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Re: set mailserver to POP

From: Alfredo Deza
Subject: Re: set mailserver to POP
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:35:03 -0400

On 9/2/07, Aleksander Kamenik <address@hidden> wrote:
Alfredo Deza wrote:
> Although I am still not receiving the email alerts, I managed to have
> the "accepted" mailserver command. It seems I am behind a huge firewall
> and this server only works locally, that was why they were asking me to
> use POP to send the alerts.
> I guess the only other way would be to open up a port and specify this
> in the mailserver right?

You need to be able to connect to a smtp mail server that is able to
deliver the alerts to the mail server which is handling your mail box.

It may as well be localhost, if you could connect to the outside world
via tcp port 25. For example, if you can do:

telnet 25

from your monit box, then you should be OK.

If not, you have to find a smtp server on your network which can connect
to the outside world.


Aleksander Kamenik
system administrator
+372 6659 649

Krediidiinfo AS

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Thanks again for the help Aleksander.

I tried the smtp from google with a "could not resolve" result. I am going to ask for the smtp server address today and see the results.

Lets see what happens :)

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