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Lynx FTP site test (was: lynx-dev Request for vote...)

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: Lynx FTP site test (was: lynx-dev Request for vote...)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 09:55:30 -0500

On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 04:00:44PM -0500, Webmaster Jim wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 01:17:22PM +0200, Serge Munhoven wrote:
> > Though I understand from today's messages on the list that things are also
> > moving on Jim's side, I've got the following on mine (after seeing all those
> > starving mirrors :-) 
> [more snipola]
> I will have the primary Lynx FTP site running and announced next week.
> After that, we will publish the list of mirror sites as they are set up.
> Believe me, the Lynx community will benefit greatly from the site we
> have been given.

The directory layout and automated mirroring is not yet ready, but Lynx
users who have the chance this weekend can help test the FTP site for
Lynx distribution. The directory for the current distribution will be:

This has been aliased by Rob Partington to also be:

Our intent is to add "official" mirrors around the globe that will
be aliased with the same pattern. My test this morning showed a file
transfer rate to BCPL peaking at 25KB/second using Lynx to transfer If someone can test FTP restart, that would be good.

We thank Paul Vixie and the Internet Software Consortium for providing
the FTP service for Lynx development.


Marvin the Paranoid Android says:
You'll have a really miserable time.

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