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Re: space usage monitoring problem

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: space usage monitoring problem
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:42:25 +0200
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It could be good to have your complete configuration file (you can censore sensitive informations of course - just replace any information you won't to uncover with some example replacement string). Monit logfile from debug mode could be usefull too.

The monit's current theoretical limit for 32-bit systems is ca. 1 petabyte, on 64-bit filesystems you are virtualy unlimited (monit uses filesystem blocks). I have used monit in the past to monitor ~500GB filesystem without problems.

address@hidden wrote:
Thank you for the replay.

Well, in my case the monit doesn't send notification as well. I didn't dig in 
the sources
and don't know how it's dependent on the file system nor on disk size.... BUT 
I'm quite
sure the problem exists, I've checked twice. For my configuration both devices 
are XFS,
*BUT* the device, which monit doesn't monitor correctly more than 100Gb. The 
one monit
checks correctly less is ~ 99Gb. Just a wild guess - may be it's something to 
do with this

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:51:28 +0200
Martin Pala <address@hidden> wrote:

This is strange - the validation code works with each service independently.

I used following configuration to test this problem (monit configuration file):

check device rootfs path /dev/hda5
   if failed permission 660 then alert
   if failed uid root then alert
   if failed gid disk then alert
   if space usage > 10 % then alert
   if inode usage > 10 % then alert

check device vfatfs path /dev/hda6
   if failed permission 660 then alert
   if failed uid root then alert
   if failed gid disk then alert
   if space usage > 10 % then alert
   if inode usage > 10 % then alert

Both my filesystems are uses more then 10% of space. Monit sent alerts correctly (monit log):

[CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] 'vfatfs' file permission check passed [current permission=660]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] 'vfatfs' device uid check passed [current uid=0]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] 'vfatfs' device gid check passed [current gid=6]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] 'vfatfs' filesystem doesn't support inodes
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] 'vfatfs' space usage 77% matches resource limit [space usage>10%] [CEST Oct 25 21:43:07] Resource limit matched notification is sent to address@hidden [CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] 'rootfs' file permission check passed [current permission=660]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] 'rootfs' device uid check passed [current uid=0]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] 'rootfs' device gid check passed [current gid=6]
[CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] 'rootfs' inode usage check passed [current inode usage=2.8%] [CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] 'rootfs' space usage 16% matches resource limit [space usage>10%] [CEST Oct 25 21:43:08] Resource limit matched notification is sent to address@hidden

Please try to run monit in debug mode (se you will see the above messages) and send us output.


address@hidden wrote:


First of all thanks for the program. I successfully installed the latest (4.4) 
and just discovered the problem described bellow.

There is a part of my configuration file:
check device media with path /dev/hdg5 if space usage > 15% then alert
        group local
mode passive check device data with path /dev/hde9 if space usage > 20% then alert group local mode passive ****************************************************************************

... and here is a part of the "Monit Service Manager"
media   accessible              79.5% [88904.8 MB]      0.0% [1599 objects]
data    Resource limit matched  54.1% [55008.7 MB]      0.7% [740931 objects]
The drives free space is measured correctly, *BUT* there should be two alerts 
*BOTH* devices. I've checked as well the previous ( 4.3 ) version with the same
result! Would be nice it this problem will be corrected.

Thank you in advance.

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