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Fwd: Added function - contract-path

From: lahavav
Subject: Fwd: Added function - contract-path
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 20:50:02 +0300
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Hi all,

I've added a function (A make function) named contract-path to the 3.80 sources.
It takes a path with garbage like 'dir/..' or 'dir1//2/' or 'dir/./dir2' and
contracts it as much as possible, e.g.:

a/b/..    ==> a
a/./.     ==> a
a\b\\c/d  ==> a/b/c/d

I found it very useful when I see up-and-down paths used in my makefiles.
Please let me know if anybody else is interested in it, and if desired I'll
commit it to the repository.

I've posted this message to all 3 maling lists to see if there's interest.
Comments are welcome since I've had a day's headache for doing this in linear

- Aviad Lahav

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