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summit reimbursals and my general non-presence (was Re: [Monotone-devel]

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: summit reimbursals and my general non-presence (was Re: [Monotone-devel] ping)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:49:59 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 11:24:50AM +0200, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
> it looks like your mail server is eating mail from Europe or something. 
> At least neither Thomas, Christoph nor me have heard anything back from 
> you regarding summit reimburse. Could you please answer our private 
> mails? Thank you.

Err, I've probably got them somewhere here.  The problem has been that
since the summit I:
  1) finally figured out what to do for the "third year project"
     requirement for the graduate program I'm in, the problem being
     that I then had 3 months to do a year's worth of work.  This did
     work out, I presented the stuff on Tuesday to general acclaim
     (i.e., "they didn't kick me out" ;-)), and I was looking forward
     to clearing up some old business like the summit reimbursals on,
     say, Thursday, except:
  2) As I write this it's 5:45 in the morning, because at 6:00 I
     have to go to the airport and fly to Chicago for a conference,
     where I have two different presentations.  Guess when those
     started getting prepared...
So that's why you guys haven't seen your money (or any patches, or
much more than the occasional 10 minute glance-in) from me for the
last few months.  Obviously this is uncool, unless you actually
were planning to give me and Google a few month long interest-free
loan (not that you have anything better to do with the money, I'm
sure!), but it's what happened.

I get back in town Friday, and have nothing scheduled for at least 2
weeks after that, huzzah.  So if you haven't seen at least an email
confirming how much you're supposed to get and how I'm supposed to
send it by Monday a week from tomorrow, then feel free to start with
the large blunt objects, etc.  I'll also see what I can do about
getting things out quickly, e.g. seeing if I can send things directly
rather than waiting on Google.

(This also applies mutatis mutandis to any other random
infrastructural stuff that people may need -- I think I've mostly kept
up with managing the keys for push to, but I there's at
least one email there I haven't dealt with, and there's whatever's
going on in that big Buildbot thread I haven't read yet, etc.  Next
week is a good time to poke me if I've dropped your stuff on the

Cheers, mea culpa,
-- Nathaniel

"If you can explain how you do something, then you're very very bad at it."
  -- John Hopfield

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