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[myexperiment-hackers] [2519] branches/dashboard/app/views/users/show.rh

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2519] branches/dashboard/app/views/users/show.rhtml: recommendation user
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 12:28:39 -0400 (EDT)

2010-09-27 12:28:38 -0400 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010)

Log Message

recommendation user

Modified Paths


Modified: branches/dashboard/app/views/users/show.rhtml (2518 => 2519)

--- branches/dashboard/app/views/users/show.rhtml	2010-09-27 16:27:31 UTC (rev 2518)
+++ branches/dashboard/app/views/users/show.rhtml	2010-09-27 16:28:38 UTC (rev 2519)
@@ -1,473 +1,477 @@
 <% t "#{h}" -%>
 <% if logged_in? && current_user.friendship_pending?( %>
-	<% friend_id, friendship_obj = current_user.friendship_from_self_id_and_friends_id( %>
-	<div class="box_standout" style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;"><b>
-		<% if friend_id == %>
-		  You have already sent a friendship request to this person. Awaiting their confirmation.
-		<% else %>
-		  This person has sent you a friendship request. Awaiting your <%= link_to "confirmation", user_friendship_path(current_user, friendship_obj) -%>.
-		<% end %>
-	</b></div>
+<% friend_id, friendship_obj = current_user.friendship_from_self_id_and_friends_id( %>
+<div class="box_standout" style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
+    <b><% if friend_id == %>
+        You have already sent a friendship request to this person. Awaiting their confirmation.<% else %>
+        This person has sent you a friendship request. Awaiting your <%= link_to "confirmation", user_friendship_path(current_user, friendship_obj) -%>.<% end %>
+    </b>
 <% end %>
 <% none_text = '<font class="none_text">Not specified</font>' -%>
 <% if mine? @user and @user.unconfirmed_email.blank? and %>
-	<div id="email_notice" class="box_standout" style="color: #333333; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
-		<%= link_to_function image_tag("close.gif", :style => "float: right;"), 
-												 visual_effect(:toggle_slide, "email_notice", :duration => 0.3) %>
-		You can now <%= link_to "register an email address to your account", edit_user_path(@user)%>. 
-		<%= link_to_function "Click here" + expand_image("0.3em"), visual_effect(:toggle_blind, "email_why", :duration => 0.3) %> to see the benefits of doing this.
-		<div id="email_why" class="box_simple" style="font-weight: normal; display: none; margin-top: 0.5em;">
-			<ul style="margin-top: 0.1em;">
-				<li>So you can receive email notifications for friendship requests, group invitations and so on [optional].</li>
-				<li>So you can reset your password in case you have forgotten it (only for accounts with a username/password).</li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>Note that:</p>
-			<ul style="margin-top: 0.1em;">
-				<li>This email address is a different setting to the public email address in your Profile.</li> 
-				<li>We require confirmation of any new email address set here (through a confirmation email). Once confirmed, the new email address will replace the old one.</li>
-				<lI>You can log on with this email address and your password, if you have a username and password set.</lI>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
+<div id="email_notice" class="box_standout" style="color: #333333; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1.5em;">
+    <%= link_to_function image_tag("close.gif", :style => "float: right;"),
+    visual_effect(:toggle_slide, "email_notice", :duration => 0.3) %>
+    You can now <%= link_to "register an email address to your account", edit_user_path(@user) %>. <%= link_to_function "Click here" + expand_image("0.3em"), visual_effect(:toggle_blind, "email_why", :duration => 0.3) %>to see the benefits of doing this.
+    <div id="email_why" class="box_simple" style="font-weight: normal; display: none; margin-top: 0.5em;">
+        <ul style="margin-top: 0.1em;">
+            <li>
+                So you can receive email notifications for friendship requests, group invitations and so on [optional].
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                So you can reset your password in case you have forgotten it (only for accounts with a username/password).
+            </li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>
+            Note that:
+        </p>
+        <ul style="margin-top: 0.1em;">
+            <li>
+                This email address is a different setting to the public email address in your Profile.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                We require confirmation of any new email address set here (through a confirmation email). Once confirmed, the new email address will replace the old one.
+            </li>
+            <lI>
+                You can log on with this email address and your password, if you have a username and password set.
+            </lI>
+        </ul>
+    </div>
 <% end %>
 <% if logged_in? %>
-	<ul class="sectionIcons">
-	    <!-- check if the profile that we are viewing now is a friend of current user -> stored for better performance -->
-			<% this_user_is_friend_of_current_user = @user.friend? %>
-			<% unless this_user_is_friend_of_current_user || current_user.friendship_pending?( %>
-	    	<li><%= icon('friendship', new_friendship_url(:user_id =>, nil, nil, 'Request Friendship') %></li>
-	  	<% end %>
-			<% unless mine? @user %>
-				<li><%= icon("message", new_message_path(:user_id =>, nil, nil, "Send Message") %></li>
-				<% if this_user_is_friend_of_current_user %>
-			    <% master_id, friendship_obj = current_user.friendship_from_self_id_and_friends_id( %>
-					<li><%= icon "friend_delete", user_friendship_path(master_id, friendship_obj) + "?return_to=" + user_path(@user), nil, {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this user from your friend list?", :method => :delete}, "Cancel Friendship" %></li>
-			  <% end %>
-			<% end %>
-			<% if mine? @user %>
-	    	<li><%= icon('manage', edit_user_path(@user), nil, nil, 'Manage Account') %></li>
-		    <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
-					<li><%= icon('edit', edit_profile_path(@user), nil, nil, 'Edit Profile') %></li>
-				<% end %>
-			  <li><%= icon('history', userhistory_path(@user), nil, nil, 'View My History')%></li>
-	    <% end %>
-	</ul>
+<ul class="sectionIcons">
+    <!-- check if the profile that we are viewing now is a friend of current user -> stored for better performance --><% this_user_is_friend_of_current_user = @user.friend? %>
+    <% unless this_user_is_friend_of_current_user || current_user.friendship_pending?( %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon('friendship', new_friendship_url(:user_id =>, nil, nil, 'Request Friendship') %>
+    </li>
+    <% end %>
+    <% unless mine? @user %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon("message", new_message_path(:user_id =>, nil, nil, "Send Message") %>
+    </li>
+    <% if this_user_is_friend_of_current_user %>
+    <% master_id, friendship_obj = current_user.friendship_from_self_id_and_friends_id( %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon "friend_delete", user_friendship_path(master_id, friendship_obj) + "?return_to=" + user_path(@user), nil, {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this user from your friend list?", :method => :delete}, "Cancel Friendship" %>
+    </li>
+    <% end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% if mine? @user %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon('manage', edit_user_path(@user), nil, nil, 'Manage Account') %>
+    </li>
+    <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon('edit', edit_profile_path(@user), nil, nil, 'Edit Profile') %>
+    </li>
+    <% end %>
+    <li>
+        <%= icon('history', userhistory_path(@user), nil, nil, 'View My History') %>
+    </li>
+    <% end %>
 <% end %>
-<% if logged_in? %> 
-	<% if mine? @user %>
-		<h1>
-			<%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
-			My Profile
-			<%= admin_badge(@user) %>
-		</h1>
-	<% else %>
-		<h1>
-			<%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
-			User Profile: <%=h %>
-			<%= friend_badge(@user) %>
-			<%= admin_badge(@user) %>
-		</h1>
-	<% end %>
+<% if logged_in? %>
+<% if mine? @user %>
+<h1><%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
+    My Profile<%= admin_badge(@user) %>
 <% else %>
-	<h1>
-		<%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
-		User: <%=h %>
-		<%= friend_badge(@user) %>
-		<%= admin_badge(@user) %>
-	</h1>
+<h1><%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
+    User Profile: <%=h %>
+    <%= friend_badge(@user) %>
+    <%= admin_badge(@user) %>
 <% end %>
+<% else %>
+<h1><%= if @user.profile then flag_icon(@user.profile.location_country, @user.profile.location) end %>
+    User: <%=h %>
+    <%= friend_badge(@user) %>
+    <%= admin_badge(@user) %>
+<% end %>
 <table style="width: 100%">
-	<tr>
-		<% if @user.profile -%>
-	    <td style="vertical-align: top;">
-				<% if mine? @user -%>
-	      	<%= avatar @user, 160, pictures_path(@user) -%>
-					<br/>
-					<span style="text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5em; font-size: 85%; color: #666666;">
-						[ <%= link_to "Edit Profile Picture", edit_profile_path(@user) %> ]
-					</span>
-				<% else -%>
-					<%= avatar @user, 160 -%>
-				<% end -%>
-	    </td>
-	  <% end -%>
-		<td style="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: top;">
-			<p>
-		    <b>Name:</b>
-		    <%=h %>
-				<% if mine? @user -%>
-					<span style="font-size: 85%; margin-left: 0.5em; color: #666666; vertical-align: middle;">
-						[ <%= link_to "edit", edit_user_path(@user) %> ]
-					</span>
-				<% end -%>
-		  </p>
-		  <p>
-		    <b>Joined:</b>
-		    <%=datetime @user.created_at %>
-		  </p>
-		  <% if @user.last_seen_at -%>
-			<p>
-		    <b>Last seen:</b>
-		    <%=datetime @user.last_seen_at %>
-		  </p>
-			<% end -%>
-			<% if false %>
-			  <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
-			    <%= render :partial => "profiles/profile", :locals => { :profile ="" @user.profile } %>
-			  <% end %>
-			<% end %>
-			<% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
-				<p>
-			    <b>Email (public):</b>
-					<% unless or %>
-			    	<%=mail_to, nil, {  :encode => "hex", :replace_at => " [at] " } %>
-					<% else %>
-						<%= none_text %>	  
-					<% end %>
-				</p>
-				<p>
-			    <b>Website:</b>
-					<% unless or %>
-				    <%=link_to(h(,, :rel => "nofollow") %>
-				  <% else %>
-						<%= none_text %>
-					<% end %>
-				</p>
-				<p>
-			  	<b>Location:</b>
-					<% unless @user.profile.location.nil? or @user.profile.location.empty? %>
-				    <%= h @user.profile.location %>
-				  <% else %>
-						<%= none_text %>
-					<% end %>
-				</p>
-			<% end %>
-			<% if logged_in? and mine? @user %>
-				<div class="box_currentuser_specific" style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
-					<p style="font-size: 85%;">Note: the information here is private and cannot be seen by anyone else.</p>
-					<p>
-			      <b>Username:</b>
-			      <% if @user.username %>
-			        <%=h @user.username %>
-			      <% else %>
-			        <%= link_to 'Register a username and password for this account [optional]', edit_user_path(@user) %>
-			      <% end %>
-			    </p>
-					<p>
-			      <b>Openid url:</b>
-			      <% if @user.openid_url %>
-			        <%=openid @user %>
-			      <% else %>
-			        <%= link_to 'Add an OpenID to this account [optional]', new_openid_path %>
-							<small>(what is <%= link_to 'OpenID', "" %>?)</small>
-			      <% end %>
-			    </p>
-		    	<% if and @user.unconfirmed_email.blank? %>
-						<p>You do not have an email address registered. <%= link_to "Register one here", edit_user_path(@user)%>.</p>
-					<% else %>
-						<% unless %>
-							<p><b>Account Email</b>: <%= h %></p>
-						<% end %>
-						<% unless @user.unconfirmed_email.blank? %>
-							<p>We are awaiting confirmation for a new email address: <%= h @user.unconfirmed_email %></p>
-						<% end %>
-					<% end %>
-				</div>
-			<% end %>	
-		</td>
-		<td style="padding-left: 7px; width: 137px; vertical-align: top; text-align: right;">
-			<div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em;">
-				<div class="stats_box">
-					<p>
-			      <b>
-			      	<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.friends.length, "Friend"), url_for(:action ="" 'friends')) -%>
-						</b> 
-			    </p>
-					<p>
-			      <b>
-			      	<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.networks_owned_count, "Group") + " (admin)", url_for(:action ="" 'groups')) -%>
-						</b> 
-			    </p>
-					<p>
-			      <b>
-			      	<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.networks_count, "Group") + " (member)", url_for(:action ="" 'groups')) -%>
-						</b> 
-			    </p>
-					<% filter_contributables(@user.contributions).each do |klass,contributables| %>
-						<p>
-				      <b>
-				      	<%= link_to(pluralize(contributables.length, controller_visible_name(klass.humanize.pluralize)), url_for(:action ="" controller_visible_name(klass.humanize.pluralize).downcase)) %>
-							</b>
-				    </p>
-					<% end %>
-					<p>
-			      <b>
-			      	<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.bookmarks_count, "Favourite"), url_for(:action ="" 'favourites')) -%>
-						</b> 
-			    </p>
-				</div>	
-			</div>
-			<div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em; font-size: 93%;">
-				<p>
-					<b>
-						<%= h -%> has been credited
-						<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.creditations.length, "time"), url_for(:action ="" 'credits')) -%>
-					</b>
-				</p>
-			</div>
-			<% benchmark "user rating box" do %>
-				<% avg_rating, rating_count = @user.average_rating_and_count %>
-				<div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em;">
-					<p style="font-size: 93%; font-weight: bold;">
-						<b><%= h -%> has an average rating of:</b>
-					</p>
-					<p style="font-size: 123.1%; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0.2em; line-height: 1;">
-						<%= number_with_precision(avg_rating, 1) -%> / 5
-					</p>
-					<p style="font-size: 77%; padding-top: 0.2em; line-height: 1;">
-						(<%= pluralize rating_count, "rating" -%> in total)
-					</p>
-					<p style="font-size: 93%; font-weight: bold;">
-						<b>for their items</b>
-					</p>
-				</div>
-			<% end %>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
+    <tr>
+        <% if @user.profile -%>
+        <td style="vertical-align: top;">
+            <% if mine? @user -%>
+            <%= avatar @user, 160, pictures_path(@user) -%>
+            <br/>
+            <span style="text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5em; font-size: 85%; color: #666666;">[ <%= link_to "Edit Profile Picture", edit_profile_path(@user) %>]</span>
+            <% else -%>
+            <%= avatar @user, 160 -%>
+            <% end -%>
+        </td>
+        <% end -%>
+        <td style="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: top;">
+            <p>
+                <b>Name:</b>
+                <%=h %>
+                <% if mine? @user -%>
+                <span style="font-size: 85%; margin-left: 0.5em; color: #666666; vertical-align: middle;">[ <%= link_to "edit", edit_user_path(@user) %>]</span>
+                <% end -%>
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                <b>Joined:</b>
+                <%=datetime @user.created_at %>
+            </p>
+            <% if @user.last_seen_at -%>
+            <p>
+                <b>Last seen:</b>
+                <%=datetime @user.last_seen_at %>
+            </p>
+            <% end -%>
+            <% if false %>
+            <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+            <%= render :partial => "profiles/profile", :locals => { :profile ="" @user.profile } %>
+            <% end %>
+            <% end %>
+            <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+            <p>
+                <b>Email (public):</b>
+                <% unless or %>
+                <%=mail_to, nil, {  :encode => "hex", :replace_at => " [at] " } %>
+                <% else %>
+                <%= none_text %>
+                <% end %>
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                <b>Website:</b>
+                <% unless or %>
+                <%=link_to(h(,, :rel => "nofollow") %>
+                <% else %>
+                <%= none_text %>
+                <% end %>
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                <b>Location:</b>
+                <% unless @user.profile.location.nil? or @user.profile.location.empty? %>
+                <%= h @user.profile.location %>
+                <% else %>
+                <%= none_text %>
+                <% end %>
+            </p>
+            <% end %>
+            <% if logged_in? and mine? @user %>
+            <div class="box_currentuser_specific" style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
+                <p style="font-size: 85%;">
+                    Note: the information here is private and cannot be seen by anyone else.
+                </p>
+                <p>
+                    <b>Username:</b>
+                    <% if @user.username %>
+                    <%=h @user.username %>
+                    <% else %>
+                    <%= link_to 'Register a username and password for this account [optional]', edit_user_path(@user) %>
+                    <% end %>
+                </p>
+                <p>
+                    <b>Openid url:</b>
+                    <% if @user.openid_url %>
+                    <%=openid @user %>
+                    <% else %>
+                    <%= link_to 'Add an OpenID to this account [optional]', new_openid_path %>
+                    <small>
+                        (what is <%= link_to 'OpenID', "" %>?)
+                    </small>
+                    <% end %>
+                </p>
+                <% if and @user.unconfirmed_email.blank? %>
+                <p>
+                    You do not have an email address registered. <%= link_to "Register one here", edit_user_path(@user) %>.
+                </p>
+                <% else %>
+                <% unless %>
+                <p>
+                    <b>Account Email</b>: <%= h %>
+                </p>
+                <% end %>
+                <% unless @user.unconfirmed_email.blank? %>
+                <p>
+                    We are awaiting confirmation for a new email address: <%= h @user.unconfirmed_email %>
+                </p>
+                <% end %>
+                <% end %>
+            </div>
+            <% end %>
+        </td>
+        <td style="padding-left: 7px; width: 137px; vertical-align: top; text-align: right;">
+            <div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em;">
+                <div class="stats_box">
+                    <p>
+                        <b><%= link_to(pluralize(@user.friends.length, "Friend"), url_for(:action ="" 'friends')) -%>
+                        </b>
+                    </p>
+                    <p>
+                        <b><%= link_to(pluralize(@user.networks_owned_count, "Group") + " (admin)", url_for(:action ="" 'groups')) -%>
+                        </b>
+                    </p>
+                    <p>
+                        <b><%= link_to(pluralize(@user.networks_count, "Group") + " (member)", url_for(:action ="" 'groups')) -%>
+                        </b>
+                    </p>
+                    <% filter_contributables(@user.contributions).each do |klass,contributables| %>
+                    <p>
+                        <b><%= link_to(pluralize(contributables.length, controller_visible_name(klass.humanize.pluralize)), url_for(:action ="" controller_visible_name(klass.humanize.pluralize).downcase)) %>
+                        </b>
+                    </p>
+                    <% end %>
+                    <p>
+                        <b><%= link_to(pluralize(@user.bookmarks_count, "Favourite"), url_for(:action ="" 'favourites')) -%>
+                        </b>
+                    </p>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em; font-size: 93%;">
+                <p>
+                    <b><%= h -%>has been credited<%= link_to(pluralize(@user.creditations.length, "time"), url_for(:action ="" 'credits')) -%>
+                    </b>
+                </p>
+            </div>
+            <% benchmark "user rating box" do %>
+            <% avg_rating, rating_count = @user.average_rating_and_count %>
+            <div class="contribution_section_box" style="width: 130px; padding: 0.4em 0.8em;">
+                <p style="font-size: 93%; font-weight: bold;">
+                    <b><%= h -%>has an average rating of:</b>
+                </p>
+                <p style="font-size: 123.1%; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0.2em; line-height: 1;">
+                    <%= number_with_precision(avg_rating, 1) -%>/ 5
+                </p>
+                <p style="font-size: 77%; padding-top: 0.2em; line-height: 1;">
+                    (<%= pluralize rating_count, "rating" -%> in total)
+                </p>
+                <p style="font-size: 93%; font-weight: bold;">
+                    <b>for their items</b>
+                </p>
+            </div>
+            <% end %>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
 <div style="margin: 0.6em 0.6em;">
-	<% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
-	  <div class="box_standout">
-	    <% unless @user.profile.body.blank? %>
-				<%= @user.profile.body_html %>
-			<% else %>
-				<p class="none_text">Description/summary not set</p>
-			<% end %>	
-	  </div>
-		<br/>
-	<% end %>
+    <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+    <div class="box_standout">
+        <% unless @user.profile.body.blank? %>
+        <%= @user.profile.body_html %>
+        <% else %>
+        <p class="none_text">
+            Description/summary not set
+        </p>
+        <% end %>
+    </div>
+    <br/>
+    <% end %>
+    <% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+    <div class="box_simple" style="float: left; width: 41%;">
+        <p>
+            <b>Other contact details:</b>
+        </p>
+        <% unless @user.profile.contact_details.nil? or @user.profile.contact_details.empty? %>
+        <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.contact_details)) %>
+        <% else %>
+        <%= none_text %>
+        <% end %>
+        <p>
+            <b>Interests:</b>
+        </p>
+        <% unless @user.profile.interests.nil? or @user.profile.interests.empty? %>
+        <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.interests)) %>
+        <% else %>
+        <%= none_text %>
+        <% end %>
+        <p>
+            <b>Social Links:</b>
+            <br/>
+            <i>Facebook:</i>
+            <% unless @user.profile.facebook.nil? or @user.profile.facebook.empty? %>
+            <%= h @user.profile.facebook %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+            <br/>
+            <i>Twitter:</i>
+            <% unless @user.profile.twitter.nil? or @user.profile.twitter.empty? %>
+            <%= h @user.profile.twitter %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+            <br/>
+            <i>Skype:</i>
+            <% unless or %>
+            <%= h %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+            <br/>
+            <i>LinkedIn:</i>
+            <% unless @user.profile.linkedin.nil? or @user.profile.linkedin.empty? %>
+            <%= h @user.profile.linkedin %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+        </p>
+    </div>
+    <div class="box_simple" style="float: right; width: 51%;">
+        <p>
+            <b>Field/Industry:</b>
+            <% unless @user.profile.field_or_industry.nil? or @user.profile.field_or_industry.empty? %>
+            <%= h @user.profile.field_or_industry %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            <b>Occupation/Role(s):</b>
+            <% unless @user.profile.occupation_or_roles.nil? or @user.profile.occupation_or_roles.empty? %>
+            <%= h @user.profile.occupation_or_roles %>
+            <% else %>
+            <%= none_text %>
+            <% end %>
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            <b>Organisation(s):</b>
+        </p>
+        <% unless @user.profile.organisations.nil? or @user.profile.organisations.empty? %>
+        <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.organisations)) %>
+        <% else %>
+        <%= none_text %>
+        <% end %>
+    </div>
+	<div class="clearer">
+        &nbsp;
+    </div>
-	<% unless @user.profile.nil? %>
+	<div class="box_simple" style="float: left; width: 41%;">
+        <p>
+            <b> Related Users </b>
+        </p>
+        <% related_users = UserSimilarity.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_1 = ?",], :select => "DISTINCT user_2, similarity", :order => ["similarity DESC"] ) %>
+        <% if related_users.empty? %>
+         <p>  No related users found </p>
+        <% else %>
+        <% related_users.each do |u| %>
+		<% user = User.find_by_id(u["user_2"])%>
+        <p>
+		<%= link_to, user_path(u["user_2"]) %> : <%= u["similarity"]%> <br/>
+        </p>
+		<%end%>
+        <%end %>
+    </div>
-		<div class="box_simple" style="float: left; width: 41%;">
-			<p>
-		  	<b>Other contact details:</b>
-			</p>
-			<% unless @user.profile.contact_details.nil? or @user.profile.contact_details.empty? %>  
-			  <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.contact_details)) %>
-			<% else %>
-				<%= none_text %>
-			<% end %>
-			<p>
-		  	<b>Interests:</b>
-			</p>
-			<% unless @user.profile.interests.nil? or @user.profile.interests.empty? %>
-			  <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.interests)) %>
-			<% else %>
-				<%= none_text %>
-			<% end %>
-		</div>
-		<div class="box_simple" style="float: right; width: 51%;">
-			<p>
-		  	<b>Field/Industry:</b>
-				<% unless @user.profile.field_or_industry.nil? or @user.profile.field_or_industry.empty? %>
-			    <%= h @user.profile.field_or_industry %>
-			  <% else %>
-					<%= none_text %>
-				<% end %>
-			</p>
-			<p>
-			 	<b>Occupation/Role(s):</b>
-				<% unless @user.profile.occupation_or_roles.nil? or @user.profile.occupation_or_roles.empty? %>
-			    <%= h @user.profile.occupation_or_roles %>
-			  <% else %>
-					<%= none_text %>
-				<% end %>
-			</p>
-			<p>
-		  	<b>Organisation(s):</b>
-			</p>
-			<% unless @user.profile.organisations.nil? or @user.profile.organisations.empty? %>
-			  <%= white_list(simple_format(@user.profile.organisations)) %>
-			<% else %>
-				<%= none_text %>
-			<% end %>
-		</div>
-		<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
-		<% if mine? @user %>
-			<p style="text-align: right; margin-top: 0.5em; color: #666666;">
-				[ <%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_profile_path(@user) %> ]
-			</p>
-		<% end %>
-	<% end %>
+    <div class="clearer">
+        &nbsp;
+    </div>
+    <% if mine? @user %>
+    <p style="text-align: right; margin-top: 0.5em; color: #666666;">
+        [ <%= link_to "Edit Profile", edit_profile_path(@user) %>]
+    </p>
+    <% end %>
+    <% end %>
 <% tabnav :user do %>
-  <% case @tab; when "News" %>
-    <%= render :partial => "layouts/news", :locals => { :collection => news(@user, true) } %>
-  <% when "Friends" %>
-    <div>
-      <%= render :partial => "users/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.friends } %>
-    </div>
-  <% when "Groups" %>
-      <% unless @user.networks_owned.empty? %>
-	      <h2>Groups that <%= %> owns</h2>
-		  <%= render :partial => "networks/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.networks_owned } %>
-	      <% if false %><p style="color: #666666;">[ <%= link_to 'View my Groups', url_for(:controller => :networks, :action ="" :index, :user_id => if mine? @user %> ]</p><% end %>
-	  <% end %>
-	  <% unless @user.networks.empty? %>
-		  <h2>Other Groups that <%= %> belongs to</h2>
-		  <%= render :partial => "networks/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.networks } %>
-	  <% end %>
-      <% if mine? @user %>
-        <p style="color: #666666;">[ <%= link_to 'View all Memberships in detail', user_memberships_path(@user) %> ]</p>
-      <% end %>
-  <% when "Workflows" %>
-		<%= view_privileges_notice %>
-		<br/>
-    <% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Workflow' end).map do |c| c.contributable end  %>
-    <%= render :partial => "workflows/anchors", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
-    <%= render :partial => "workflows/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
-  <% when "Files" %>
-		<%= view_privileges_notice %>
-		<br/>
-    <% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Blob' end).map do |c| c.contributable end  %>
-    <%= render :partial => "blobs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
-	<% when "Packs" %>
-		<%= view_privileges_notice %>
-		<br/>
-    <% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Pack' end).map do |c| c.contributable end  %>
-    <%= render :partial => "packs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
-  <% when "Blogs" %>
-		<%= view_privileges_notice %>
-		<br/>
-    <% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Blog' end).map do |c| c.contributable end  %>
-    <%= render :partial => "blogs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
-  <% when "Credits" %>
-    <% unless (creditations = @user.creditations).empty? %>
-			<%= view_privileges_notice %>
-      <% creditations.each do |c| %>
-				<% if c.creditable %>
-        	<%= render :partial => "contributions/table", :locals => { :collection => [c.creditable.contribution] } %>
-				<% end %>
-      <% end %>
-    <% else %>
-      <p class="none_text">No credits yet</p>
+<% case @tab; when "News" %>
+<%= render :partial => "layouts/news", :locals => { :collection => news(@user, true) } %>
+<% when "Friends" %>
+    <%= render :partial => "users/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.friends } %>
+<% when "Groups" %>
+<% unless @user.networks_owned.empty? %>
+<h2>Groups that <%= %>owns</h2>
+<%= render :partial => "networks/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.networks_owned } %>
+<% if false %>
+<p style="color: #666666;">
+    [ <%= link_to 'View my Groups', url_for(:controller => :networks, :action ="" :index, :user_id => if mine? @user %>]
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% unless @user.networks.empty? %>
+<h2>Other Groups that <%= %>belongs to</h2>
+<%= render :partial => "networks/table", :locals => { :collection => @user.networks } %>
+<% end %>
+<% if mine? @user %>
+<p style="color: #666666;">
+    [ <%= link_to 'View all Memberships in detail', user_memberships_path(@user) %>]
+<% end %>
+<% when "Workflows" %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Workflow' end).map do |c| c.contributable end %>
+<%= render :partial => "workflows/anchors", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
+<%= render :partial => "workflows/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
+<% when "Files" %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Blob' end).map do |c| c.contributable end %>
+<%= render :partial => "blobs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
+<% when "Packs" %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Pack' end).map do |c| c.contributable end %>
+<%= render :partial => "packs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
+<% when "Blogs" %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% contributables = ( do |c| c.contributable_type == 'Blog' end).map do |c| c.contributable end %>
+<%= render :partial => "blogs/table", :locals => { :collection => contributables } %>
+<% when "Credits" %>
+<% unless (creditations = @user.creditations).empty? %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% creditations.each do |c| %>
+<% if c.creditable %>
+<%= render :partial => "contributions/table", :locals => { :collection => [c.creditable.contribution] } %>
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% else %>
+<p class="none_text">
+    No credits yet
+<% end %>
+<% when "Tags" %>
+<% unless (tags = @user.tags).empty? %>
+<div style="border: 1px dotted #999999; background-color: #FFFFCC; padding: 1em; margin: 0.5em;">
+    <%= tag_cloud_from_collection(tags) %>
+<% else %>
+<p class="none_text">
+    No tags made yet
+<% end %>
+<% when "Favourites" %>
+<% unless (bookmarks = @user.bookmarks).empty? %>
+<%= view_privileges_notice %>
+<% bookmarks.each do |b| %>
+<% if b.bookmarkable %>
+<%= render :partial => "contributions/table", :locals => { :collection => [b.bookmarkable.contribution] } %>
+<p style="text-align: right; margin: 0.7em 0 1.5em 0;">
+    <% if !(remove_bookmarkable_url_value = remove_bookmarkable_url(b.bookmarkable_type, b.bookmarkable_id)).blank? %>
+    <%= link_to(delete_image("vertical-align: middle", "") + "<span style='vertical-align: middle;'> Remove from favourites</span>",
+    remove_bookmarkable_url_value + "?return_to=" + url_for(:action ="" 'favourites'),
+    :method => :delete,
+    :confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this item from your favourites?",
+    :class => "button_slim") -%>
     <% end %>
-  <% when "Tags" %>
-    <% unless (tags = @user.tags).empty? %>
-      <div style="border: 1px dotted #999999; background-color: #FFFFCC; padding: 1em; margin: 0.5em;">
-        <%= tag_cloud_from_collection(tags) %>
-      </div>
-    <% else %>
-      <p class="none_text">No tags made yet</p>
-    <% end %>
-	<% when "Favourites" %>
-    <% unless (bookmarks = @user.bookmarks).empty? %>
-      <%= view_privileges_notice %>
-			<% bookmarks.each do |b| %>
-				<% if b.bookmarkable %>
-        	<%= render :partial => "contributions/table", :locals => { :collection => [b.bookmarkable.contribution] } %>
-					<p style="text-align: right; margin: 0.7em 0 1.5em 0;">
-					  <% if !(remove_bookmarkable_url_value = remove_bookmarkable_url(b.bookmarkable_type, b.bookmarkable_id)).blank? %>
-						  <%= link_to(delete_image("vertical-align: middle", "") + "<span style='vertical-align: middle;'> Remove from favourites</span>",
-                	remove_bookmarkable_url_value + "?return_to=" + url_for(:action ="" 'favourites'),
-              	  :method => :delete,
-              		:confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this item from your favourites?",
-                  :class => "button_slim") 
-              -%> 
-						<% end %>
-					</p>
-				<% end %>
-      <% end %>
-    <% else %>
-      <p class="none_text">No favourites</p>
-    <% end %>
-  <% end %>
 <% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% else %>
+<p class="none_text">
+    No favourites
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
 <% if logged_in? and !mine?(@user) and !current_user.networks_owned.empty? %>
-  <%= render :partial => "networks/invite", :locals => { :current => current_user, :user => @user } %>
+<%= render :partial => "networks/invite", :locals => { :current => current_user, :user => @user } %>
 <% end %>
 <%= render :partial => "contributions/alternative_formats" %>
 <% unless @tab.blank? -%>
-	<script>
-		$('user_tabnav').scrollTo();
-	</script>
+    $('user_tabnav').scrollTo();
 <% end -%>

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