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lynx-dev Lynx or ncurses bug ?

From: Frédéric L . W . Meunier
Subject: lynx-dev Lynx or ncurses bug ?
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 14:13:53 -0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.19i

Hi. I'm not really sure, but while ncurses-5.2-20010630
apparently fixed the random segfaults I was having with LE (a
text editor) and Lynx - sometimes, they'd segfault by moving
the screen with arrow keys - , I noticed that with both
2.8.4pre.2 (compiled with ncurses 5.0) and pre.3 a simple /
(search) for "news" in my LYHelp.h would lock up Lynx and
it'd start using all my CPU and RAM.

I noticed that it only happens when I'm on the first or last
page. No 'news' not found! is returned.

A trace:

User message: Trace ON!
GETCH: Got 0x2f.
LYReadCmdKey(0) ->/ (0x2f)
called LYgetstr
GETCH: Got 0x6e.
LYReadCmdKey(3) ->n (0x6e)
GETCH: Got 0x65.
LYReadCmdKey(3) ->e (0x65)
GETCH: Got 0x77.
LYReadCmdKey(3) ->w (0x77)
GETCH: Got 0x73.
LYReadCmdKey(3) ->s (0x73)
GETCH: Got 0xa.
LYReadCmdKey(3) ->
 LYgetstr(news) LYE_ENTER
 stop_curses: done.

And with ltrace:

wmove(0x0821a1b8, 46, 27, -1, 4)                  = 0
wmove(0x08213f30, 46, 27, 0x0804ffd5, 46)         = 0
wnoutrefresh(0x08213f30, 46, 27, 0x0804ffd5, 46)  = 0
pnoutrefresh(0x0821a1b8, 0, 0, 0, 0)              = 0
doupdate(0xbfffe6f4, 0xbfffe6af, 1, -1, 0)        = 0
__errno_location()                                = 0x40274ae0
clearerr(0x40271100, 0xbfffe6f4, 0xbfffe68c, 0x0804deb8,
0x40069fd8) = 0x40271100
wgetch(0x0821a1b8, 0xbfffe6f4, 0xbfffe68c, 0x0804deb8,
0x40069fd8) = 10
feof(0x40271100)                                  = 0
ferror(0x40271100)                                = 0
strlen(0xbfffe720, 0x08154fa0, 510, 0, 0)         = 4
strncpy(0x08154fa0, "news", 511)                  = 0x08154fa0
calloc(1, 8)                                      = 0x08252530
strlen(0xbfffe720, 0x081549e0, 0xbfffe69c, 0x0804c7ed,
0x08252530) = 4
malloc(5)                                         = 0x08252540
strcpy(0x08252540, "news")                        = 0x08252540
calloc(1, 8)                                      = 0x082561d8
strlen(0x08154fa0, -1, 45, 0, 0x0824e298)         = 4
strlen(0x08154fa0, 0x0824e298, 2, 0, 0x08154fa0)  = 4
strncpy(0x08155b60, "news", 511)                  = 0x08155b60
strlen(0x08155b60, 4, 0xbfffeb7c, 0x0804deb8, 0)  = 4
malloc(5)                                         = 0x082561e8
strcpy(0x082561e8, "news")                        = 0x082561e8
calloc(1, 8)                                      = 0x082561f8
calloc(1, 8)                                      = 0x082534a0
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---
signal(1, 0x00000001)                             = 0x0804b500
signal(2, 0x00000001)                             = 0x0804b500
signal(15, 0x00000001)                            = 0x0804b500
signal(1, 0x00000001)                             = 0x00000001
signal(15, 0x00000001)                            = 0x00000001
signal(2, 0x00000001)                             = 0x00000001
wmove(0x0821a1b8, 46, 0, 0, 0x10000000)           = 0
wclrtoeol(0x0821a1b8, 46, 0, 0, 0x10000000)       = 0
wattr_off(0x0821a1b8, 131072, 0, 0, 0x10000000)   = 0
wattr_off(0x0821a1b8, 262144, 0, 0, 0x10000000)   = 0
wattr_off(0x0821a1b8, 0x00200000, 0, 0, 0x10000000) = 0
wmove(0x08213f30, 46, 0, 0, 0x10000000)           = 0
wnoutrefresh(0x08213f30, 46, 0, 0, 0x10000000)    = 0
pnoutrefresh(0x0821a1b8, 0, 0, 0, 0)              = 0
doupdate(46, 0, 0, 0, 0x10000000)                 = 0
echo(1, 1, 0xbfffe7b4, 0x0804b669, 46)            = 0
nonl(1, 1, 0xbfffe784, 0x0807a366, 1)             = 0
endwin(1, 1, 0xbfffe7b4, 0x0804b669, 46)          = 0
fflush(0x40271280)                                = 0
fflush(0x40271400)                                = 0
signal(2, NULL)                                   = 0x00000001
time(NULL)                                        = 994611553
strchr("w", 'b')                                  = NULL

In both instances I sent a SIGINT. I don't know if any of the
traces help, but I only get this.

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