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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: [patch] netio.hh

From: Joel Rosdahl
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: [patch] netio.hh
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 20:33:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, linux)

graydon hoare <address@hidden> writes:

> Adam Logghe wrote:
>> I assume this related? I got the first error about 9pm PST last
>> night on both the linux and win32 client and then the next one this
>> morning (only tried linux this morning)....
> yeah, that's the same error.
> trick #1 is "apply my patch and rebuild" [...]

I applied the patch, built and pulled successfully. Then I built
78e5e8a2cd346bbd16357a9a258d3aee51d399e9, but when I tried to pull
again a couple of hours later, I got the error again:

% monotone pull net.venge.monotone
monotone: warning: doing anonymous pull
monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection net.venge.monotone
monotone: including branch net.venge.monotone
monotone: including branch net.venge.monotone.i18n
monotone: including branch net.venge.monotone.win32
monotone: including branch net.venge.monotone.gui
monotone: including branch net.venge.monotone.experiment.sqlite-shell
monotone: [keys: 8] [mcerts: 1152] 
monotone: connecting to
monotone: [bytes in: 5145] [bytes out: 3593] 
monotone: read from fd 7 (peer failed, disconnecting


Joel Rosdahl <address@hidden>
Key BB845E97; fingerprint 9F4B D780 6EF4 5700 778D  8B22 0064 F9FF BB84 5E97

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