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Re: lynx-dev Updated openssl docs
From: |
Stef Caunter |
Subject: |
Re: lynx-dev Updated openssl docs |
Date: |
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 21:18:23 -0500 (EST) |
I think a lot of the openssl specific instruction as well as
the paranoia would be quite useful with the OS/2 stuff taken
out. IMHO there cannot be enough of this kind of information
given to users.
There is some duplication of README.sslcerts; perhaps an
edit to form a README.rootcerts doc would be in order? I
don't mind doing this.
The openssl.exe appears to follow *nix openssl syntax; safe
assumption? Any other thoughts?
On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Ilya Zakharevich wrote:
> These docs contain some OS/2-specific part (please ignore it), but the
> rest is not OS/2-specific. I spent a lot of time making this readable
> and informative. I marked by ??? the places which I do not understand
> or do not qualify to answer.
> Any comment is going to be appreciated; especially those clarifying
> ??? parts. Feel free to use this as a base of Lynx docs.
> Thanks,
> Ilya
> ==================================================================
> This is openssl-0.9.7c binary for OS/2.
> I compiled it on Warp4 with emx 0.9d after applying a patch from
> Ilya Zakharevich. See end of this file for the descritopn of the patch.
> The DLLs and EXE are compressed with LXLite.
> Grab the full source at http://www.openssl.org/
> Q. How to use the openssl DLLs with third-parties applications?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Put the DLLs to a directory in your LIBPATH. If you have applications
> using the dlls with old names ssl.dll and crypto.dll install the wrapper
> dlls from the backward subdirectory too.
> To use certificates or a cert bundle within a SSL enabled application
> like lynx you have to place your certificate files into the diretory
> /usr/local/sll. Alternatively, set the enviroenment variables to a
> propper value (e.g., in CONFIG.SYS file)
> set SSL_CERT_DIR=x:/usr/local/ssl/certs
> set SSL_CERT_FILE=x:/usr/local/ssl/cert.pem
> (See "What are root certificates" below.)
> For more details about using the open SLL libraries from an application
> read the README files of the application.
> Q. Why would I want to install openssl.exe?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> openssl.exe is used to manage certificates. (See "What are root certificates"
> below.)
> Q. How to install openssl.exe?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Put openssl.exe in a directory in your PATH and the DLLs to a directory
> in your LIBPATH.
> Copy conf\openssl.cnf.demoCA to a directory of your
> choice, rename it to openssl.conf and set the environement variable
> OPENSSL_CONF by putting
> SET OPENSSL_CONF=<your-direcotry>\openssl.cnf
> into CONFIG.SYS.
> ... Should not one edit dir= line in this file???
> Q. Why is this document so paranoid?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> If you want to use OpenSSL, then probably your Internet transaction have
> *real* monetary value embedded in them. And as usual, the security is as good
> as the weakiest link. This document unravels only the tip of the iceberg
> of what can go wrong with unproperly established "secure" connections. And
> given the monetary value involved, "bad guys" have a high incentive to exploit
> the weakiest links. As experience shows, do not underestimate intelligence
> of bad guys...
> Really, with security, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; one can
> suspect that many people, if they really understood the trust structures
> associated with SSL, would be rather careful about checking the details
> of certificates.
> Q. What are root certificates?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Making a secure connection is like sending your valuables (for storage or
> consumption) to somebody which agreed to be at a prearranged place. To
> guard the valuables on the way there, you can ask for a police escort; this is
> what https:// connections are about. However, it does not make any sense to
> have an escort if the goods are transfered to a random person who happens to
> be
> at this place; one needs to certify the identity of the receiver as well.
> The certification process is a chain; when a site A wants to certify that it
> is
> actually what it claims, it actually says "Check this certificate with site
> B";
> to proceed, one needs to certify that the site B is what it claims, so B may
> redirect to site C etc. For this process to stop, some sites claim that
> "You must know my certificate, check it yourselves". These certificates are
> "root certificates"; one cannot verify a site unless one has the certificate
> for the "end of its certification chain". If you don't have the
> relevant root certificate in the your local certificates file, it means that
> you don't trust anyone to vouch for the authenticity of the site.
> So one should have a collection of known certificates from several well-known
> sites known as "Root Certification Authorities". Most sites for large-scale
> businesses have certificates which will eventually resolve to these places.
> Such certicates represent people like Verisign that are in the business of
> confirming the identity of servers, etc.
> Additionally, since having yourselves certified through another site costs,
> some sites would avoid this cost via presenting "end-of-chain certificates".
> One should have a way to obtain these certificates via other mean than
> unsecure Internet connection (e.g., one can walk into the office and copy
> the certificate file to a floppy). These are so-called "Self-signed
> certificates"; they are "root certificates" as well. The locally-installed
> securely obtained copies of such certificates are refered to as
> "local certificates". (See 'What is "Snake Oil Ltd."' below.)
> If you are presented with locally-unresolvable root certificate, and you
> *believe* that you are really talking to the site, and not someone
> in between (who is either completely simulating the site or relaying
> your requests onto the real site - called a "man in the middle" attack),
> you will still have an encrypted connection. Otherwise, you should act
> as though the site was an impostor, unless and until you manage to get
> a root certificate from a trustworthy source, and that root certificate
> represents someone that you would trust to have vetted the site you
> want to connect to.
> Local certificates are stored in SSL_CERT_FILE ("cert bundle", usually named
> cert.pem, usually contains several signatures for "Root Certification
> Authorities") and SSL_CERT_DIR (which has a signature per file, and usually
> contain local copies of self-signed certificates).
> There are three crucial considerations to be added to this picture:
> a) While there are ways to ensure that the receivers are who they claims,
> there is absolutely no technological way to verify how *trustworthy*
> the receiving party is. It does not make sends to secure-send your
> valuables to a certified receiver if this receiver is a crook (or will
> just keep them later in a publicly accessible place).
> b) "VeriSign Syndrom". For the above scheme of "a chain of trust" to work,
> the "Root Certification Authorities" should be *very* trustworthy
> high-integrity entities. Unfortunately, there are certain doubts that
> this is so. E.g., fall 2003, VeriSign started an attack on DNS scheme
> which could disrupt the whole architecture of Internet (hijacking *all*
> unclaimed Internet addresses and redirecting them to a promotional site;
> google for VeriSign DNS hijack).
> One major company even issued a Microsoft certificate to a company
> other than Microsoft, and there had to be a Windows critical update
> to block that certificate.
> c) Keep in mind that the "big 2 browsers" are adding an increasing
> number of root certificates, and most users fail to realise that they
> are putting a trust in the supply chain for the browser to give them
> the certificates of reliable organisations (the browser suppliers could
> make bad choices, or the browser could have been hacked before you got
> it).
> Incidentally, standard browsers come with certificates representing
> very different levels of identity verification, but most people accept
> all of those supplied with the big 2 as equally valid.
> Q. How to obtain root certificates?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Certificate files, such as cert.pem, are security critical; you have to
> trust whoever supplies it to you; all your certification process is no more
> trustful than the cite you downloaded cert.pem from. So you shouldn't just
> accept any offer.
> One way is to copy them from a machine which already obtained them in a secure
> way. Another one is to extract them from a web browser which was itself
> obtained in a secure way (see "How to extract certificates from Internet
> Explorer" below). If anything else fails, obtaining some privately-generated
> bundle from third-parties, such as
> http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/encryption/ca-bundle.crt.text
> is *not* much better than no certificates at all, but may avoid some warnings
> from applications. One of the places which has a bundle is mod_ssl site.
> Q. Should you trust this distribution?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It is very hard to imagine a situation when the answer is different from
> "Absolutely not!".
> Indeed, obtaining the certificates are only one half of the problem.
> The certificates are going to be checked by the SSL library. Can you trust
> these executables (DLLs)? Did you obtain the library via a secure connection?
> Are you sure that the place you obtained it from has reasonable security
> practice, so that the archive could not be tampered with? The latter place
> most probably did not build the DLLs themselves; the chances are they just
> store what a fourth-party supplied them. Was *that* file transfer done via
> secure channels? Can you trust this fourth-party so that it did not insert
> Trojans?
> Chances are that all of these questions are answered "No". There are still
> major problems with bootstrapping security via Internet...
> What about the application which uses these DLLs? Do you have any reason to
> trust it? What about the OS itself? Did it come from a trustful source via
> trustful channels? Are you sure it was not tampered with?
> Q. How to compile and link with OpenSSL libraries?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Put the files from include and lib to your emx directory,
> or directories on C_INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH.
> Note that openssl should become a subdirectory of your include directory.
> If you need .lib files you can create them using emxomf.
> The supplied library files link against the new renamed dlls open_ssl and
> cryptsll.
> See the doc directory for some information and visit
> http://www.columbia.edu/~ariel/ssleay/ for more infos.
> Q. Why do you need your own keys and certificates?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> There are several situations: having a server which accepts secure
> connections;
> authenticating yourself to a server by means other than login/password,
> sending S-Mime crypto-mail, ????. In each of these situations one needs the
> following types of keys: ????
> The following sites may be useful????:
> http://www.pseudonym.org/ssl/ssl_cook.html#environment
> Q. How to generate your own keys and certificates?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> There are many ways. A good solution is to use sslRexx. It provides
> everything
> you need.
> Below is a short descriptions how I made my own Certification Authority,
> a Server Key for Apache and a client Key/Certificate for me, signed by my
> own CA.
> Q. Howto: Root CA (needed to self-sign all certificates)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Generate a CA-Key and store it in sub-directory private:
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out private/MyOwnCA.pem 2048
> Make a selfsigned certificate based on above key.
> ???? Why is the file name different?
> openssl req -new -x509 -days 730 -key private/CAkey.pem -out CAcert.pem
> This certificate will expire in 2 years. Then one should do ????. The -x509
> switch is ????.
> Optional: generate text output of this certificate:
> openssl x509 -in ./CAcert.pem -text > CAcert.txt
> Now you have a key and certificate for your own CA which can be used
> to sign user and server keys. The CAcert is also needed to configure
> Apache and Netscape. You can/should give away the CA certificate but
> never give the CA key to anybody.
> Q. Howto: a Key and Certificate for the Apache Server
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Generate a key
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out server-key.pem 2048
> ??? What makes openssl prompt in this case, but not in the previous one
> (same command as for root key - except the output file)?
> With this variant, you will be prompted for a protecting password. If
> you don't want your key to be protected by a password, remove the flag
> '-des3' from the command line above.
> NOTE: if you intend to use the key together with a server
> certificate, you may want to avoid protecting it with a password,
> since that would mean someone would have to type in the password every
> time the server needs to access the key. But then you should protect
> the server key in another way.
> ??? "Someone" is who? Who connects to the server of what?
> Create a signing request
> ------------------------
> openssl req -new -key server-key.pem -out server-req.pem
> This request has no -x509 and no expiration date since ????.
> Now send this request to your CA for signing. Since you are your own CA
> sign it:
> --------
> openssl ca -in server-req.pem -out server-cert.pem -outdir MyOwnCA/newcerts
> Which CA key is used by this, if any???? What is the significance of
> -outdir???? Should -outdir exist????
> Verify the certificate
> openssl verify -CAfile CAcert.pem server-cert.pem
> Now you have a key and a certificate for your Apache Webserver. (This assumes
> that the CAcert.pem generated on the previous step is still in the current
> directory.) Where should one place these guys????
> Q. Howto: send request to your CA for signing
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> http://www.modssl.org/related/cert.html????
> (Unless you are your own CA; then see above.)
> Q. Howto: Your Client Certificate/Key
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Generate a private key
> ----------------------
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out hrom-key.pem 2048
> (still the same command with yet different file name). What with passwords
> here????
> Create a signing request (same command again)
> ------------------------
> openssl req -new -key hrom-key.pem -out hrom-req.pem
> Let the CA sign it (same command again)
> ------------------
> openssl ca -in hrom-req.pem -out hrom-cert.pem -outdir MyOwnCA/newcerts
> After you get back the certificate from the CA, combine it with
> your private key and store the result as p12 file. This file can
> be imported into your browser. The browser will use this file for ????.
> openssl pkcs12 -export -name Hromadka -in hrom-cert.pem -inkey hrom-key.pem
> -out hrom.p12
> Security Notes: Never give your private key to a CA, they only need the
> signing request. Never give away your p12 file. Always secure your private
> keys with a passphrase.
> Q. How to use c_rehash?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ????
> One needs a working port of Perl and cp.exe to run this. Set OPENSSL to the
> full name of openssl executable. One may also need to change some ':' to
> $Config{path_sep}. (Not checked...)
> Q. How to extract certificates from Internet Explorer?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> To make your own file of certificates, go to the
> "Tools/Internet Options/Content/Certificates/Trusted Root Certificates"
> section of IE. Select all the certificates, then "export" to a file.
> It will be saved as a PKCS#7 file, with suffix ".p7b". You can call
> it "ca_bundle.p7b". Then use openssl to convert it with the command:
> "openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -in ca_bundle.p7b -print_certs -text -out
> cert.pem".
> Ask your system administrator to put the file "cert.pem" in the openssl
> directory. Then lynx can check the certificates against the set of
> certificates that you (or Microsoft) trusts, and you won't get the
> warning message any more.
> Q. How to install a self-signed certificate?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> When you would like to trust a self-signed (non-commercial) certificate you
> will
> need to get hold of the actual file. If it's a cert local to your network you
> can ask the sysadmin to make it available for download as a link on a webpage.
> If such file is not human-readable it's probably DER formatted and will need
> to
> be converted to PEM format to allow openssl to use it.
> To convert DER formatted certificates into something openssl can deal with:
> Save the cert as site_name.crt in a directory. In that directory, type:
> openssl x509 -inform DER -in site_name.crt -outform PEM -out site_name.pem
> You can now copy this individual cert into the directory for that, usually
> /usr/local/ssl/certs. The alternative is to concatenate the individual certs
> to the cert.pem bundle in /usr/local/ssl. (Please see INSTALLING OR UPDATING
> THE CA BUNDLE below).
> The cert file will now be in an acceptable format to openssl, PEM encoded.
> However, openssl, (and by extension applications, such as lynx), will not know
> about it until that cert is present in a file named after the hash value of
> that cert, in the cert directory (default /usr/local/ssl/certs).
> So the next thing to do is to hash the cert by running c_rehash.
> Q. What is "Snake Oil Ltd."?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The "Snake Oil Ltd." certificate is a testing certificate.
> Specifically, it is the self-signed certificate generated by the
> installation procedure of Apache-SSL. The presence of this certificate does
> not make your SSL connections less secure: they will still be encrypted and
> therefore difficult to intercept or corrupt.
> What the web server at "Linux Web Toast" is saying is "Our name is company
> XYZ, just take our word for it." Your software (the browser) is bringing
> this to your attention because it is not configured to just take anybody's
> word for anything. A normal secure web server would say something like "Our
> name is company XYZ according to VeriSign, Inc, and you can take their word
> for it." Your web browser is probably configured to automatically trust
> VeriSign, Inc.
> Q. How this build differs from older builds (Ilya's patch)?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This patch
> a) Introduces a new file os2/backwardify.pl.
> b) Introduces a new mk1mf.pl variable $preamble. As you can see, it may
> be used also to move some OS-specific code to VC-CE too;
> c) The DESCRIPTION specifier of the .def file is made more informative:
> now it contains the version number too. On OS/2 it is made conformant
> to OS/2 conventions; in particular, when one runs the standard command
> one can see:
> Vendor: www.openssl.org/
> Revision: 0.9.7c
> Description: OpenSSL: implementation of Secure Socket Layer; DLL for
> library crypto. Build for EMX -Zmtd
> [I did not make Win32 descriptions as informative as this - I'm afraid to
> break something. Be welcome to fix this.]
> d) On OS/2 the generated DLL was hardly usable (it had a shared initialized
> data segment).
> e) On OS/2 the generated DLLs had names like ssl.dll. However, DLL names on
> OS/2 are "global data". It is hard to have several DLLs with the same
> name on the system. Thus this precluded coexistence of OpenSSL with DLLs
> for other SLL implementations - or other name clashes. I transparently
> changed the names of the DLLs to open_ssl.dll and cryptssl.dll.
> f) The file added in (a) is used to create "forwarder" DLLs, so the
> applications expecting the "old" DLL names may use the new DLLs
> transparently. (A presence of these DLLs on the system nullifies (e),
> but makes old applications work. This is a stopgap measure until the
> old applications are relinked. Systems with no old applications do not
> need these DLLs, so may enjoy all the benefits of (e).)
> The new DLLs are placed in os2/ and os2/noname subdirectories.
> --
> Johannes Hromadka
> address@hidden
> 2003-11-08
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