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[Lynx-dev] pretty-src coloring breaks

From: Rado S
Subject: [Lynx-dev] pretty-src coloring breaks
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 20:22:19 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13cvs (2007-01-09)

=- Thomas Dickey wrote on Mon 19.Feb'07 at 10:11:01 -0500 -=

> > > > When I break that long line with the HREF in the source in 2
> > > > lines, then the colors are OK. Maybe something about
> > > > line-wrapping or bad luck with processing at right margin?
> > 
> > Plus, when in that long source line I insert NL after the '<A'
> > before the 'HREF=', it still shows the "unbroken" line in
> > pretty-src, as if I hadn't inserted it (this NL insertion being
> > ignored for all '<a href' on that line).
> > In fact it seems NL as attr separator is replaced as SPC?! :-/
> I think it's the same general issue: the pretty-src is interpreted from
> the parsed data.  NL is treated as a space in HTML, so the parser's
> done this at one point (perhaps too far up to color?)

a) &nbsp; <A HREF="attributes.html"  ==>> &nbsp; <A NL HREF=...
        This does not fix it, colors still broken,
        NL not shown.

b) &nbsp; <A HREF="attributes.html"  ==>> &nbsp; NL <A HREF=...
        this is OK, i.e. it fixes broken colors in pretty-src,
        NL actually shown.

Hmm, but then why does NL before '<A' "fix" the broken colors?!
Where comes the line length into play?

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL of it: you get what you give.

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