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Re: lynx-dev lynx2.8.4dev.17

From: pg
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx2.8.4dev.17
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 10:05:10 -0700 (MST)

In a recent note, Thomas Dickey said:

> Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 10:26:45 -0500
> That just says that ncurses doesn't need $LINES and $COLS.  Do you really
> need it for Solaris curses?  (My recollection is that initscr on Solaris
> would get the right screen size).
I've experimented more.  OS/390 needs $LINES and $COLS.  Perhaps this is a
bug.  The attached patch makes setting them an OS/390-only feature.  I'm
now puzzled why AJL and Fote were working on code which set them.

The call to size_change(0) is necessary with Solaris curses, by the
same experiments.

-- gil
%%% Created Sun Feb 11 09:49:55 MST 2001 by target lynx.patch. %%%
diff -bru orig/lynx2-8-4/src/LYCurses.c lynx2-8-4/src/LYCurses.c
--- orig/lynx2-8-4/src/LYCurses.c       Thu Feb  8 19:50:00 2001
+++ lynx2-8-4/src/LYCurses.c    Sun Feb 11 09:47:43 2001
@@ -827,23 +827,29 @@
 #if defined(HAVE_NEWTERM)
 #if !defined(NCURSES) && !defined(HAVE_RESIZETERM)
-       /*
+       BOOLEAN savesize;
+       savesize = recent_sizechange;
+       size_change(0);
+       recent_sizechange = savesize;    /* avoid extra redraw */
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+    {  /*
+        * The requirement to do this may be a bug in OS/390.
+        *
         * Put screen geometry in environment variables used by
         * XOpen curses before calling newterm().  I believe this
         * completes work left unfinished by AJL & FM -- gil
        static char lines_putenv[] = "LINES=abcde",
                    cols_putenv[]  = "COLUMNS=abcde";
-       BOOLEAN savesize;
-       savesize = recent_sizechange;
-       size_change(0);
-       recent_sizechange = savesize;    /* avoid extra redraw */
        sprintf(lines_putenv + 6, "%d", LYlines & 0xfff);
        sprintf(cols_putenv  + 8, "%d", LYcols  & 0xfff);
        CTRACE((tfp, "start_curses putenv %s, %s\n", lines_putenv, 
+    }
+#endif /* defined(__MVS__) */
 #endif /* !defined(NCURSES) && !defined(HAVE_RESIZETERM) */
        if (!(LYscreen = newterm(NULL,stdout,stdin))) {  /* start curses */
            fprintf(tfp, "%s\n",

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