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Re: GNU make 3.81beta3 released

From: Earnie Boyd
Subject: Re: GNU make 3.81beta3 released
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 04:01:03 +0000

On 4:34:05 am 2005-06-29 Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> wrote:

> Yes, either of these would work, although I'd expect Diff to ignore
> line-end format by default.  Earnie, what port of Diff you used?  For
> that matter, what port of Perl?

Both diff and perl are msys-dll dependent.  So perl should read and write
UNIX and diff would read and write UNIX.  The msys diff -w switch treats ^M
as white space.  But the number of tests failing were the same.  The
double.colon test is the first to fail and the failure would exist
regardless of trailing ^M

*** work/features/double_colon.base.8   Tue Jun 28 23:34:39 2005
--- work/features/double_colon.log.8    Tue Jun 28 23:34:39 2005
*** 1,3 ****
! make: Circular d <- d dependency dropped.
--- 1,3 ----
! ake: Circular d <- d dependency dropped.

The .log.8 file has a missing m.

> I don't like the alternative with Make producing Unix-style EOLs: it
> will be very tricky because some of the output comes from programs
> Make invokes, and we cannot always fix all of those.

I don't like this either but gave it a try.

> Also, there's another solution: run all known good output files
> through unix2dos before running the test suite.

That does get rid of the ^M, still the number of tests failing is 74 out of
37 Categories.


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