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Re: Re: problems w/ make.

From: humbe04
Subject: Re: Re: problems w/ make.
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 18:15:49 -0400

Hi all, and once again much thanks for the help. Unfortunately the issue is not 
the path. I tried by just copying all the files to c:\netirc  and had the same 
problem/. I've tried google but have not had any lck,.  Im also running cygwin, 
do you think that mit be an issue?>?  

below  the paste of me trying to compile it in c:\netirc

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 043A-72DE

 Directory of C:\netirc

09/25/2006  05:49 PM    <DIR>          .
09/25/2006  05:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/30/2004  02:02 PM            21,563 Changes
12/04/2003  06:50 PM            50,963 Connection.p
11/14/2002  01:32 PM            22,362
04/17/2003  11:58 PM             1,736
09/24/2003  02:33 AM            25,902
04/17/2003  11:58 PM             1,399 EventQueue.p
04/30/2004  02:02 PM            20,599
05/15/2003  04:49 PM             9,190 irctest
09/25/2006  05:49 PM            22,461 Makefile
04/17/2003  11:03 PM               966 Makefile.PL
11/14/2002  01:32 PM               101 MANIFEST
11/14/2002  01:32 PM                21 MANIFEST.SKI
12/04/2003  07:03 PM             4,223 README
09/20/2006  04:45 PM    <DIR>          t
11/14/2002  01:32 PM               799 TODO
09/20/2006  06:15 PM    <DIR>          usr
              14 File(s)        182,285 bytes
               4 Dir(s)   1,081,294,848 bytes free

makefile:305: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.

multiple target paterns ?! WTF ?!  never seen that before. 
> From: Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>
> Date: 2006/09/24 Sun AM 04:21:41 EDT
> To: <address@hidden>
> CC: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: problems w/ make.
> > From: <address@hidden>
> > CC: <address@hidden>
> > Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 17:12:00 -0400
> > 
> > Hi, and thanks for the prompt response, ,.  unfortunately i installed the 
> > new version of make and im still getting the same results.... 
> > 
> > C:\Documents and Settings\John  Blaze\Desktop\net-irc>make
> > makefile:306: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.
> There's something else at work here, because I cannot reproduce this
> problem.
> First, are you absolutely sure we are looking at the right Makefile?
> Is there any other Makefile with more than 306 lines that could
> trigger this error message?  And why the error message now complains
> about line 306, whereas your original report was about line 308?
> Second, could you please post a minimal Makefile that reproduces this
> problem, without depending on the entire Net::IRC build environment?
> For example, I attach below a small Makefile that is a modified
> version of the portion of your Makefile around the line 308, with the
> addition of definitions of several Make macros (at the beginning of
> the Makefile) that are needed to make it self-contained.  This small
> Makefile works for me with Make 3.81.
> Some modifications that were required for me to run this Makefile
> without installing Perl and Net::IRC exactly as you have on your
> machine:
>   . I replaced EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP, MKPATH, and CHMOD with commands
>     that invoke standard programs `touch', `mkdir', and `chmod'.
>   . I replaced C:\Perl\lib\CORE\perl.h in the prerequisites with a
>     different file which I have on my system
> One other change I needed is to modify the value of DIRFILESEP, from
> ^\ to \\.  I don't know why the Makefile you posted uses ^\, it is not
> supposed to work in the Windows port of Make.  Perhaps that is the
> reason of your problems, although I cannot figure out how it causes
> the multiple target patterns error.
> With these changes, the short Makefile below correctly created the
> directories and files it is supposed to make, and I never saw any
> error messages about multiple patterns.  Can you see if it works for
> you?
> SHELL=cmd.exe
> # --- MakeMaker top_targets section:
> NOECHO = @
> NOOP = rem
> INST_LIB = blib\lib
> INST_LIBDIR      = $(INST_LIB)\Net
> INST_ARCHLIB = blib\arch
> MKPATH = mkdir
> CHMOD = chmod
> PERM_RWX = 755
> # all :: pure_all
> #     $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> # pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
> #     $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> # subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
> #     $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> all :: config
>       $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
>       $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> config :: $(INST_AUTODIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
>       $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)
> $(INST_LIBDIR)\\.exists :: D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\
>       $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\ 
> $(INST_LIBDIR)\.exists
> $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)\\.exists :: D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\
>       $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\ 
> $(INST_AUTODIR)\\.exists :: D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\
>       $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) D:\usr\lib\PerlIO\ 
> $(INST_AUTODIR)\.exists

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