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Re: "for X cycles" has no effect

From: jobhunts02
Subject: Re: "for X cycles" has no effect
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 18:05:37 -0700

With "set daemon 5," I changed it to:

    if cpu > 0% for 5 cycles then alert

Oct  7 17:46:09 localhost monit[30479]: Starting Monit 5.19.0 daemon
Oct  7 17:46:09 localhost monit[30479]: 'localhost.localdomain' Monit 5.19.0 started
Oct  7 17:46:14 localhost monit[30479]: 'localhost.localdomain' cpu usage of 3.2% matches resource limit [cpu usage>0.0%]

Monit started at 17:46:09.  I would expect to get the first alert at 17:46:34 (after 5 cycles of 5 seconds), but I get it after 5 seconds, and alerts every 5 seconds thereafter.

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