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lynx-dev Re: your mailk

From: David Woolley
Subject: lynx-dev Re: your mailk
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 22:46:20 +0000 (GMT)

>   Function gethostbyname(char *name) seems to be working only for
> type of thing, and not for .../cgi-bin/script?

That's all it should be used on.

>   Any help would be appreciated

You need to obtain copies of the HTTP RFC and probably also the 
the documentation on forms.  You could run Lynx in trace mode to
see what it does.

NB. If you are sending data to the server, rather than simply using
the parameters to select what it returns, you should not use
....?... form URLs, you should omit the ? and place everything after
it in the body of the request and use a POST request.

Basically, you need to take the and connect
to it, then send:

POST /.../cgi-bin/script HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: .......              (there is a specific one that you use here)
Content-Length: ......
User-Agent: ........
Accept: .........
Accept-Language: .....
<blank line>

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