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lynx-dev Follow-up: "HTML with almost every link broken"

From: Nicholas Bodley
Subject: lynx-dev Follow-up: "HTML with almost every link broken"
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 14:31:58 -0400 (EDT)

 (To the Linux list: I didn't cross-post earlier messages in
this thread. However, it is pertinent to Linux.)

 To be fair, I should explain what happened. In short, the file
names referred to in the HTML documents in the .zip file were
initial caps and lower case, but the calling file names in the HTML
were all caps.

 When unzipped and run in a Win/DOS environment, the filenames are
converted into effective all caps. The docs I was trying to read
were in a .zip file, but I was using a FreeBSD environment (shell

 Used [FreeBSD] unzip, which kept c/lc of the filenames, something
Win/DOS wouldn't do. Running Lynx under FreeBSD meant that there was
a filename case "collision", and no links worked.

 As the site's tech director said, this is probably the first time
anyone has tried to read their docs using Lynx in a [Un*x]
environment. However, with the growth of Linux, it's not the last!

 Had both of us puzzled for a spell; he was sure his filenames were
all caps, but was using DOS/Win tools to check. Nice fellow.

 He converted all filenames to all caps, and fixed things. Doc in
question was about NewDeal NewBASIC, .htm after unzipping.

 Fwtw, NewDeal seems to be doing Good Things! (They licensed Geos.)

 Woops, the -v switch got turned on; bad habit; sorry.

|*  Nicholas Bodley   *|*  Autodidact & Polymath * Electronic Tech. (ret.)
|*   Waltham, Mass.   *|*  -----------------------------------------------
|*  address@hidden  *|*  I thought all caps went out of use with the
|*  Amateur musician  *|*  early Apple ][. Not so, of course.

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