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lynx-dev Re: gettext yes/no (was: structured description of lynx.cfg set

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: lynx-dev Re: gettext yes/no (was: structured description of lynx.cfg settings)
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 07:18:34 -0400

On Mon, May 03, 1999 at 07:36:57PM -0600, address@hidden wrote:
> In a recent note, Webmaster Jim said:
> > #define HEAD_D_L_OR_CANCEL \
> >  gettext("Send HEAD request for D)ocument or L)ink, or C)ancel? (d,l,c): ")
> >  gettext("Send HEAD request for 1)Document or 2)Link or 3)Cancel (1,2,3): ")
> <sigh> We're on the threshold of reverting 25 years to the BASIC Startrek
> game of the Altair S-100 computer:
>     1) Fire Phasers
> Why do I not perceive progress here?  But NLS accessibility is why
> power switches are now labelled "0" and "1", isn't it?  :-)

To keep the messages short (fitting in 80 columns ;-), I would leave the
existing "english" answers working. I just couldn't think of a clean way
to do this:

Send HEAD request for (1,D)ocument or (2,L)ink or (3,C)ancel (1,2,3,d,l,c):

that would make sense when translated to other languages.

Marvin the Paranoid Android.

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