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processing files that are put on the server using SFTP

From: Lloyd Kvam
Subject: processing files that are put on the server using SFTP
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 10:32:20 -0400
User-agent: Evolution 3.36.5-0ubuntu1

I moved mediagoblin to a new server and upgraded to the current
version. The webserver is serving files properly. However I am unable
to add new media files.

The old server allowed my daughter's family to upload photos to their
SFTP account. A symbolic link (since lost) tied their SFTP folders into
the mediagoblin folder tree. There was a cron job that ran every five minutes. So the old work flow simply required
that they put photos (and movies) into the SFTP folders and then in a
few minutes, the files would be available through the web interface.

Now when I use the web interface and click "Add media", I get 403
Forbidden. It's a GET /submit/ request so I assume that's Python code
and not a file. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Where does mediagoblin look for new files to process? How should that
kind of automatic processing work today?

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