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How to properly backup and restore the sqlite db?

From: Daniel Callister
Subject: How to properly backup and restore the sqlite db?
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 15:36:59 -0600

Hi MMonit Team, 

I'm attempting to migrate from Ubuntu 16 M/Monit v3.7.15 to Debian12 v3.7.15. I finally got around to cancelling my ESM updates from Ubuntu and have a working server on Debian12 ready to start monitoring my 150+ hosts. 

My question is: I've used sqlite3 to dump a backup of the existing db: 

 sqlite3 /opt/mmonit/db/mmonit.db ".backup '/root/monitdb.db'"

and now I'd like to restore it back to the new production instance. Is this possible? 


Daniel Callister

Systems Administrator / DevOps Engineer

M  +1 (385) 208 3770


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