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Re: Filenames with embedded spaces [Was: Query regarding make error]

From: J. Grant
Subject: Re: Filenames with embedded spaces [Was: Query regarding make error]
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 22:56:45 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030824


Thanks for this info

Do paths with escaped spaces always work as you want?

Nope.  The strings seem to loose their /escapedness/ after they are loaded.

addsuffix and addprefix both catch the "\ " as a normal space (rather than escaped space) and then treat as two strings.

[makefile begins]
files = My\ Documents My\ Computer/Control\ Panel

.PHONY: all
all: $(files)

        @echo testing '$@'
        @echo '  dir:           $(dir $@)'
        @echo '  notdir:        $(notdir $@)'
        @echo '  prefix&suffix: $(addsuffix -omega,$(addprefix alpha-,$@))'
[makefile ends]

I get output like

testing My Documents
  dir:           ./ ./
  notdir:        My Documents
  prefix&suffix: alpha-My-omega alpha-Documents-omega

Seems like it added to 'files' as one string ok, but then treated as two strings.

testing My Computer/Control Panel
  dir:           ./ Computer/ ./
  notdir:        My Control Panel
  prefix&suffix: alpha-My-omega alpha-Computer/Control-omega alpha-Panel-omega

Not loaded ok as second string in 'files'. Do not know how it ended up with the dir "Computer/", and the remainder 'My Control Panel' is not what I was expecting.

Are people relying on make functioning in this fashion? Do you know why the first string came out ok, but the second when wrong? The directory parsing in strings must be the problem for "My\ Computer/Control\ Panel" I think.

If fixing this to retain /escapedness/ is not suitable, perhaps an alternative might be support %20 like html files use?

I would like to do the "d:\test.c" style path support too, if that would be considered for inclusion?

The only other way I have been able to use quoted paths with make is to create the complete commands in an external scripting language. i.e. I created a Makefile like:

        gcc -o test "d:\test.c"

Kind regards


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