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Re: lynx-dev [PATCH][dev21] the binary size battle: disabling charsets

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev [PATCH][dev21] the binary size battle: disabling charsets
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:16:10 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, John Bley wrote:

> Here's an idea for allowing extra rope to hang yourself on binary size: 
> disabling all the character sets except ISO-8859-1 and 7-bit ASCII 
> approximations.  It makes for a roughly 79KB decrease (here).

I'm curious: how much of that is due to just the mnem*/rfc* stuff?

> The wording of the comment, the character sets to in/exclude, heck, the 
> whole idea are up for comments.

> +AC_MSG_CHECKING(if you want to exclude most charsets)
> +CF_ARG_DISABLE(most-charsets,
> +[  --disable-most-charsets disable most charsets],
> +      [use_most_charsets=yes],
> +      [use_most_charsets=no])
> +AC_MSG_RESULT($use_most_charsets)

Does it really "disable" the charsets?  Disabling a charset seems to mean
that lynx cannot properly (or refuses to) render documents with such a
charsets.  I don't know how a lynx compiled with this flag acutally behaves
in the face of such documents.  Maybe there should be a better wording
(but I have none currently).


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