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Re: lynx-dev Problems installing Lynx on RedHat 9

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Problems installing Lynx on RedHat 9
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 11:41:22 +0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 02:15:10AM -0400, Nebu Pookins wrote:


>       When I run ./configure on lynx2-8-4, I eventually get the error message
> "configure: error: no curses library found" but I've downloaded
> ncurses-5.3-4.i386.rpm and when I run "rpm -ivh ncurses-5.3-4.i386.rpm"
> I get the message "package ncurses-5.3-4 is already installed".
>       Not sure what I should do to proceed from here on.

You have to install ncurses-devel*.rpm package.
 Best regards,

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