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Re: lynx-dev INSTALLATION file changes (was: Fix --disable-trace, #inclu

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev INSTALLATION file changes (was: Fix --disable-trace, #includes)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 09:29:56 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, Ismael Cordeiro wrote:

> BOXVERT and BOXHORi only work with curses/ncurses, not with slang. I think
> that they should be extended to slang, if possible.

Lynx with slang just uses SLsmg_draw_box().  I don't know of an interface
to tell slang what box drawing chars to use in that function.  They seem
to be hardwired.

> And a BOXCORNER would be nice too.

None of them should be necessary if terminfo files had the right
content and people used the right term type...

Well the terminfo language isn't really expressive enough for all
situations.  For the linux console, the display font can change
during run time, some fonts support the drawing chars and others
don't.  One would have to change the term type at run time in
order to always have the right capability info.


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