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[MIT-Scheme-users] Re[9]:

From: Peck
Subject: [MIT-Scheme-users] Re[9]:
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 16:11:47 +0000

New offering get it while it is fresh
JC Data Solutions
Price: .085    If It Went to .25, Would You Be Happy?

Big PR  UnderWay. Will it Explode Higher? Like Many of These Small 
Ones,If and When They Take Off Sometimes, They Really Go. You Know 
What To Do If You Think So.

About JC Data Solutions (Source: News 11/11/05)

JC Data Solutions provides comprehensive, innovative and 
cost-effective solutions for digital document processing and 
management. JC Data Solutions puts client documents in digital 
formats that are inexpensive to store, simple to backup and 
archive, and easy to retrieve in a fraction of the time required 
for paper documents. JC Data Solutions proprietary software 
solutions are targeted to the legal, health care, manufacturing, 
distribution and document storage sectors, target markets in the 
$500 million electronic document management market growing at 30% 
per year. JCDS trains and supports a unique nationwide network of 
resellers by geographic market to target small to medium clients. 
JCDS has a home office in Dallas, TX, technical support personnel 
in Erie, PA and satellite sales offices in, Houston, TX, Mobile, 
AL, and Hot Springs, AR. JCDS was founded in 1996, is an industry 
leader with a management team that has over 50 years of document 
solution experience.

Go to Your Favorite Financial Website Now and Read The News Stories!

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