On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Bob Izenberg wrote:
> The message below from address@hidden
> (martin austen) was forwarded
> by the list moderator.
> >I have a problem concerning that function HTSSLInitPRNG starting in
> >line 109 of file HTTP.c.
> >I've compiled the release 2.8.3 of lynx under cygwin-1.1.4 with
> >ssl-support using openssl-0.9.5a. As the patch suggested by Hataguchi
> >Takeshi in the lynx-dev discussion list isn't obviously applicable with
> >cygwin, i coped with the LD-process (there are no s(l)rand48 and -by the
> >way- no _lrand or srand-symbols in my openssl-libraries) finally by
...nor in your math library? those are fairly standard functions.
T.E.Dickey <address@hidden>