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[Lynx-dev] SIGSEGV in scan_cookie_sublist
From: |
Thorsten Glaser |
Subject: |
[Lynx-dev] SIGSEGV in scan_cookie_sublist |
Date: |
Mon, 18 Mar 2013 23:06:05 +0000 (UTC) |
I just got one of these:
「A Fatal error has occurred in Lynx Ver. 2.8.8dev.15-MirOS-0AB2.1
Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and
if confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list. Bug reports should
have concise descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes
the problem, the operating system name with version number, the
TCPIP implementation, and any other relevant information.
Do NOT mail the core file if one was generated.
Lynx now exiting with signal: 11
Abort trap (core dumped)」
Obviously the core dump file is of not much use, since Lynx
insists on installing its own SIGSEGV handler to produce said
message, but by manually inspecting the stack beyond the frame
of the FatalProblem function I found the last address in the
code segment belonged to scan_cookie_sublist+80:
Dump of assembler code for function scan_cookie_sublist:
0x1c076f90 <scan_cookie_sublist+0>: push ebp
0x1c076f91 <scan_cookie_sublist+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x1c076f93 <scan_cookie_sublist+3>: push edi
0x1c076f94 <scan_cookie_sublist+4>: push esi
0x1c076f95 <scan_cookie_sublist+5>: push ebx
0x1c076f96 <scan_cookie_sublist+6>: sub esp,0x2c
0x1c076f99 <scan_cookie_sublist+9>: mov eax,ds:0x3c060160
0x1c076f9e <scan_cookie_sublist+14>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-28],eax
0x1c076fa1 <scan_cookie_sublist+17>: mov edi,DWORD PTR [ebp+8]
0x1c076fa4 <scan_cookie_sublist+20>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+12]
0x1c076fa7 <scan_cookie_sublist+23>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-52],eax
0x1c076faa <scan_cookie_sublist+26>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+20]
0x1c076fad <scan_cookie_sublist+29>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-56],eax
0x1c076fb0 <scan_cookie_sublist+32>: push 0x0
0x1c076fb2 <scan_cookie_sublist+34>: call 0x1c003944 <init_fallthru+2544>
0x1c076fb7 <scan_cookie_sublist+39>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-44],eax
0x1c076fba <scan_cookie_sublist+42>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-40],edx
0x1c076fbd <scan_cookie_sublist+45>: push 0x9
0x1c076fbf <scan_cookie_sublist+47>: push 0xa
0x1c076fc1 <scan_cookie_sublist+49>: push 0xd
0x1c076fc3 <scan_cookie_sublist+51>: push 0x3c040a0b
0x1c076fc8 <scan_cookie_sublist+56>: lea eax,[ebp-36]
0x1c076fcb <scan_cookie_sublist+59>: push eax
0x1c076fcc <scan_cookie_sublist+60>: call 0x1c003a24 <init_fallthru+2768>
0x1c076fd1 <scan_cookie_sublist+65>: mov esi,DWORD PTR [ebp-56]
0x1c076fd4 <scan_cookie_sublist+68>: add esp,0x18
0x1c076fd7 <scan_cookie_sublist+71>: test esi,esi
0x1c076fd9 <scan_cookie_sublist+73>: je 0x1c0772db
0x1c076fdf <scan_cookie_sublist+79>: nop
0x1c076fe0 <scan_cookie_sublist+80>: mov ebx,DWORD PTR [esi]
0x1c076fe2 <scan_cookie_sublist+82>: test ebx,ebx
0x1c076fe4 <scan_cookie_sublist+84>: je 0x1c0772d0
The call in scan_cookie_sublist+60 appears to be sprintf from:
(gdb) list scan_cookie_sublist
713 char *path,
714 int port,
715 HTList *sublist,
716 char *header,
717 int secure)
718 {
719 HTList *hl;
720 cookie *co;
721 time_t now = time(NULL);
722 char crlftab[8];
724 sprintf(crlftab, "%c%c%c", CR, LF, '\t');
725 for (hl = sublist; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) {
726 co = (cookie *) hl->object;
728 if (co == NULL) {
729 continue;
730 }
732 /* speed-up host_matches() and limit trace output */
Then, scan_cookie_sublist+71 is the “hl != NULL” comparison
from the for, and the faulting instruction at +80 is the
dereference “hl->object” (since the “object” member of the
HTList is at offset 0).
This basically means that it’s possible, during normal Lynx
operation, for “sublist” to contain a faulty but non-NULL hl
Due to the signal handler, I cannot inspect the context
at that point to indicate the precise value. But you might
want to take this as a heads-up for investigation.
[DJBDNS Zone] TTL 86400 – <Natureshadow> kann man da auch 1d schreiben?
<mirabilos> nö, außerdem kann ein Deutscher oder ein Japaner mit 1d
ja erstmal nix anfangen, oder könntest du 1日 im zone file lesen?
<Natureshadow> das heißt für mich: ein Regal, das u.U. schiefstehen könnte
- [Lynx-dev] SIGSEGV in scan_cookie_sublist,
Thorsten Glaser <=