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lynx-dev [PATCH][pre1] minor cookie leakage

From: John Bley
Subject: lynx-dev [PATCH][pre1] minor cookie leakage
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 03:28:04 -0400 (EDT)

* Fix some minor leakage in the cookie jar (John Bley)

This pops up whenever I manually delete a specific cookie from the jar.
I haven't dabbled with the cookie code before, so I'm not sure if
this is a valid patch, somebody who knows cookies well might 
want to check it.

John Bley - address@hidden
Duke '99 - English/Computer Science
  Since English is a mess, it maps well onto the problem space,
  which is also a mess, which we call reality.     - Larry Wall

diff -Burp lynx2-8-2/src/LYCookie.c lynx2-8-2-patched/src/LYCookie.c
--- lynx2-8-2/src/LYCookie.c    Wed May  5 20:33:59 1999
+++ lynx2-8-2-patched/src/LYCookie.c    Thu May  6 03:19:52 1999
@@ -2449,6 +2449,7 @@ Delete_all_cookies_in_domain:
+       FREE(lynxID);

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