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[myexperiment-hackers] [2785] trunk: Added folder for installers and add

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2785] trunk: Added folder for installers and added completed Ubuntu installer.
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 13:46:53 -0400 (EDT)

2011-11-04 13:46:52 -0400 (Fri, 04 Nov 2011)

Log Message

Added folder for installers and added completed Ubuntu installer. Fedora installer still under testing and will be added when complete

Added Paths


Added: trunk/installers/fedora/README.txt (0 => 2785)

--- trunk/installers/fedora/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/installers/fedora/README.txt	2011-11-04 17:46:52 UTC (rev 2785)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+myExperiment Fedora Installer Instructions
+The files in this directory are an installer for myExperiment on Fedora 13
+that has had all the latest updates installed (based on updates available on
+23/10/2011).  The installer is designed to work on a freshly installed version
+of Ubuntu, you may have problems if you are installing on an existing system.
+install.bash is the main install script and can be downloaded and run from
+the current working directory as follows:
+  /bin/bash install.bash
+This install script requires the settings file, settings.bash, which needs to
+be kept in th same directory.  This can be created by copying the 
+default_settings.bash to settings.bash and making the followiing changes 
+before running install.bash:
+myexp_root_password - Choose a password for the root account of MySQL.  If for
+whatever reason MySQL is already installed set this to the current MySQL root
+password.  MySQL mosty have a root password for the installer to suceed
+myexp_user_password - Choose a password for the account that myExperiment uses
+to access databases it creates for storing myExperiment data.
+fq_server_name - The fully-qualified server name for a machine, e.g
+exim_smarthost - The mail server you want to user as a relay for emails
+== Post-installation configuration ==
+The installer is designed to work on a freshly installed version of Ubuntu and
+will do minimal configuration of myExperiment.  To do further configuration
+you will need to edit settings.yml in the config directory of the SVN checkout
+of myExperiment by default this /var/rails/myexperiment/config/.
+After updating the settings file you will need to restart the myExperiment
+server.  To do this go to the file
+and copy the process id number in this file then run:
+kill process_id
+rm /var/rails/myexperiment/tmp/pids/
+ruby var/rails/myexperiment/script/server -d
+== Outstanding issues ==
+Sending email generating by myExperiment has yet to be sorted out.

Added: trunk/installers/ubuntu/README.txt (0 => 2785)

--- trunk/installers/ubuntu/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/installers/ubuntu/README.txt	2011-11-04 17:46:52 UTC (rev 2785)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+myExperiment Ubuntu Installer Instructions
+The files in this directory are an installer for myExperiment on Ubuntu 10.04 
+that has had all the latest updates installed (based on updates available on 
+18/10/2011).  The installer is designed to work on a freshly installed version
+of Ubuntu, you may have problems if you are installing on an existing system.
+install.bash is the main install script and can be downloaded and run from 
+the current working directory as follows:
+  /bin/bash install.bash
+This install script requires the settings file, settings.bash, which needs to be 
+kept in th same directory.  This can be created by copying the
+default_settings.bash to settings.bash and making the followiing changes
+before running install.bash:
+myexp_root_password - Choose a password for the root account of MySQL.  If for
+whatever reason MySQL is already installed set this to the current MySQL root
+password.  MySQL mosty have a root password for the installer to suceed
+myexp_user_password - Choose a password for the account that myExperiment uses
+to access databases it creates for storing myExperiment data.
+fq_server_name - The fully-qualified server name for a machine, e.g
+exim_smarthost - The mail server you want to user as a relay for emails
+== Post-installation configuration ==
+The installer is designed to work on a freshly installed version of Ubuntu and
+will do minimal configuration of myExperiment.  To do further configuration
+you will need to edit settings.yml in the config directory of the SVN checkout
+of myExperiment by default this /var/rails/myexperiment/config/.
+After updating the settings file you will need to restart the myExperiment 
+server.  To do this go to the file
+and copy the process id number in this file then run:
+kill process_id
+rm /var/rails/myexperiment/tmp/pids/
+ruby var/rails/myexperiment/script/server -d

Added: trunk/installers/ubuntu/default_settings.bash (0 => 2785)

--- trunk/installers/ubuntu/default_settings.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/installers/ubuntu/default_settings.bash	2011-11-04 17:46:52 UTC (rev 2785)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+install_dir="/var/rails/myexperiment" # Where to checkout the myExperiment SVN
+rdoc=1 # Set to 0 if you want no RDoc Ruby Gem documentaion
+ri=1 # Set yo 0 if you want no RI Ruby Gem documentatiom
+# Patch Files
+oauth_patch='--- action_controller_request.rb.old    2011-10-26 15:52:34.250151798 +0000
++++ action_controller_request.rb        2011-10-26 15:50:59.937490274 +0000
+@@ -55,7 +55,13 @@
+     end
+     def request_params
+-      request.request_parameters
++      unless @request_parameters
++        @request_parameters = request.request_parameters.dup
++        request.symbolized_path_parameters.keys.each do |k|
++          @request_parameters.delete k.to_s
++        end if request.respond_to? :symbolized_path_parameters
++      end
++      @request_parameters
+     end
+   end
+net_http_patch='Index: lib/net/http.rb
+--- lib/net/http.rb     (revision 26550)
++++ lib/net/http.rb     (working copy)
+@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@
+       res
+     rescue => exception
+       D "Conn close because of error #{exception}"
+-      @socket.close unless @socket.closed?
++      @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed?
+       raise exception
+     end'
+settings_patch='--- default_settings.yml        2011-10-26 06:32:16.344994469 +0100
++++ settings.yml        2011-10-26 06:38:39.788127578 +0100
+@@ -302,19 +302,16 @@
+ # solr_enable - Set solr_enable to true to enable the search facility - this
+ #               requires a running solr server.
+-solr_enable: false
++solr_enable: true
+ # smtp - Email configuration.  These details are used to connect to a SMTP
+ #        server instead of sendmail.
+ smtp:
+-  :address:        ""
++  :address:        ""
+   :port:           25,
+-  :domain:         ""
+-  :authentication: :login
+-  :user_name:      "username"
+-  :password:       "password"
++  :domain:         ""
+ # show_debug - Shows query statistics in the footer: "Queries in Controller",
+ #              "Queries in View" and "Query Time".
+# Configure options for (Ruby) gem install
+if [ $rdoc == 0 ]; then
+        nordoc="--no-rdoc"
+        nordoc=""
+if [ $ri == 0 ]; then
+        nori="--no-ri"
+        nori=""

Added: trunk/installers/ubuntu/install.bash (0 => 2785)

--- trunk/installers/ubuntu/install.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/installers/ubuntu/install.bash	2011-11-04 17:46:52 UTC (rev 2785)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+echo ""
+echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
+echo "|                  Welcome to the myExperimemt Installer for Ubuntu 10.04!                     |"
+echo "|  Go to for more details. |"
+echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
+echo ""
+settings_file=`dirname $0`/settings.bash 
+source $settings_file || { echo "Could not find settings file at $settings_file. Aborting ..."; exit 1; }
+echo "Preseeding debconf"
+sudo su -c "/usr/share/debconf/" || { echo "Failed to run debconf fix_db script. Aborting ..."; exit 2; }
+sudo su -c "echo mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password `echo "'"``echo ${mysql_root_password}``echo "'"` | debconf-set-selections" || { echo "Failed to set debconf option. Aborting ..."; exit 3; }
+sudo su -c "echo mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password `echo "'"``echo ${mysql_root_password}``echo "'"` | debconf-set-selections" || { echo "Failed to set debconf option. Aborting ..."; exit 3; }
+echo "Installing required APT packages"
+sudo apt-get update || { echo "Failed to update apt-get. Aborting ..."; exit 4; }
+sudo -n apt-get install -y build-essential exim4 ruby ruby1.8-dev libzlib-ruby rdoc irb rubygems rake libapache2-mod-fcgid libfcgi-ruby1.8 libmysql-ruby gcj-4.4-jre-headless subversion libopenssl-ruby1.8 libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-openssl-dev mysql-server graphicsmagick imagemagick librmagick-ruby1.8 libmagick9-dev graphviz || { echo "Failed to installing required APT packages. Aborting ..."; exit 5; }
+echo "Installing Rake version $rake_version and Rails version $rails_version Ruby Gems"
+sudo gem install rake $nordoc $nori --version $rake_version || { echo "Could not install Rake Ruby Gem (version $rake_version). Aborting ..."; exit 6; }
+sudo gem install rails $nordoc $nori --version $rails_version || { echo "Failed to install Rails Ruby Gem (v$rails_version) and dependencies. Aborting ..."; exit 7; }
+echo "Installing Ruby Gems required by myExperiment"
+sudo gem install $nordoc $nori rdoc rdoc-data  || { echo "Could not install RDoc Ruby Gems.  Aborting ..."; exit 40;}
+if [ `cat /etc/environment | grep "/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
+	cat /etc/environment | sed "s/\"$/:\/var\/lib\/gems\/1.8\/bin\"/" | sudo tee /etc/environment > /dev/null || { echo "Could not add Gems path to PATH.  Aborting ..."; exit 33;}
+if [ `echo $PATH | grep "/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
+	DOLLAR='$'; echo -e "export PATH=${DOLLAR}PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin\nalias sudo='sudo env PATH=${DOLLAR}PATH'" >> /home/$USER/.bashrc || { echo "Could not write to /home/$USER/.bashrc.  Aborting ..."; exit 38;}
+	export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin
+sudo env PATH=$PATH rdoc-data --install ||  { echo "Could not install rdoc-data. Aborting ..."; exit 9; }
+if [ $nordoc -eq 0 ]; then
+        sudo gem rdoc --all --overwrite || { echo "Could overwrite RDoc for existing Ruby Gems. Aborting ..."; exit 39; }
+sudo gem install $nordoc $nori cgi_multipart_eof_fix daemons dsl_accessor fastthread gem_plugin json mime-types mongrel mongrel_cluster needle net-sftp net-ssh openid_login_generator RedCloth ruby-yadis rubyzip solr-ruby xml-simple libxml-ruby oauth ruby-hmac openurl curb marc taverna-scufl taverna-t2flow || { echo "Failed to install all remaining generic Ruby Gems required by myExperiment. Aborting ..."; exit 8; }
+sudo gem install rmagick $nordoc $nori --version=1.15.14 || { echo "Failed to install RMagick Ruby Gem. Aborting ..."; exit 10; }
+echo "Making OAuth Ruby Gem compatible with Rails $version"
+tempdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/myexp_installer.XXXXXXXXXX) || { echo "Could not create temporary file for writing patches to. Aborting ..."; exit 11; }
+cd $tempdir || { echo "Could not find temporary directory. Aborting ..."; exit 12; }
+echo "$oauth_patch" > oauth.patch || { echo "Could not write oauth patch file. Aborting ..."; exit 13; }
+echo "$net_http_patch" > net_http.patch || { echo "Could not write net/http patch file. Aborting ..."; exit 14; }
+echo "$settings_patch" > settings.patch || { echo "Could not write settings patch file. Aborting ..."; exit 15; }
+sudo updatedb || { echo "Failed to run updatedb so that OAuth Ruby Gem file that needs updating can be located. Aborting ..."; exit 16; }
+oauth_file=`locate lib/oauth/request_proxy/action_controller_request.rb`
+if [ ! -e $oauth_file ]; then 
+	echo "Could not locate OAuth Ruby Gem file that requires updating. Aborting ..."; exit 17;
+sudo patch $oauth_file $tempdir/oauth.patch || { echo "Could not patch OAuth Ruby Gem file: $oauth_file. Aborting ..."; exit 18; }
+net_http_file=`locate net/http.rb`
+if [ ! -e $net_http_file ]; then
+        echo "Could not locate net/http Ruby file that requires updating. Aborting ..."; exit 19;
+sudo patch $net_http_file $tempdir/net_http.patch || { echo "Could not patch net/http Ruby file: $net_http_file. Aborting ..."; exit 20; }
+echo "Checking out myExperiment codebase from SVN"
+cd /
+for idir in `echo $install_dir | awk 'BEGIN{RS="/"}{print $1}'`; do
+	if [ -n $idir ]; then
+		sudo mkdir $idir
+		cd $idir
+	fi
+sudo chown $USER:www-data $install_dir || { echo "Could not update permissions on $install_dir. Aborting ..."; exit 21; }
+svn checkout svn:// $install_dir || { echo "Could not checkout SVN to $install_dir. Aborting ..."; exit 22; }
+cd ${install_dir}/config/ || { echo "Could not find config directory for myExperiment. Aborting ..."; exit 23; }
+echo "Setting up config files for myExperiment"
+cat database.yml.pre | sed "s/username: root/username: $mysql_user_name/" | sed "s/password:/password: $mysql_user_password/" > database.yml || { echo "Could not create database.yml file with appropriate configuration settings. Aborting ..."; exit 24; }
+cp default_settings.yml settings.yml || { echo "Could not copy default_settings.yml to settings.yml ..."; exit 25; }
+patch settings.yml $tempdir/settings.patch  || { echo "Could not patch settings.yml. Aborting ..."; exit 26; }
+cp captcha.yml.pre captcha.yml || { echo "Could not create captcha.yml file.  Aborting ..."; exit 27; }
+cd ..
+echo "Setting up exim4 (Email) for myExperiment"
+echo "dc_eximconfig_configtype='satellite'
+dc_local_interfaces=' ; ::1'
+dc_localdelivery='mail_spool'" | sudo tee /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf > /dev/null  || { echo "Could not write new exim4 config.  Aborting..."; exit 28; }
+echo "${fq_server_name}" | sudo tee /etc/mailname > /dev/null  || { echo "Could not update hostname for /etc/mailname.  Aborting..."; exit 29; }
+sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive exim4-config || { echo "Could not write new reconfingure exim4.  Aborting..."; exit 30; }
+echo "Setting up myExperiment databases in MySQL"
+mysql -u root -p$mysql_root_password -e "CREATE USER '$mysql_user_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_user_password'; CREATE DATABASE m2_development; CREATE DATABASE m2_production; CREATE DATABASE m2_test; GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,INDEX,ALTER,DROP,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,CREATE VIEW,SHOW VIEW ON m2_development . * TO '$mysql_user_name'@'localhost';GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,INDEX,ALTER,DROP,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,CREATE VIEW,SHOW VIEW ON m2_production . * TO '$mysql_user_name'@'localhost';GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,INDEX,ALTER,DROP,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,CREATE VIEW,SHOW VIEW ON m2_test . * TO '$mysql_user_name'@'localhost';" || { echo "Could not create myExperiment databases in MySQL and set up appropriate access for the $mysql_user_name user. Aborting ..."; exit 23; }
+echo "Migrating myExperiment database"
+rake db:migrate || { echo "Could not migrate myExperiment data model to a MySQL database. Aborting ..."; exit 31; }
+echo "Starting Solr (search) server and indexing"
+rake solr:start || { echo "Could not start Solr server. Aborting ..."; exit 32; }
+echo "Starting Mongrel webserver as a daemon running myExperiment website"
+ruby script/server -d || { echo "Could not start Mongrel Webserver for myExperiment website. Aborting ..."; exit 35; }
+echo "Removing temporary directory created for writing patch files to"
+sudo rm -rf $tempdir || { echo "Could not remove temporary directory used by patch files."; echo exit 36; }
+echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
+echo "|  myExperiment is now fully installed. Go to http://localhost:3000 to use myExperiment      |"
+echo "|  Or substitute for the server name if you have installed myExperiment on a separate server |" 
+echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

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