies
+    assert_equal(extra_ontologies.length, 1)
+    # get the ontology
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description,uri,prefix")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title,       response.find_first('/ontology/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/ontology/description').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(uri,         response.find_first('/ontology/uri').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(prefix,      response.find_first('/ontology/prefix').inner_xml)
+    # update the ontology
+    rest_request(:put, 'ontology', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <ontology>
+        <title>#{title2}</title>
+      </ontology>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated ontology
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/ontology/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/ontology/description').inner_xml)
+    # delete the ontology
+    rest_request(:delete, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted ontology
+    rest_request(:get, 'ontology', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_predicates
+    existing_predicates = Predicate.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    title            = "Test predicate title"
+    title2           = "Updated test predicate title"
+    phrase           = "test phrase"
+    description      = "A description of the predicate."
+    description_html = "<p>A description of the predicate.</p>"
+    equivalent_to    = "test equivalent_to"
+    # post a predicate
+    rest_request(:post, 'predicate', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <predicate>
+        <title>#{title}</title>
+        <ontology resource='#{ontology_url}'/>
+        <phrase>#{phrase}</phrase>
+        <description>#{description}</description>
+        <equivalent-to>#{equivalent_to}</equivalent-to>
+      </predicate>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_predicates = Predicate.find(:all) - existing_predicates
+    assert_equal(extra_predicates.length, 1)
+    predicate = extra_predicates.first
+    # get the predicate
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description,phrase,equivalent-to")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title,         response.find_first('/predicate/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description,   response.find_first('/predicate/description').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(phrase,        response.find_first('/predicate/phrase').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(equivalent_to, response.find_first('/predicate/equivalent-to').inner_xml)
+    # update the predicate
+    rest_request(:put, 'predicate', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <predicate>
+        <title>#{title2}</title>
+      </predicate>", "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # get the updated predicate
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "title,description")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(title2,      response.find_first('/predicate/title').inner_xml)
+    assert_equal(description, response.find_first('/predicate/description').inner_xml)
+    # delete the predicate
+    rest_request(:delete, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted predicate
+    rest_request(:get, 'predicate', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  def test_relationships
+    existing_relationships = Relationship.find(:all)
+    login_as(:john)
+    subject_url   = rest_resource_uri(workflows(:workflow_branch_choice))
+    predicate_url = rest_resource_uri(predicates(:test_predicate_1))
+    objekt_url    = rest_resource_uri(workflows(:workflow_dilbert))
+    context_url   = rest_resource_uri(packs(:pack_1))
+    # post a relationship
+    rest_request(:post, 'relationship', "<?xml version='1.0'?>
+      <relationship>
+        <subject resource='#{subject_url}'/>
+        <predicate resource='#{predicate_url}'/>
+        <object resource='#{objekt_url}'/>
+        <context resource='#{context_url}'/>
+      </relationship>")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    extra_relationships = Relationship.find(:all) - existing_relationships
+    assert_equal(extra_relationships.length, 1)
+    relationship = extra_relationships.first
+    # get the relationship
+    response = rest_request(:get, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>,
+        "elements" => "user,subject,predicate,object,context")
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(subject_url,   response.find_first('/relationship/subject/*/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(predicate_url, response.find_first('/relationship/predicate/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(objekt_url,    response.find_first('/relationship/object/*/@resource').value)
+    assert_equal(context_url,   response.find_first('/relationship/context/*/@resource').value)
+    # delete the relationship
+    rest_request(:delete, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:success)
+    # try to get the deleted relationship
+    rest_request(:get, 'relationship', nil, "id" =>
+    assert_response(:not_found)
+  end
+  private
+  def rest_request(method, uri, data = "" query = {})
+    @request.query_parameters!(query) if query
+    @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = data if data
+    # puts "Sending: #{data.inspect}"
+    case method
+      when :get;    get(:process_request,     { :uri => uri, :format => "xml" } )
+      when :post;   post(:process_request,    { :uri => uri, :format => "xml" } )
+      when :put;    put(:process_request,     { :uri => uri, :format => "xml" } )
+      when :delete; delete(:process_request,  { :uri => uri, :format => "xml" } )
+    end
+    # puts "Response: #{LibXML::XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse.root.to_s}"
+    LibXML::XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
+  end
+# Custom version of the TestRequest, so that I can set the query parameters of
+# a request.
+class TestRequestWithQuery < ActionController::TestRequest
+  def query_parameters!(hash)
+    @custom_query_parameters = hash
+  end
+  def recycle!
+    super
+    if @custom_query_parameters
+      self.query_parameters = @custom_query_parameters
+      @custom_query_parameters = nil
+    end
+  end

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