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Re: lynx-dev lynx-2.8.2dev19 commandline parsing question. nntp problems

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx-2.8.2dev19 commandline parsing question. nntp problems.
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:06:32 -0500 (EST)

>   I've decided to work on lynx-2.8.2dev19 commandline handling. IMO lynx  
>   does slightly incorrectly. When it scans for specially-handled options in  
>   'main':LYMain.c , it uses calls like 
>       if (strncmp(buf, "-nosocks", 8) == 0) 
>   (this way seems to be dominating) for options that don't accept arguments 
>   or (less frequently - seems to be newer code) 
>       if (strcmp(buf, "-validate") == 0) 
>   First way seems incorrect for me - it will accept both "-nosocks" and  
>   "-nosocks-blah-blah-blah". I can correct this ( ie make all calls for  
>   options w/o args to look like  2nd line). Should I? 

The argument processing is done over a large area of lynx.  I don't want
to tamper with the style of argument processing unless it's collected
into a single area (so we can keep the program running).

>   It seems that lynx doesn't check whether more than 1 URL is passed in  
>   commandline options (and from stdin): ie  
>     lynx file1.html file2.html 
>   is not reported as an error. Should I fix this? If yes, should lynx 
> complain 
>   about it and dump "help" or display 1st file? 
>   I've decided to modify LYMain.c so it will also accept commandline args  
>   in GNU style (ie --localhost is same for -localhost). Are there any  
>   objections against it? 
Thomas E. Dickey

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