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Re: lynx-dev has anyone examined adding 'url-ifying' text/plain in lynx?

From: Michael Warner
Subject: Re: lynx-dev has anyone examined adding 'url-ifying' text/plain in lynx?
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 01:26:15 -0800

On or about 30 Jan 1999, Larry W. Virden <address@hidden> wrote:

> There is a config option now that lynx uses to determine whether to
> make an attempt to hypertext url looking strings in nntp files.  I
> was wondering if anyone had thought about a config option for non-html
> text/* files as well. 

Not a built-in, but you can run the page through an external
program like "urlview" 


with a PRINTER definition.  I use

PRINTER:Redirect curr. file to urlview:urlview < %s:TRUE

Urlview strips out URL's from the file, according to a regex,
gives them to you in a menu, and then launches lynx on your
selected URL.  You end up running a second instance of lynx for
a while, which I guess isn't a Good Thing, but it works for me
unless/until something better is available.

I'm mildly puzzled by something.  I could have sworn it used
to work to do something like:

PRINTER:cat file somewhere:cat %s | myprog:TRUE

but now (and possibly before, too, I guess) lynx only seems
to use the "cat %s" part, so the file goes to the screen
instead of the pipe.  It still works to do

PRINTER:cat file somewhere:cat %s | %s:TRUE

and specify the destination via the second "%s" prompt.

Am I mis-remembering, or just plain wrong, or doing something
stupid, or has something changed?  Nothing major, just

Michael Warner          "You're cute when you're stupid"
<address@hidden>                                -- R.A. Miller

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