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lynx-dev [PATCH][pre2] Leak in dired_options

From: John Bley
Subject: lynx-dev [PATCH][pre2] Leak in dired_options
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 07:09:45 -0400 (EDT)

* Patch small leak in dired_options (LYLocal.c) (John Bley)

John Bley - address@hidden
Duke '99 - English/Computer Science
  Since English is a mess, it maps well onto the problem space,
  which is also a mess, which we call reality.     - Larry Wall

diff -Burp lynx2-8-2/src/LYLocal.c lynx2-8-2-patched/src/LYLocal.c
--- lynx2-8-2/src/LYLocal.c     Sat May  8 13:46:28 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2-patched/src/LYLocal.c     Mon May 10 07:07:05 1999
@@ -1609,6 +1609,7 @@ PUBLIC int dired_options ARGS2(
     cp = HTpartURL_toFile(doc->address);
     strcpy(dir, cp);
+    FREE(cp);
     if (doc->link > -1 && doc->link < (nlinks+1)) {
        cp = HTfullURL_toFile(links[doc->link].lname);

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