I've build monotone .deb's from a combination of the following
branches for a while:
net.venge.monotone - the main development branch
net.venge.monotone.debian - additional debian control files
- additional H: selector
It results in two packages, monotone and monotone-server.
Today, I set up a apt-get'able repository so the snapshot would be
easy to install. Anyone is welcome to use it. All that's needed is
the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:
# LP archive
deb http://guardian.lp.se/debian unstable/
deb-src http://guardian.lp.se/debian unstable/
I do those builds at irregular but normally frequent intervals (at
least twice a week), a little depending on what happens with monotone
Oh, the only architecture that I currently support is i386 (oh, and
all), because that's what I build on. If someone wants to support
other architectures as well and make it available through my repo,
please let me know and I'll see what I can arrange.
I sign the packages with the following key:
: ; gpg --list-keys levitte
pub 1024D/F709453B 2003-10-20
uid Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
uid Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
uid Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
sub 2048g/E6E1C65B 2003-10-20
It's up to you to find the key and check the fingerprint in whatever
manner you like. If you look around, you know how to find me, just
don't expect me to comply when I'm in the middle of sleeping :-).
Please consider sponsoring my work on free software.
See http://www.free.lp.se/sponsoring.html for details.