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Re: lynx-dev Improper ~/ expansion in file://

From: Ryan Hung
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Improper ~/ expansion in file://
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 02:25:40 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 22 Nov 1998, Klaus Weide wrote:
> This change (untested) should prevent generation of the duplicate
> slash from /~ in file URL, but doesn't do anything about the other
> problems.   
> When /~ appears in something in "file syntax", i.e. a file without
> "file:", it is normally handled in LYConvertToURL() in LYUtils.c
> which doesn't introduce a double slash.

Hmm.  Well, thanks for helping to sort this out, but the patch doesn't fix
the file://localhost/~ expansion problem.  The /~ is expanded correctly
when you, say, load Lynx with the commandline "lynx /~", but you can't use
this as a URL and hence it doesn't work for jumpfiles, which is what we
are trying to do.


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