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Re: lynx-dev Setting up lynx.lss

From: Jonathan D. Proulx
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Setting up lynx.lss
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 17:29:16 -0500

On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 02:55:25PM -0400, address@hidden wrote:
Hello again,

Perhaps I was unclear,

I have set colors by tag in lynx.lss using the example file provided
with the sources.

I wish to set colors for the active link and the results of 
'whereis' queries (the text found by "/" searches)

Where are these colors set and how do I define them

Earlier I said:
> > 
> > Hi, 
> >  
> > I've compiled v2.8.1rel2 with lynx.lss support, but I can't figure out how 
> > to set the colors for the active link or the results of a "whereis" query. 
> >  
> > lynx.cfg doesn't seem to have any effect on visual formatting. 

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden> responded:
> for color-styles, lynx.cfg doesn't have much effect - all of the colors
> are set in lynx.lss
> there are a few more examples of lynx.lss in the current pre-release of
> lynx which you may find useful -
> The current version of lynx is 2.8.1 (2.8.2 in development)
> It's available at
> > Thanks. 
> -- 
> Thomas E. Dickey
> address@hidden

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