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Re: Spaces in file names!!

From: Rob Tulloh
Subject: Re: Spaces in file names!!
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 08:34:53 -0800 (PST)

README.W32 documents a workaround for this. Using 8.3 notation works best as this eliminates the spaces completely.


 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

[Please write plain text instead of html. Thanks.]

Zhang Zhenhua wrote:
> SDCC = C:\My Work\Compiler\Bin\sdcc.exe
> Main.ihx: Main.rel
> $(SDCC) Main.rel
> Main.rel: Main.c
> $(SDCC) -c Main.c
> But it seems that make can't create a process using the SDCC command line(with spaces in it). Any body knows how to make
> that work? Thanks.

Try quoting it:
SDCC = 'C:\My Work\Compiler\Bin\sdcc.exe'
SDCC = "C:\My Work\Compiler\Bin\sdcc.exe"
or maybe you need to try
'$(SDCC) -c Main.c'
"$(SDCC) -c Main.c"

I have found that one form (single versus double quote) may
work with windows 95 or 98's command processor, but windows
2k's command processor may need another, especially if you're
using redirection. I've also seen people try things like
SDCC = C:\My\ Work\Compiler\Bin\sdcc.exe
but all these methods are messy.

Everything is easier if you avoid using spaces in file names,
because spaces are usually used to separate tokens. In C you
would not write
int My Variable = 2;

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Rob Tulloh

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