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lynx-dev Re: LYNX-DEV: new version hangs often

From: Kim DeVaughn
Subject: lynx-dev Re: LYNX-DEV: new version hangs often
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 11:22:54 -0800

On Sat, Feb 20, 1999, David Combs (address@hidden) said:
| I don't know what the problem is; load factor is only
| .5 or so on sun running sunos 4.x

I've failed to understand just what this is supposed to be
telling me:

| I had been at LOTS of sites (ie cache surely filled by now),
| and then did a "v" to see my bookmarks again without popping
| down several slots down the stack to see it that way:
| and got this:
| with Lynx 2.8.2dev.14 (18 Jan 1999)
| ^C^C^C^G^G^G
| Exiting via interrupt: 2
| ^c, ^G; none worked.
| ^z worked, enabling me o kill the job:
| Then I had to kill the job:
| with Lynx 2.8.2dev.14 (18 Jan 1999)
| ^C^C^C^G^G^G
| Exiting via interrupt: 2
| Any Ideas
| ???

however, I gather that you are having problems using ^C and/or ^Z
in the normal UNIX manner.

Since you're using Netcom, is the copy of lynx that you're running
the NUGLOPS (user supported) version?

If so, and if that is actually in wchung's dirs (I think that is the
correct account spelling), then take a *look* at the "binary" for
lynx with "less" or "more".

Do you see a 10-15 line shell script at the top?  If not, ignore the

When I had an account there, he was gzip'ing the actual binary, and
prepending that with a shell script that would gunzip the actual
compressed binary which followed, and then exec'ing it in some way
or other.

Since SunOS doesn't support auotmatic loading/running of compressed
binaries in a transparent manner (like, say, FreeBSD does), that is/
was his method of saving on disk space.

It works alright (mostly), but I *do* recall it causing problems with
signal handling for trn4, so I suspect similar problems would be seen
when running such a lynx.

You may want to try copying his "binary" to your account (or /tmp) as
"lynx.gz", stripping off the shell script part using an editor that
doesn't munge binary chars (emacs is OK, dunno about others), gunzip'ing
the now edited "lynx.gz", and then executing that directly with "./lynx"
(be sure ./lynx has 0755 perms ... chmod it first, if it doesn't).

Your ^C/^Z problems may or may not disappear, but in any case, you'll
have eliminated at least one possible source of trouble ...


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