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Re: NU-B question about including other files

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: NU-B question about including other files
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 07:01:58 +0200

> Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 14:02:09 -0600
> From: Mike Gibson <address@hidden>
> > 
> > There's no need to change anything in your Makefile.  Just type "make
> > all" rather than just "make" to invoke the Make utility, and it will
> > do what you want.
> Except he didn't have an "all" rule in the makefile.  So that wouldn't 
> work.  Unless the "all" target has been hardcoded into make.

Oops, I need glasses.  I should have said "make my_app", sorry.

> Also, he 
> *should* be able to simply run "make" with no arguments to build his 
> program.  That is the way that make was designed to work.  Why not make 
> his life easier and explain the "correct" way to solve the problem?

I thought I explained that by saying that the default target is the
first one.  I don't know how to change the OP's setup, since the
included Makefile fragment is a must in his situation, and it
specifies several targets.

However, I don't have a monopoly on explaining things, so please feel
free to do better.

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