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Re: lynx-dev Other problems with Lynx

From: pg
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Other problems with Lynx
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 09:45:25 -0700 (MST)

In a recent note, Peter Rasmussen said:

> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 17:42:48 +0100
> 1.When asking to see the source by pressing '\' a new request is sent to the
>   server. Building 2.8.5dev12 with '--enable-source-cache' I hoped that it
>   wasn't so anymore, but as far as I can see in my Apache access_log it still
>   does. Have I been misled, or have I misunderstood?
I'll expand on this.  I've written a script which invokes Lynx with the
startup file being a pipe.  Of course, any command which attempts to
refetch the source fails by returning an empty document.  Such commands
include, but may not be limited to '\' and '^R'.  Perhaps refetching
the source should be disabled when the URL is a special file.

-- gil

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