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[Lzip-bug] scm repository, patches

From: Jan Engelhardt
Subject: [Lzip-bug] scm repository, patches
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 01:37:56 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 1.10 (LNX 962 2008-03-14)


I wanted to analyze lzip a bit how its speed could be improved. But I 
was kinda halted by the coding, er, "style" (I think it really needs to 
be tidied up, e.g. by linux-kernel's scripts/Lindent). So instead I set 
out to edit around a bit. I noticed that there seems to be no SCM 
repository for lzip, so I just started one and to dump the first patches 
in there; you can clone from git://dev.medozas.de/lzip .


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