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lynx-dev Long URL on command line

From: Sam Hobson
Subject: lynx-dev Long URL on command line
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 17:59:54 -0800

I'm a brand-new member of the list, and I'd welcome your help.  I'm using
"Lynx 2.8.3dev.13 (21 Oct 1999) (development version)" on Unix.

Context:  I want to send a long URL on the command line and have the results
dump-ed.  I'm currently using "/usr/local/bin/lynx -dump -nolist $url",
where "$url" is the URL I'm seeking.  The URL includes several key-value
pairs (e.g.

Problem:  It seems Lynx is clipping the URL, perhaps at the first "&".

Any suggestions?  Thanks.


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